src/gray_plasma.f90: use mollifier to interpolate density
This methods ensures n_e(ψ) is everywhere positive and C²-continuous. The density boundary is now dependent on the width w of the mollifier, which also controls the smoothness of the curve, specifically: ψ_bnd = ψ_last + w where ψ_last = 1.01 currently is an extra point added to improve the convergence of the mollified density to the original data as w→0.
This commit is contained in:
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ MHD equilibrium parameters
- *0*, use sign from COCOS
- *0*, use sign from COCOS
**sgni** (default: **0**)
**sgni** (default: **0**)
: Force the sign of the plasma current. One of: *+1*,
: Force the sign of the plasma current. One of:
- *+1*, counter-clockwise (viewed from above)
- *+1*, counter-clockwise (viewed from above)
- *-1*, clockwise
- *-1*, clockwise
@ -226,10 +226,11 @@ MHD equilibrium parameters
: Filepath of the plasma profiles data (relative to the gray.ini file)
: Filepath of the plasma profiles data (relative to the gray.ini file)
**sspld** (default: **0.1**)
**sspld** (default: **0.020**)
: Tension of the electron density spline
: Width of the the electron density mollifier (>0)
Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
Large values produce smoother profiles but also increase
the density boundary (`psnbnd = 1.01 + sspld`).
**factte** (default: **1.0**)
**factte** (default: **1.0**)
: Rescaling factor for the electron temperature factte = 1
: Rescaling factor for the electron temperature factte = 1
@ -305,7 +306,6 @@ Below is an example of a gray.ini file
irho = RHO_TOR
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "profiles.txt"
filenm = "profiles.txt"
sspld = 0.01
ipec = RHO_POL
ipec = RHO_POL
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ equiln.txt x filename for equilibrium
1 2 x iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
1 2 x iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
profilesn.txt x filename for profiles
profilesn.txt x filename for profiles
1.05 0.005 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1.05 0.005 : psi plasma boundary, sspld width of density mollifier
1 1 1 x factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 1 1 x factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 501 x ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
1 501 x ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ module gray_params
! Kinetic plasma profiles
! Kinetic plasma profiles
type profiles_parameters
type profiles_parameters
real(wp_) :: psnbnd = 1.01_wp_ ! Plasma boundary (ψ: ne(ψ)=0)
real(wp_) :: psnbnd = 1.0_wp_ ! Plasma boundary (ψ: ne(ψ)=0)
real(wp_) :: sspld = 0.1_wp_ ! Density spline tension
real(wp_) :: sspld = 0.020_wp_ ! Density mollifier width
real(wp_) :: factne = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescale factor for n_e
real(wp_) :: factne = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescale factor for n_e
real(wp_) :: factte = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescale factor for T_e
real(wp_) :: factte = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescale factor for T_e
integer(kind(scaling_enum)) :: iscal = SCALE_OFF ! Rescaling model for n_e,T_e
integer(kind(scaling_enum)) :: iscal = SCALE_OFF ! Rescaling model for n_e,T_e
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
module gray_plasma
module gray_plasma
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero
use splines, only : spline_1d
use splines, only : spline_1d, mollifier_1d
implicit none
implicit none
@ -67,22 +67,11 @@ module gray_plasma
procedure :: zeff => analytic_zeff
procedure :: zeff => analytic_zeff
end type
end type
! Parameters of the C² polynomial tail of the density spline
type density_tail
real(wp_) :: start ! ψ₀, start of the tail
real(wp_) :: end ! ψ₁, end of the end
real(wp_) :: value ! s(ψ₀), value at the start
real(wp_) :: deriv1 ! s'(ψ₀), first derivative at the start
real(wp_) :: deriv2 ! s"(ψ₀), second derivative at the start
end type
! Numerical plasma description
! Numerical plasma description
type, extends(abstract_plasma) :: numeric_plasma
type, extends(abstract_plasma) :: numeric_plasma
type(spline_1d) :: dens_spline
type(mollifier_1d) :: dens_spline
type(spline_1d) :: temp_spline
type(spline_1d) :: temp_spline, zeff_spline
type(spline_1d) :: zeff_spline
type(density_tail) :: tail
procedure :: init => init_splines
procedure :: init => init_splines
procedure :: density => numeric_density
procedure :: density => numeric_density
@ -173,59 +162,13 @@ contains
! Bail out when ψ is not available
! Bail out when ψ is not available
if (psin < 0) return
if (psin < 0) return
! Past the tail end both density and its
! Past ψ=1.01 + the width of the mollifier, both the
! derivatives are identically zero
! density and its derivative are identically zero
if (psin >= self%tail%end) return
if (psin >= 1.01_wp_ + self%dens_spline%w) return
if (psin < self%tail%start) then
! Interpolate the data
! Use the interpolating spline when in range
dens = self%dens_spline%eval(psin)
ddens = self%dens_spline%eval(psin, order=1)
! Evaluate the spline
dens = self%dens_spline%eval(psin)
ddens = self%dens_spline%deriv(psin)
! Evaluate the spline 1st derivative
if (abs(dens) < 1.0e-10_wp_) dens = 0
! Use a C² polynomial extension outside (ψ > ψ₀)
! The tail consists of the product p(ψ)⋅h(t), where:
! - p(ψ) is the 2nd order Taylor polynomial of the spline,
! centered at ψ₀. See set_profiles_spline for details.
! - h(t) is a "smoothing" polynomial in the variable
! t = (ψ - ψ₀)/(ψ₁ - ψ₀), defined as:
! h(t) = (1 - t)³⋅(1 + 3t + 6t²)
! with the following properties:
! h(0) = 1 h'(0)=0 h"(0)=0
! h(1) = 0 h'(1)=0 h"(1)=0
real(wp_) :: dpsi, t, p, dp, h, dh
dpsi = psin - self%tail%start ! Δψ = (ψ - ψ₀)
! Taylor polynomial p(ψ) and its derivative
p = self%tail%value + dpsi*self%tail%deriv1 + dpsi**2*self%tail%deriv2/2
dp = self%tail%deriv1 + dpsi*self%tail%deriv2
! Smoothing polynomial h(t) and its derivative
t = dpsi/(self%tail%end - self%tail%start)
h = (1 - t)**3 * (1 + 3*t + 6*t**2)
dh = -30*(1 - t)**2 * t**2 / (self%tail%end - self%tail%start)
dens = p*h
ddens = dp*h + p*dh
end block
end if
if (dens < 0) then
write (msg, '("negative density:", 2(x,a,"=",g0.3))') &
'ne', dens, 'ψ', psin
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='density')
end if
end subroutine numeric_density
end subroutine numeric_density
@ -410,77 +353,14 @@ contains
call self%temp_spline%init(psi, temp, n)
call self%temp_spline%init(psi, temp, n)
call self%zeff_spline%init(psi, zeff, n)
call self%zeff_spline%init(psi, zeff, n)
! Spline interpolation of density (smooth spline)
! Mollified linear interpolation of density
call self%dens_spline%init(psi, dens, n, range=[zero, psi(n)], &
! Note: we add an extra datum to ensure n_e=0
tension=params%profiles%sspld, err=err)
call self%dens_spline%init( &
x=[psi, 1.01_wp_], &
y=[dens, 0.00_wp_], &
! Tension is very small, re-fit with an interpolating spline
! Make sure the wave launcher does not fall inside the plasma
if (err == -1) then
call log_warning('re-fitting with density curve with zero tension', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
call self%dens_spline%init(psi, dens, n, range=[zero, psi(n)], tension=zero)
else if (err > 0) then
write (msg, '(a, g0)') 'density fit failed with error ', err
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
err = 2
err = 0
end if
! Computation of the polynomial tail parameters
! Note: The density is the only quantity that needs to be evaluated
! at the edge. The spline thus has to be extended to transition
! smoothly from the last profile point to 0 outside the plasma.
real(wp_) :: s0, s1, s2 ! spline, 1st, 2nd derivative
real(wp_) :: delta4 ! discriminant Δ/4 of q(x)
real(wp_) :: x0, x1 ! vertex of q(x), solution
! Compute the coefficients of a 2nd order Taylor polinomial to
! extend the spline beyond the last point:
! p(ψ) = s(ψ₀) + (ψ - ψ₀)s'(ψ₀) + ½(ψ - ψ₀)²s"(ψ₀)
! where s(ψ) is the spline and ψ₀ the last point.
s0 = self%dens_spline%eval(psi(n))
s1 = self%dens_spline%deriv(psi(n), order=1)
s2 = self%dens_spline%deriv(psi(n), order=2)
! Determine where to end the tail (to ensure the density remains
! positive) from the zeros of the Taylor polynomial p(ψ)
! Define x=(ψ - ψ₀), then p(ψ)=0 is rewritten as
! q(x) = x² + 2s'/s" x + 2s/s" = 0
! The discriminant is Δ/4 = (s'/s")² - 2(s/s") and
! the solutions are x = x₀ ± √(Δ/4), with x₀ = -s'/s".
x0 = -s1 / s2 ! vertex of parabola y=q(x)
delta4 = (s1 / s2)**2 - 2*s0/s2 ! Δ/4 of q(x)
if (delta4 > 0) then
! Pick the smallest positive zero (implying >ψ₀)
x1 = x0 + sign(sqrt(delta4), sqrt(delta4) - x0)
! There are no zeros, use the parabola vertex
x1 = x0
call log_debug('spline extension has no zeros', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
end if
! Store the tail parameters
self%tail%start = psi(n)
self%tail%end = self%tail%start + x1
self%tail%value = s0
self%tail%deriv1 = s1
self%tail%deriv2 = s2
end block
! Make sure the wave launcher does not fall inside the tail
! Note: if it does, the initial wave conditions become
! Note: if it does, the initial wave conditions become
! invalid as they are given assuming a vacuum (N=1)
! invalid as they are given assuming a vacuum (N=1)
@ -497,32 +377,34 @@ contains
! Note: this returns -1 when the data is not available
! Note: this returns -1 when the data is not available
call equil%pol_flux(R, z, psi)
call equil%pol_flux(R, z, psi)
if (psi > self%tail%start .and. psi < self%tail%end) then
if (psi > 0 .and. psi < 1) then
! Fall back to the midpoint of ψ₀ and the launcher ψ
call log_warning('downscaled tail to not reach the wave launcher', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
write (msg, '(a, g0.3, a, g0.3, " → ", g0.3)') &
'launcher: ψ=', psi, ' boundary: ψ=', self%tail%end, (self%tail%start + psi)/2
call log_debug(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
self%tail%end = (self%tail%start + psi)/2
end if
if (psi > 0 .and. psi < self%tail%start) then
! This must be a user error, stop here
! This must be a user error, stop here
write (msg, '(a, a, g0.3, a, g0.3)') &
write (msg, '(a, a, g0.3, a, g0.3)') &
'wave launcher is inside the plasma! ', &
'wave launcher is inside the plasma! ', &
'launcher: ψ=', psi, ' boundary: ψ=', self%tail%end
'launcher: ψ=', psi, ' boundary: ψ=1'
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
err = 2
err = 2
end if
end if
if (psi > 1 .and. psi < 1.01_wp_ + self%dens_spline%w) then
! Shrink the density mollifier width
call log_warning('reduced density mollification to not' // &
' reach the wave launcher', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
write (msg, '(a, g0.3, a, g0.3, " → ", g0.3)') &
'launcher: ψ=', psi, ' boundary: ψ=', &
1.01_wp_+self%dens_spline%w, (1.01_wp_+psi)/2
call log_debug(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
self%dens_spline%w = (psi - 1.01_wp_)/2
end if
end block
end block
! Set the density boundary ψ
! Set the density boundary ψ
! Note: this is used to detect entrance in the plasma
! Note: this is used to detect entrance in the plasma
params%profiles%psnbnd = self%tail%end
params%profiles%psnbnd = 1.01_wp_ + self%dens_spline%w
write (msg, '(a,g0.4)') 'density boundary: ψ=', self%tail%end
write (msg, '(a,g0.4)') 'density boundary: ψ=', params%profiles%psnbnd
call log_info(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
call log_info(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
end subroutine init_splines
end subroutine init_splines
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ contains
pure subroutine locate(array, value, index)
pure subroutine locate(array, value, index)
! Given an `array`, and a `value` returns the `index`
! Given an `array`, and a `value` returns the `index`
! such that `array(index) < value < array(index+1)`
! such that `array(index) < value ≤ array(index+1)`
! Notes:
! Notes:
! 1. `array` must be monotonic, either increasing or decreasing.
! 1. `array` must be monotonic, either increasing or decreasing.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user