diff --git a/src/gray-externals.f90 b/src/gray-externals.f90 deleted file mode 100644 index 4efafae..0000000 --- a/src/gray-externals.f90 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,416 +0,0 @@ -! program gray -! use gray_params, only : ipass,igrad -! implicit none -!! local variables -! real(wp_) :: p0mw1 -!! common/external functions/variables -! integer :: ierr,index_rt -! real(wp_) :: sox,p0mw,powrfl,taumn,taumx,pabstot,currtot, -!! -! common/ierr/ierr -! common/mode/sox -! common/p0/p0mw -! common/powrfl/powrfl -! common/index_rt/index_rt -! common/taumnx/taumn,taumx,pabstot,currtot -!! -! if (ipass.gt.1) then -!! second pass into plasma -! p0mw1=p0mw -! igrad=0 -!! -! index_rt=2 -! p0mw=p0mw1*powrfl -! call prfile -! call vectinit2 -! call paraminit -! call ic_rt2 -! call gray_integration -! call after_gray_integration -! pabstott=pabstott+pabstot -! currtott=currtott+currtot -!! -! index_rt=3 -! sox=-sox -! p0mw=p0mw1*(1.0_wp_-powrfl) -! call prfile -! call vectinit2 -! call paraminit -! call ic_rt2 -! call gray_integration -! call after_gray_integration -! pabstott=pabstott+pabstot -! currtott=currtott+currtot -! end if -!! -! end program gray -! -! -! -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -! ins_pl=inside_plasma(rrm,zzm) -! if (mod(iop(j,k),2).eq.0 .and. ins_pl) then -! iop(j,k)=iop(j,k)+1 -! call pol_limit(sox,ext(j,k,iop(j,k)),eyt(j,k,iop(j,k))) -! -! if (ipass.gt.1 .and. index_rt.eq.1 .and. -! . iowmax.gt.1 .and. istore(j,k).eq.0) then -! istore(j,k)=istore(j,k)+1 -! yyrfl(j,k,1:3)=xv -! yyrfl(j,k,4:6)=anv -! ihcd(j,k)=0 -! end if -! else if (mod(iop(j,k),2).eq.1.and. -! . .not.ins_pl) then -! iop(j,k)=iop(j,k)+1 -! call pol_limit(sox,ext(j,k,iop(j,k)),eyt(j,k,iop(j,k))) -! end if -! -! if (ipass.gt.1) then -! if (iow(j,k).eq.0 .and. inside(rlim,zlim,nlim,rrm,zzm)) then -! iow(j,k)=1 -! else if (iow(j,k).eq.1 .and. -! . .not.inside(rlim,zlim,nlim,rrm,zzm)) then -! iow(j,k)=2 -! if (ins_pl) then -! iop(j,k)=iop(j,k)+1 -! call pol_limit(sox,ext(j,k,iop(j,k)),eyt(j,k,iop(j,k))) -! end if -! call wall_refl(xv-dst*anv,anv,ext(j,k,iop(j,k)), -! . eyt(j,k,iop(j,k)),xvrfl,anvrfl,extr,eytr,anw,irfl) -! istore(j,k)=istore(j,k)+1 -! yyrfl(j,k,1:3)=xvrfl -! yyrfl(j,k,4:6)=anvrfl -! tau1v(j,k)=tauv(j,k,iiv(j,k)) -! ext(j,k,iop(j,k))=extr -! eyt(j,k,iop(j,k))=eytr -! if (j.lt.jclosest) then -! jclosest=j -! anwcl=anw -! xwcl=xvrfl -! end if -! xv=xvrfl -! anv=anvrfl -! rrm=1.0e-2_wp_*sqrt(xv(1)**2+xv(2)**2) -! zzm=1.0e-2_wp_*xv(3) -! ywrk(1:3,j,k)=xv -! ywrk(4:6,j,k)=anv -! igrad=0 -! call gwork(sox,xgcn,bres,j,k) -! if (ins_pl) then -! iop(j,k)=iop(j,k)+1 -! call pol_limit(sox,ext(j,k,iop(j,k)),eyt(j,k,iop(j,k))) -! if (index_rt.eq.1) ihcd(j,k)=0 -! end if -! end if -! end if -! -! if(index_rt.eq.1 .and. j.eq.1) psinv11=psinv -! if(iop(j,k).lt.iopmin) iopmin=iop(j,k) -! if(iow(j,k).lt.iowmin) iowmin=iow(j,k) -! if(iow(j,k).gt.iowmax) iowmax=iow(j,k) -! -! xvjk(:,j,k)=xv -! anvjk(:,j,k)=anv -! -! end do -! end do -! if(jclosest.le.nrayr) then -! aknmin=1.0_wp_ -! do j=1,nrayr -! kkk=nrayth -! if(j.eq.1) kkk=1 -! do k=1,kkk -! print*,i,j,k -! print*,anwcl,xwcl,anvjk(1:2,j,k) -! anwclr=(anwcl(1)*xwcl(1)+anwcl(2)*xwcl(2)) -! . /sqrt(xwcl(1)**2+xwcl(2)**2) -! anvjkr=(anvjk(1,j,k)*xvjk(1,j,k)+anvjk(2,j,k)*xvjk(2,j,k)) -! . /sqrt(xvjk(1,j,k)**2+xvjk(2,j,k)**2) -! akdotn=anwclr*anvjkr+anwcl(3)*anvjk(3,j,k) -! if(akdotn.lt.aknmin) aknmin=akdotn -! end do -! end do -! else -! aknmin=-1.0_wp_ -! end if -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -! -!! single pass is stopped when all the rays have crossed the plasma -!! or complete absorption has occurred -!! same for successive passes of multi-pass simulations (here exit -!! from vessel is detected too -!! first pass in multi-pass simulation is stopped when at least one -!! ray has reflected and all rays are directed away from -!! reflection point, or when no reflection has occurred and -!! central ray re-enters the plasma -! -! if((ipass.eq.1 .and. ((iopmin.gt.1) .or. -! . (taumn.lt.1.0e+30_wp_.and.taumn.gt.taucr))) -! . .or.(index_rt.gt.1 .and. (iopmin.gt.1 .or. iowmin.gt.1 .or. -! . (taumn.lt.1.0e+30_wp_.and.taumn.gt.taucr)))) then -! istop=1 -! else if(ipass.gt.1 .and. index_rt.eq.1 .and. -! . ((iowmin.gt.1 .and. aknmin.gt.0) .or. -! . (iowmax.le.1 .and. iop(1,1).gt.2))) then -!! flag second pass mode coupling as unset -! powrfl=-1.0_wp_ -! qqout=0.0_wp_ -! uuout=0.0_wp_ -! vvout=0.0_wp_ -! do j=1,nrayr -! kkk=nrayth -! if(j.eq.1) kkk=1 -! do k=1,kkk -!! store missing initial conditions for the second pass -! if (istore(j,k).eq.0) then -! istore(j,k)=istore(j,k)+1 -! yyrfl(j,k,1:3)=xvjk(:,j,k) -! yyrfl(j,k,4:6)=anvjk(:,j,k) -! tau1v(j,k)=tauv(j,k,iiv(j,k)) -! end if -!! determine mode coupling at the plasma boundary -! if (powrfl.lt.0.0_wp_) then -! call vacuum_rt(xvjk(:,j,k),anvjk(:,j,k),xvvac,ivac) -!! look for first ray hitting the plasma, starting from the central -!! and evaluate polarization -! if (ivac.eq.1) then -! y(1:3)=xvjk(:,j,k) -! y(4:6)=anvjk(:,j,k) -! call fwork(sox,xgcn,bres,y,dery) -! call pol_limit(sox,exin2,eyin2) -! call stokes(exin2,eyin2,qqin2,uuin2,vvin2) -! powloop: do j1=1,nrayr -! kkkk=nrayth -! if(j1.eq.1) kkkk=1 -! do k1=1,kkkk -!! look for first ray which completed the first pass in the plasma -! if (iop(j1,k1).gt.1) then -!! if found, use its polarization state to compute mode coupling -! call stokes(ext(j1,k1,2),eyt(j1,k1,2), -! . qqout,uuout,vvout) -! exit powloop -! end if -! end do -! end do powloop -!! if no ray completed a first pass in the plasma, use central ray -!! initial polarization (possibly reflected) -! if (qqout.le.0.0_wp_) then -! call stokes(ext(1,1,0),eyt(1,1,0),qqout,uuout,vvout) -! end if -! powrfl=0.5_wp_*(1.0_wp_+vvout*vvin2+ -! . uuout*uuin2+qqout*qqin2) -! end if -! end if -! end do -! end do -! strfl11=i*dst -! write(6,*) ' ' -! write(6,*) 'Reflected power fraction =',powrfl -! write(66,*) psipol,chipol,powrfl -! istop=1 -! end if -! -! return -! end -! -! -! -! subroutine ic_rt(x00,y00,z00,anx0c,any0c,anz0c,ak0,xgcn,bres, -! . wcsi,weta,rcicsi,rcieta,phiw,phir,sox,psipol0,chipol0) -!! ray tracing initial conditions igrad=0 -!! -! use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,izero,zero,one,pi, -! . cvdr=>degree,ui=>im -! use gray_params, only : ipol -! use beamdata, only : nrayr,nrayth,rwmax,ywrk0=>ywrk,ypwrk0=>ypwrk, -! . xc0=>xc,du10=>du1,dffiu,ddffiu,grad2,dgrad2v,gri,ggri,ext,eyt -! implicit none -!! arguments -! real(wp_), intent(in) :: x00,y00,z00,anx0c,any0c,anz0c -! real(wp_), intent(in) :: ak0,xgcn,bres -! real(wp_), intent(in) :: wcsi,weta,rcicsi,rcieta,phiw,phir -! real(wp_), intent(in) :: sox,psipol0,chipol0 -!! local constants -! integer, parameter :: ndim=6,ndimm=3 -!! local variables -! integer :: j,k,iv,jv,iproj,nfilp -! real(wp_) :: csth,snth,csps,snps,phiwrad,csphiw,snphiw,dr,da,u, -! . alfak,dcsiw,detaw,dx0t,dy0t,x0t,y0t,z0t,dx0,dy0,dz0,x0,y0,z0, -! . anzt,anxt,anyt,anx,any,anz,an20,an0,anx0,any0,anz0,vgradi,r0, -! . x0m,y0m,r0m,z0m,ancsi,aneta,ppcsi,ppeta,deltapol,qq,uu,vv -! real(wp_), dimension(ndim) :: ytmp,yptmp -!! common/external functions/variables -! real(wp_) :: dd,an2s,an2,fdia,bdotgr,ddi,ddr11,psinv,dens,ddens, -! . tekev,anpl,anpr,brr,bphi,bzz,ajphi,psipol,chipol,psinv11 -! -!! -! common/ddd/dd,an2s,an2,fdia,bdotgr,ddi,ddr11 -! common/nplr/anpl,anpr -! common/psival/psinv -! common/parpl/brr,bphi,bzz,ajphi -! common/dens/dens,ddens -! common/tete/tekev -! common/polcof/psipol,chipol -! common/psinv11/psinv11 -!! -! csth=anz0c -! snth=sqrt(1.0_wp_-csth**2) -! csps=1.0_wp_ -! snps=0.0_wp_ -! if(snth.gt.0.0_wp_) then -! csps=any0c/snth -! snps=anx0c/snth -! end if -!! -! phiwrad=phiw*cvdr -! csphiw=cos(phiwrad) -! snphiw=sin(phiwrad) -!! -! dr=1.0_wp_ -! if(nrayr.gt.1) dr=rwmax/dble(nrayr-1) -! da=2.0_wp_*pi/dble(nrayth) -! z0t=0.0_wp_ -!! -! do j=1,nrayr -! u=dble(j-1) -! dffiu(j)=0.0_wp_ -! ddffiu(j)=0.0_wp_ -! do k=1,nrayth -! alfak=(k-1)*da -! dcsiw=dr*cos(alfak)*wcsi -! detaw=dr*sin(alfak)*weta -! dx0t=dcsiw*csphiw-detaw*snphiw -! dy0t=dcsiw*snphiw+detaw*csphiw -! x0t=u*dx0t -! y0t=u*dy0t -!! -!! csiw=u*dcsiw -!! etaw=u*detaw -!! csir=csiw -!! etar=etaw -!! -! dx0= x0t*csps+snps*(y0t*csth+z0t*snth) -! dy0=-x0t*snps+csps*(y0t*csth+z0t*snth) -! dz0= z0t*csth-y0t*snth -!! -! x0=x00+dx0 -! y0=y00+dy0 -! z0=z00+dz0 -!! -! ppcsi=u*dr*cos(alfak)*rcicsi -! ppeta=u*dr*sin(alfak)*rcieta -!! -! anzt=1.0_wp_/sqrt(1.0_wp_+ppcsi**2+ppeta**2) -! ancsi=ppcsi*anzt -! aneta=ppeta*anzt -!! -! anxt=ancsi*csphiw-aneta*snphiw -! anyt=ancsi*snphiw+aneta*csphiw -!! -! anx= anxt*csps+snps*(anyt*csth+anzt*snth) -! any=-anxt*snps+csps*(anyt*csth+anzt*snth) -! anz= anzt*csth-anyt*snth -!! -! an20=1.0_wp_ -! an0=sqrt(an20) -! anx0=anx -! any0=any -! anz0=anz -!! -! xc0(1,j,k)=x0 -! xc0(2,j,k)=y0 -! xc0(3,j,k)=z0 -!! -! ywrk0(1,j,k)=x0 -! ywrk0(2,j,k)=y0 -! ywrk0(3,j,k)=z0 -! ywrk0(4,j,k)=anx0 -! ywrk0(5,j,k)=any0 -! ywrk0(6,j,k)=anz0 -!! -! ypwrk0(1,j,k) = anx0/an0 -! ypwrk0(2,j,k) = any0/an0 -! ypwrk0(3,j,k) = anz0/an0 -! ypwrk0(4,j,k) = 0.0_wp_ -! ypwrk0(5,j,k) = 0.0_wp_ -! ypwrk0(6,j,k) = 0.0_wp_ -!! -! ytmp=ywrk0(:,j,k) -! yptmp=ypwrk0(:,j,k) -! call fwork(sox,xgcn,bres,ytmp,yptmp) -! -! if(ipol.eq.0) then -! call pol_limit(sox,ext(j,k,0),eyt(j,k,0)) -! qq=abs(ext(j,k,0))**2-abs(eyt(j,k,0))**2 -! uu=2.0_wp_*dble(ext(j,k,0)*dconjg(eyt(j,k,0))) -! vv=2.0_wp_*dimag(ext(j,k,0)*dconjg(eyt(j,k,0))) -! call polellipse(qq,uu,vv,psipol0,chipol0) -! else -! qq=cos(2.0_wp_*chipol0*cvdr)*cos(2.0_wp_*psipol0*cvdr) -! uu=cos(2.0_wp_*chipol0*cvdr)*sin(2.0_wp_*psipol0*cvdr) -! vv=sin(2.0_wp_*chipol0*cvdr) -! if(qq**2.lt.1.0_wp_) then -!! deltapol=phix-phiy, phix =0 -! deltapol=atan2(vv,uu) -! ext(j,k,0)= sqrt((1.0_wp_+qq)/2) -! eyt(j,k,0)= sqrt((1.0_wp_-qq)/2)*exp(-ui*deltapol) -! else -! if(qq.gt.0.0_wp_) then -! ext(j,k,0)= 1.0_wp_ -! eyt(j,k,0)= 0.0_wp_ -! else -! eyt(j,k,0)= 1.0_wp_ -! ext(j,k,0)= 0.0_wp_ -! end if -! end if -! endif -! psipol=psipol0 -! chipol=chipol0 -!! -! do iv=1,3 -! gri(iv,j,k)=0.0_wp_ -! dgrad2v(iv,j,k)=0.0_wp_ -! du10(iv,j,k)=0.0_wp_ -! do jv=1,3 -! ggri(iv,jv,j,k)=0.0_wp_ -! end do -! end do -! grad2(j,k)=0.0_wp_ -!! -! dd=anx0**2+any0**2+anz0**2-an20 -! vgradi=0.0_wp_ -! ddi=2.0_wp_*vgradi -!! -! r0=sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) -! x0m=x0/1.0e2_wp_ -! y0m=y0/1.0e2_wp_ -! r0m=r0/1.0e2_wp_ -! z0m=z0/1.0e2_wp_ -! if(j.eq.nrayr) then -! write(33,111) izero,j,k,zero,x0m,y0m,r0m,z0m, -! . psinv,zero,anpl,zero,one -! end if -! if(j.eq.1.and.k.eq.1) then -! psinv11=psinv -! write(17,99) zero,zero,zero,zero -! write(4,99) zero,r0m,z0m,atan2(y0m,x0m)*180.0_wp_/pi, -! . psinv,one,dens,tekev,brr,bphi,bzz, -! . ajphi*1.0e-6_wp_,sqrt(anpl**2+anpr**2),anpl,zero, -! . zero,zero,zero,zero,zero,zero,zero,one -! end if -! end do -! end do -! -! call pweigth -!! -! if(nrayr.gt.1) then -! iproj=0 -! nfilp=8 -! call projxyzt(iproj,nfilp) -! end if -!! -! return -!99 format(24(1x,e16.8e3)) -!111 format(3i5,20(1x,e16.8e3)) -! end