fixed bug in read_beams2 to correctly locate the position of a point outside the beam grid

This commit is contained in:
Daniele Micheletti 2016-02-09 11:18:47 +00:00
parent e89b0730ca
commit 33f9dd6130

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module beams
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, one
implicit none
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ contains
txx0, tyx0, txy0, tyy0, txz0, tyz0, txycoord, cycoord, cwaist1, &
cwaist2, crci1, crci2, cphi1,cphi2, cx0, cy0, cz0, w, wrk2, &
xpolyg, ypolyg, xpolygA, ypolygA, xpolygB, ypolygB, xpolygC, &
ypolygC, xpolygD, ypolygD
ypolygC, xpolygD, ypolygD, xoutA, youtA, xoutB, youtB, xoutC, youtC
real(wp_), DIMENSION(4) :: xvert, yvert
real(wp_), dimension(1) :: fi
integer, parameter :: kspl=1
@ -499,7 +499,9 @@ contains
if(incheck.eq.0) then
allocate(xpolygA(nxcoord), ypolygA(nxcoord), xpolygC(nxcoord), &
ypolygC(nxcoord), xpolygB(nycoord), ypolygB(nycoord), &
xpolygD(nycoord), ypolygD(nycoord))
xpolygD(nycoord), ypolygD(nycoord), &
xoutA(nxcoord+3), youtA(nxcoord+3), xoutB(nycoord+3), &
youtB(nycoord+3), xoutC(nxcoord+3), youtC(nxcoord+3))
! coordinates of vertices v1,v2,v3,v4
xvert(1) = xpolyg(1)
xvert(2) = xpolyg(nxcoord)
@ -520,42 +522,59 @@ contains
xpolygD(nycoord) = xpolyg(1)
ypolygD(1:nycoord-1) = ypolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2:npolyg)
ypolygD(nycoord) = ypolyg(1)
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! search for position of xcoord0, ycoord0 with respect to (alpha,beta) data grid
! contour of outside regions A (1,2), B(3,4), C(5,6)
xoutA = huge(one)
xoutA(1:nxcoord) = xpolygA
xoutA(nxcoord+3) = xvert(1)
youtA = -huge(one)
youtA(1:nxcoord) = ypolygA
youtA(nxcoord+1) = yvert(2)
xoutB = huge(one)
xoutB(1:nycoord) = xpolygB
xoutB(nycoord+1) = xvert(3)
youtB = huge(one)
youtB(1:nycoord) = ypolygB
youtB(nycoord+3) = yvert(2)
xoutC = -huge(one)
xoutC(1:nxcoord) = xpolygC
xoutC(nxcoord+3) = xvert(3)
youtC = huge(one)
youtC(1:nxcoord) = ypolygC
youtC(nxcoord+1) = yvert(4)
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! search for position of xcoord0, ycoord0 with respect to (alpha,beta) data grid
! (6) | (5) | (4)
! _ _ _v4__________________v3 _ _ _ _ _
! \ C \
! \ \ (1)->(8) outside regions
! (7) D \ \ B (3) v1->v4 grid vertices
! \ \ A-D grid sides
! _ _ _ _ _ _\_________________\_ _ _ _
! v1 A v2
! (8) | (1) | (2)
! | |
! (6) (5) (4)
! | |
! _ _ _ v4 _________________v3_ _ _ _
! | C | (1)->(8) outside regions
! | |
! (7) D | | B (3) v1->v4 grid vertices
! | |
! _ _ _ _ |_________________| _ _ _ _ A-D grid sides
! v1 A v2
! | |
! (8) (1) (2)
! | |
if( then
else if( then
else if( then
else if( then
else if( then
else if( then
else if(xcoord0.le.xvert(4) then
else if(xcoord0.le.xvert(1).and.ycoord0.le.yvert(1)) then
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(inside(xoutA,youtA,nxcoord+3,xcoord0,ycoord0)) then
in = 1
if(xcoord0.GT.xvert(2)) then
in = 2
end if
else if(inside(xoutB,youtB,nycoord+3,xcoord0,ycoord0)) then
in = 3
if(ycoord0.GT.yvert(3)) then
in = 4
end if
else if(inside(xoutC,youtC,nxcoord+3,xcoord0,ycoord0)) then
in = 5
if(xcoord0.LT.xvert(4)) then
in = 6
end if
in = 7
if(ycoord0.LT.yvert(1)) then
in = 8
end if
end if
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! (xcoord0,ycoord0) is set to its nearest point on (alpha, beta) grid border
! depending on the region