combine equian and equinum_* subroutines

This change combines `equian` and `equinum_psi` into a new `pol_flux`
subroutine that computes ψ(R,z) and derivatives for either numerical or
analytical equilibria.
Similarly, `equian` (the fpol and dfpol outputs) and `equinum_fpol` are
combined intro `pol_curr` that computes F(ψ) and its derivative.

Callers of these subroutines do not select a specific version based on
the value of `iequil` anymore.
This commit is contained in:
Michele Guerini Rocco 2023-10-22 10:32:27 +02:00
parent 98dda6d6fa
commit 31a7b95fe1
Signed by: rnhmjoj
GPG Key ID: BFBAF4C975F76450
5 changed files with 157 additions and 163 deletions

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@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ contains
! invalid as they are given assuming a vacuum (N=1)
if (present(launch_pos)) then
use equilibrium, only : equinum_psi
use equilibrium, only : pol_flux
use const_and_precisions, only : cm
real(wp_) :: R, Z, psi
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ contains
! Get the poloidal flux at the launcher
! Note: this returns -1 when the data is not available
call equinum_psi(R, z, psi)
call pol_flux(R, z, psi)
if (psi > tail%start .and. psi < tail%end) then
! Fall back to the midpoint of ψ and the launcher ψ

View File

@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ module equilibrium
public read_eqdsk, read_equil_an ! Reading data files
public scale_equil, change_cocos ! Transforming data
public equian ! Analytical model
public equinum_psi, equinum_fpol ! Interpolated data
public fq, bfield, tor_curr, tor_curr_psi ! Accessing local quantities
public pol_flux, pol_curr !
public frhotor, frhopol ! Converting between poloidal/toroidal flux
public set_equil_spline, set_equil_an ! Initialising internal state
public unset_equil_spline ! Deinitialising internal state
@ -661,7 +660,7 @@ contains
! Save Bt value on axis (required in flux_average and used in Jcd def)
! and vacuum value B0 at ref. radius data%rvac (used in Jcd_astra def)
call equinum_fpol(zero, btaxis)
call pol_curr(zero, btaxis)
btaxis = btaxis/rmaxis
btrcen = fpolas/data%rvac
rcen = data%rvac
@ -803,94 +802,94 @@ contains
end subroutine set_rho_spline
subroutine equinum_psi(R, z, psi, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
subroutine pol_flux(R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
! Computes the normalised poloidal flux ψ (and its derivatives)
! as a function of (R, z) using the numerical equilibrium
! Computes the normalised poloidal flux ψ_n and its
! derivatives wrt (R, z) up to the second order.
! Note: all output arguments are optional.
use gray_params, only : iequil
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psi, dpsidr, dpsidz
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
! Note: here lengths are measured in meters
! local variables
real(wp_) :: r_p ! poloidal radius
real(wp_) :: rho_p ! poloidal radius normalised
if (iequil < 2) then
! Analytical model
! ρ_p is just the geometrical poloidal radius divided by a
r_p = hypot(R - model%R0, z - model%z0)
rho_p = r_p / model%a
! ψ_n = ρ_p²(R,z) = [(R-R)² + (z-z)²]/a²
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = rho_p**2
! ψ_n/R, ψ_n/z
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = 2*(R - model%R0)/model%a**2
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = 2*(z - model%z0)/model%a**2
! ²ψ_n/R², ²ψ_n/z², ²ψ_n/Rz
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = 2/model%a**2
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = 2/model%a**2
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = 0
! Numerical data
if (R <= rmxm .and. R >= rmnm .and. &
z <= zmxm .and. z >= zmnm) then
if (present(psi)) psi = psi_spline%eval(R, z)
! Within the interpolation range
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = psi_spline%eval(R, z)
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 1, 0)
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 0, 1)
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 2, 0)
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 0, 2)
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 1, 1)
if (present(psi)) psi = -1
! Outside
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = -1
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = 0
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = 0
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = 0
end if
end subroutine equinum_psi
end if
end subroutine pol_flux
subroutine equinum_fpol(psi, fpol, dfpol)
! Computes the poloidal current function F(ψ)
! (and its derivative) using the numerical equilibrium
subroutine pol_curr(psi_n, fpol, dfpol)
! Computes the poloidal current function F(ψ_n)
! and (optionally) its derivative dF/ given ψ_n.
use gray_params, only : iequil
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpol
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpol
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n ! normalised poloidal flux
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpol ! poloidal current
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpol ! derivative
if(psi <= 1 .and. psi >= 0) then
fpol = fpol_spline%eval(psi)
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = fpol_spline%deriv(psi) / psia
if (iequil < 2) then
! Analytical model
! F(ψ) = BR, a constant
fpol = model%B0 * model%R0
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = 0
! Numerical data
if(psi_n <= 1 .and. psi_n >= 0) then
fpol = fpol_spline%eval(psi_n)
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = fpol_spline%deriv(psi_n) / psia
fpol = fpolas
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = 0
end if
end subroutine equinum_fpol
subroutine equian(R, z, psin, fpolv, dfpv, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
! Computes all MHD equilibrium parameters from a simple analytical model
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psin, fpolv, dfpv, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
! variables
real(wp_) :: r_p ! poloidal radius
real(wp_) :: rho_p ! poloidal radius normalised
! ρ_p is just the geometrical poloidal radius divided by a
r_p = hypot(R - model%R0, z - model%z0)
rho_p = r_p / model%a
! ψ_n = ρ_p²(R,z) = [(R-R)² + (z-z)²]/a²
if (present(psin)) psin = rho_p**2
! ψ/R, ψ/z
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = 2*(R - model%R0)/model%a**2
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = 2*(z - model%z0)/model%a**2
! ²ψ/R², ²ψ/z², ²ψ/Rz
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = 2/model%a**2
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = 2/model%a**2
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = 0
! F(ψ) = BR, a constant
if (present(fpolv)) fpolv = model%B0 * model%R0
if (present(dfpv)) dfpv = 0
end subroutine equian
end if
end subroutine pol_curr
function frhotor(rho_p)
@ -1017,83 +1016,93 @@ contains
end function fq
subroutine bfield(rpsim, zpsim, bphi, br, bz)
subroutine bfield(R, z, B_R, B_z, B_phi)
! Computes the magnetic field as a function of
! (R, z) in cylindrical coordinates
! Note: all output arguments are optional.
use gray_params, only : iequil
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim, zpsim
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: bphi,br,bz
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: B_R, B_z, B_phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: psin,fpol
real(wp_) :: psi_n, fpol, dpsidr, dpsidz
if (iequil < 2) then
! Analytical model
call equian(rpsim,zpsim,fpolv=bphi,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br)
if (present(bphi)) bphi=bphi/rpsim
! Numerical data
call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psi=bphi,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br)
if (present(bphi)) then
call equinum_fpol(psin,fpol)
end if
end if
call pol_flux(R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz)
call pol_curr(psi_n, fpol)
if (present(br)) br=-br/rpsim
if (present(bz)) bz= bz/rpsim
! The field in cocos=3 is given by
! B = F(ψ)φ + ψ×φ.
! Writing the gradient of ψ=ψ(R,z) as
! ψ = ψ/R R + ψ/z z,
! and carrying out the cross products:
! B = F(ψ)φ - ψ/z R/R + ψ/R z/R
if (present(B_R)) B_R = - 1/R * dpsidz * psia
if (present(B_z)) B_z = + 1/R * dpsidr * psia
if (present(B_phi)) B_phi = fpol / R
end subroutine bfield
function tor_curr(rpsim,zpsim) result(jphi)
! Computes the toroidal current as a function of (R, z)
use const_and_precisions, only : ccj=>mu0inv
use gray_params, only : iequil
function tor_curr(R, z) result(J_phi)
! Computes the toroidal current J_φ as a function of (R, z)
use const_and_precisions, only : mu0_
implicit none
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim, zpsim
real(wp_) :: jphi
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_) :: J_phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: bzz,dbvcdc13,dbvcdc31
real(wp_) :: dpsidr,ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz
real(wp_) :: dB_Rdz, dB_zdR ! derivatives of B_R, B_z
real(wp_) :: dpsidr, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz ! derivatives of ψ_n
if(iequil < 2) then
! Analytical model
call equian(rpsim,zpsim,dpsidr=dpsidr, &
! Numerical data
call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,dpsidr=dpsidr, &
end if
bzz= dpsidr/rpsim
dbvcdc31= ddpsidrr/rpsim-bzz/rpsim
call pol_flux(R, z, dpsidr=dpsidr, ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz)
! In the usual MHD limit we have ×B = μJ. Using the
! curl in cylindrical coords the toroidal current is
! J_φ = 1/μ (×B)_φ = 1/μ [B_R/z - B_z/R].
! Finally, from B = F(ψ)φ + ψ×φ we find:
! B_R = - 1/R ψ/z,
! B_z = + 1/R ψ/R,
! from which:
! B_R/z = - 1/R ²ψ/z²
! B_z/R = + 1/R ²ψ/R² - 1/R² ψ/R.
dB_Rdz = - 1/R * ddpsidzz * psia
dB_zdR = + 1/R * (ddpsidrr - 1/R * dpsidr) * psia
J_phi = 1/mu0_ * (dB_Rdz - dB_zdR)
end function tor_curr
function tor_curr_psi(psin) result(jphi)
! Computes the toroidal current as a function of ψ
function tor_curr_psi(psi_n) result(J_phi)
! Computes the toroidal current J_φ as a function of ψ
implicit none
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: jphi
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_) :: J_phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: r1, r2
call psi_raxis(psin, r1, r2)
jphi = tor_curr(r2, zmaxis)
real(wp_) :: R1, R2
call psi_raxis(psi_n, R1, R2)
J_phi = tor_curr(R2, zmaxis)
end function tor_curr_psi
@ -1178,7 +1187,7 @@ contains
end if
call equinum_psi(rf,zf,psinvf)
call pol_flux(rf, zf, psinvf)
end subroutine points_ox
@ -1199,11 +1208,11 @@ contains
select case(iflag)
call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),dpsidr=dpsidr,dpsidz=dpsidz)
call pol_flux(x(1), x(2), dpsidr=dpsidr, dpsidz=dpsidz)
fvec(1) = dpsidr
fvec(2) = dpsidz
call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz, &
call pol_flux(x(1), x(2), ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz, &
fjac(1,1) = ddpsidrr
fjac(1,2) = ddpsidrz
@ -1272,12 +1281,12 @@ contains
select case(iflag)
call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),psinv,dpsidr)
call pol_flux(x(1), x(2), psinv, dpsidr)
fvec(1) = psinv-f0(1)
fvec(2) = dpsidr-f0(2)
call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),dpsidr=dpsidr,dpsidz=dpsidz, &
call pol_flux(x(1), x(2), dpsidr=dpsidr, dpsidz=dpsidz, &
ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr, ddpsidrz=ddpsidrz)
fjac(1,1) = dpsidr
fjac(1,2) = dpsidz
fjac(2,1) = ddpsidrr

View File

@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ contains
xg, yg, derxg, deryg, psinv_opt)
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, cm
use gray_params, only : iequil
use equilibrium, only : psia, equinum_fpol, equinum_psi, equian, sgnbphi
use equilibrium, only : psia, pol_flux, pol_curr, sgnbphi
use coreprofiles, only : density
implicit none
@ -1322,13 +1322,8 @@ contains
zzm = 1.0e-2_wp_*zz
rrm = 1.0e-2_wp_*rr
if(iequil==1) then
call equian(rrm,zzm,psinv,fpolv,dfpv,dpsidr,dpsidz, &
call equinum_psi(rrm,zzm,psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz,ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz)
call equinum_fpol(psinv,fpolv,dfpv)
end if
call pol_flux(rrm, zzm, psinv, dpsidr, dpsidz, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
call pol_curr(psinv, fpolv, dfpv)
! copy optional output
if (present(psinv_opt)) psinv_opt = psinv
@ -1886,7 +1881,7 @@ contains
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz)
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),br,bz,bphi)
! bv(i) = B_i in cartesian coordinates
@ -2266,7 +2261,7 @@ bb: do
zzk = zv(k)
do j = 1, q_spline%ndata
rrj = rv(j)
call bfield(rrj, zzk, bbphi, bbr, bbz)
call bfield(rrj, zzk, bbr, bbz, bbphi)
btotal(j,k) = sqrt(bbr**2 + bbz**2 + bbphi**2)
if(btotal(j,k) >= btmx) btmx = btotal(j,k)
if(btotal(j,k) <= btmn) btmn = btotal(j,k)
@ -2295,9 +2290,8 @@ bb: do
subroutine print_maps(bres, xgcn, r0, anpl0)
! Prints several input quantities on a regular grid (unit 72)
use gray_params, only : iequil
use equilibrium, only : rmnm, rmxm, zmnm, zmxm, equian, equinum_psi, &
equinum_fpol, q_spline
use equilibrium, only : rmnm, rmxm, zmnm, zmxm, &
pol_flux, pol_curr, q_spline
use coreprofiles, only : density, temp
use units, only : umaps, unit_active
@ -2327,12 +2321,8 @@ bb: do
anpl = anpl0 * r0/rj
do k = 1, q_spline%ndata
zk = z(k)
if (iequil < 2) then
call equian(rj, zk, psin=psin, fpolv=bphi, dpsidr=bz, dpsidz=br)
call equinum_psi(rj, zk, psi=psin, dpsidr=bz, dpsidz=br)
call equinum_fpol(psin, fpol=bphi)
end if
call pol_flux(rj, zk, psin, dpsidr=bz, dpsidz=br)
call pol_curr(psin, fpol=bphi)
br = -br/rj
bphi = bphi/rj
bz = bz/rj

View File

@ -101,9 +101,8 @@ contains
subroutine flux_average
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one,pi,ccj=>mu0inv
use gray_params, only : iequil
use equilibrium, only : btrcen,btaxis,rmaxis,zmaxis,phitedge,zbsup,zbinf, &
use dierckx, only : regrid,coeff_parder
implicit none
@ -170,11 +169,7 @@ contains
if(iequil < 2) then
call equian(rmaxis,zmaxis,ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz)
call equinum_psi(rmaxis,zmaxis,ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz)
end if
call pol_flux(rmaxis, zmaxis, ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz)
@ -230,7 +225,7 @@ contains
ajphi0 = tor_curr(rctemp(1),zctemp(1))
call bfield(rctemp(1),zctemp(1),bphi,br=brr,bz=bzz)
call bfield(rctemp(1), zctemp(1), brr, bzz, bphi)
@ -256,7 +251,7 @@ contains
! compute line integrals on the contour psi=psinjp=height^2
call bfield(rpsim,zpsim,br=brr,bz=bzz)
call bfield(rpsim, zpsim, brr, bzz)
ajphi = tor_curr(rpsim,zpsim)

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ contains
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz)
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),br,bz,bphi)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ contains
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz)
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),br,bz,bphi)