2022-07-14 00:38:34 +02:00
! This module contains the error codes handled by the gray_main subroutine
! An error is actually a 32bit integer bitmask that can encode several
! error cases. The individual errors can be raised using the `raise_error`
! function and combined simply with the intrinsic `ior` function.
module gray_errors
use logger, only : log_error
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int32
implicit none
! The type of a GRAY error is `integer(kind=gray_error)`
integer, parameter :: gray_error = int32
! Specification of a GRAY error
type error_spec
integer :: offset ! bitmask offset
integer :: subcases ! number of error subcases (max: 10)
character(32) :: mod ! module raising the error
character(32) :: proc ! procedure raising the error
character(64) :: msg(0:9) ! error message (one for each subcase)
end type
! macros used for defining errors
# define _ ,
2024-05-30 16:26:23 +02:00
# define list(x) reshape([character(64) :: x], [10], [character(64) :: ''])
2022-07-14 00:38:34 +02:00
# define after(x) x%offset + x%subcases
! All GRAY errors
type(error_spec), parameter :: large_npl = &
error_spec(offset=0, subcases=2, &
mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main', &
msg=list('N∥ is too large (>0.99)'_
'N∥ is too large (>1.05)'))
type(error_spec), parameter :: dielectric_tensor = &
error_spec(offset=after(large_npl), subcases=2, &
mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main', &
msg=list('ε tensor, overflow in `fsup`'_
'ε tensor, integration error in `hermitian_2`'))
type(error_spec), parameter :: warmdisp_convergence = &
error_spec(offset=after(dielectric_tensor), subcases=2, &
mod='dispersion', proc='warmdisp', &
msg=list('failed to converge, returned fallback value'_
'failed to converge, returned last value'))
type(error_spec), parameter :: warmdisp_result = &
error_spec(offset=after(warmdisp_convergence), subcases=2, &
mod='dispersion', proc='warmdisp', &
msg=list('final N⊥² is NaN or ±Infinity'_
'final N⊥² in 3rd quadrant'))
type(error_spec), parameter :: negative_absorption = &
error_spec(offset=after(warmdisp_result), subcases=1, &
mod='gray_core', proc='alpha_effj', &
msg=list('negative absorption coeff.'))
type(error_spec), parameter :: fpp_integration = &
error_spec(offset=after(negative_absorption), subcases=1, &
mod='eccd', proc='eccdeff', &
msg=list('fpp integration error'))
type(error_spec), parameter :: fcur_integration = &
error_spec(offset=after(fpp_integration), subcases=3, &
mod='eccd', proc='eccdeff', &
msg=list('fcur integration error (no trapping)'_
'fcur integration error (1st trapping region)'_
'fcur integration error (2st trapping region)'))
! Errors occuring during raytracing
type(error_spec), parameter :: raytracing_errors(*) = [large_npl]
! Errors occuring during absorption and current drive computations
type(error_spec), parameter :: ecrh_cd_errors(*) = &
[dielectric_tensor, &
warmdisp_convergence, &
warmdisp_result, &
negative_absorption, &
fpp_integration, &
pure function is_critical(error)
! Checks whether critical errors have occurred
! subroutines arguments
integer(kind=gray_error), intent(in) :: error
logical :: is_critical
is_critical = has_error(error, negative_absorption)
end function is_critical
pure function has_error(error, spec)
! Checks whether the `error` bitmask contains the error given by `spec`
! function arguments
integer(kind=gray_error), intent(in) :: error
type(error_spec), intent(in) :: spec
logical :: has_error
has_error = ibits(error, spec%offset, spec%subcases) == 1
end function has_error
pure function raise_error(error, spec, subcase)
! Raise the bits of error `spec` (with optional `subcase` number)
! in the `error` bitmask.
! function arguments
integer(kind=gray_error), intent(in) :: error
type(error_spec), intent(in) :: spec
integer, intent(in), optional :: subcase
integer(kind=gray_error) :: raise_error
raise_error = ibset(error, spec%offset &
+ merge(subcase, 0, present(subcase)))
end function raise_error
subroutine print_err_raytracing(error, step, Npl)
! Pretty prints raytracing errors
! The error and some context (integration step, N∥)
! is logged to the stderr using the logger module.
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
! subroutines arguments
integer, intent(in) :: error, step
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl
! local variables
integer :: slice ! a slice of the bitmask
character(256) :: line ! formatted log line
type(error_spec) :: spec
integer :: i, j
! format specifier of the log line
character(*), parameter :: fmt = &
'(a,": ","error=",g0," N∥=",g0.3," step=",g0)'
! iterate on the known errors
do i = 1, size(raytracing_errors)
spec = raytracing_errors(i)
slice = ibits(error, spec%offset, spec%subcases)
if (slice == 0) cycle
! iterate on the subcases
do j = 0, spec%subcases - 1
if (ibits(slice, j, 1) == 0) cycle
write(line, fmt) trim(spec%msg(j)), slice * 2**j, Npl, step
call log_error(line, mod=spec%mod, proc=spec%proc)
end do
end do
end subroutine print_err_raytracing
subroutine print_err_ecrh_cd(error, step, Npr, alpha)
! Pretty prints ECRH & CD errors
! The error and some context (integration step, N⊥, α)
! is logged to the stderr using the logger module.
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
! subroutines arguments
integer, intent(in) :: error, step
complex(wp_), intent(in) :: Npr
real(wp_), intent(in) :: alpha
! local variables
integer :: slice ! a slice of the bitmask
character(256) :: line ! formatted log line
type(error_spec) :: spec
integer :: i, j
! format specifier of the log line
character(*), parameter :: fmt = &
'(a,": ", "error=",g0, " N⊥=",f0.0,sp,f0.0,"i", " α=",g0, " step=",g0)'
! iterate on the known errors
do i = 1, size(ecrh_cd_errors)
spec = ecrh_cd_errors(i)
slice = ibits(error, spec%offset, spec%subcases)
if (slice == 0) cycle
! iterate on the subcases
do j = 0, spec%subcases - 1
if (ibits(slice, j, 1) == 0) cycle
write(line, fmt) trim(spec%msg(j)), slice * 2**j, &
Npr%re, Npr%im, alpha, step
call log_error(line, mod=spec%mod, proc=spec%proc)
end do
end do
end subroutine print_err_ecrh_cd
end module gray_errors