2022-05-09 21:11:51 +02:00
! This module provides a minimal INI parser
! The format is:
! ; comment
! [section-name]
! property-name = property-value ; comment
! The `parse_ini` subroutine takes a file and a handler
! function that is called with the section, name and value
! of each property in the INI file.
module ini_parser
use logger, only : log_error
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implicit none
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! INI syntax constants
character, parameter :: comment_sign = ';'
character, parameter :: property_sep = '='
character, parameter :: section_start = '['
character, parameter :: section_stop = ']'
! Errors
enum, bind(C)
enumerator :: ini_error = -1
enumerator :: ERR_SUCCESS = 0 ! no errors
enumerator :: ERR_SYNTAX = 1 ! syntax error in the INI file
enumerator :: ERR_VALUE = 2 ! invalid value for a property
enumerator :: ERR_UNKNOWN = 3 ! unknown property name
enumerator :: ERR_IO = 4 ! I/O error
end enum
abstract interface
function property_handler(section, name, value) result(error)
character(*), intent(in) :: section, name, value
integer(kind(ini_error)) :: error
end function
end interface
public parse_ini
public property_handler
subroutine parse_ini(filepath, handler, error)
! Parses a INI file
! filepath: path of the INI file to pase
! handler: handler function
! The handler must have the following signature:
! function handler(section, name, value) result(error)
! where the error should be:
! ERR_SUCCESS on success;
! ERR_VALUE on invalid values for this property;
! ERR_UNKNOWN on unknown property.
use utils, only : get_free_unit
! function argument
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character(*), intent(in) :: filepath
procedure(property_handler) :: handler
integer(kind(ini_error)), intent(out) :: error
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! local variables
integer :: ini, sep, n
character(256) :: msg
character(len=:), allocatable :: line
character(len=:), allocatable :: section, name, value
! open the INI file
ini = get_free_unit()
2023-09-14 11:00:56 +02:00
open(unit=ini, file=filepath, action='read', iostat=error)
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if (error /= 0) then
write (msg, '("failed to open INI file: ", a)') filepath
call log_error(msg, proc='parse_ini', mod='ini_parser')
error = ERR_IO
end if
n = 1 ! line number
! get one line
call getline(ini, line, error)
if (error /= 0) exit
! skip empty lines
if (len(line) == 0) cycle
! skip comments
if (line(1:1) == comment_sign) cycle
! parse section header
if (line(1:1) == section_start) then
! split at section stop (ex. [section<here>])
2022-11-14 17:57:57 +01:00
sep = index(line, section_stop)
2022-05-09 21:11:51 +02:00
if (sep == 0) then
write (msg, '("invalid section header at line ",g0,": ",a)') n, line
call log_error(msg, proc='parse_ini', mod='ini_parser')
error = ERR_SYNTAX
end if
! update the current section
section = line(2:sep - 1)
end if
2024-01-29 01:03:13 +01:00
! remove possible inline comments
sep = index(line, comment_sign, back=.true.)
if (sep /= 0) line = line(1:sep-1)
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! split line at separator (ex. name<here>=value)
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sep = index(line, property_sep)
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if (sep == 0) then
write (msg, '("invalid property definition at line ",g0,": ",a)') n, line
call log_error(msg, proc='parse_ini', mod='ini_parser')
error = ERR_SYNTAX
end if
2024-01-29 01:03:13 +01:00
name = line(1:sep - 1)
value = line(sep + 1:)
! remove leading/trailing whitespace
name = trim(adjustl(name))
value = trim(adjustl(value))
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! call the handler
select case (handler(section, name, value))
case (ERR_VALUE)
2024-02-07 23:02:32 +01:00
write (msg, '("invalid value for property `",a,"`: ", a)') name, value
2022-05-09 21:11:51 +02:00
call log_error(msg, proc='parse_ini', mod='ini_parser')
error = ERR_VALUE
write (msg, '("unknown property ",a)') name
call log_error(msg, proc='parse_ini', mod='ini_parser')
end select
end do
! parsed the whole file
if (error < 0) error = ERR_SUCCESS
end subroutine parse_ini
subroutine getline(unit, line, error)
! Reads a line into a deferred length string
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line
integer, intent(out) :: error
integer, parameter :: bufsize = 512
character(len=bufsize) :: buffer
integer :: chunk
allocate(character(len=0) :: line)
read(unit, '(a)', advance='no', iostat=error, size=chunk) buffer
if (error > 0) exit
line = line // buffer(:chunk)
if (error < 0) then
if (is_iostat_eor(error)) error = 0
end if
end do
end subroutine getline
end module ini_parser