replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! This module handles the loading, interpolation and evaluation of the
! MHD equilibrium data (poloidal current function, safety factor,
! poloidal flux, magnetic field, etc.)
module gray_equil
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, comp_huge
use splines, only : spline_simple, spline_1d, spline_2d, linear_1d
use types, only : contour
implicit none
! macro for suppressing unused variable warnings
# define unused(x) associate(x => x); end associate
type, abstract :: abstract_equil
! Generic equilibrium interface
real(wp_) :: psi_a = 0 ! Poloidal flux at the edge minus flux on axis, ψ_a
real(wp_) :: phi_a = 0 ! Toroidal flux at the edge (r=a), Φ_a
real(wp_) :: b_axis = 0 ! Value of B_φ at the magnetic axis (used in J_cd def)
real(wp_) :: b_centre = 0 ! Value of B_φ at R_centre (used in Jcd_astra def)
real(wp_) :: r_centre = 1 ! Alternative reference radius for B_φ
real(wp_) :: sgn_bphi = 0 ! Sign of B_φ (>0 means counter-clockwise)
real(wp_) :: axis(2) = [0, 0] ! Magnetic axis position (R₀, z₀)
real(wp_) :: r_range(2) = [-comp_huge, comp_huge] ! R range of the equilibrium domain
real(wp_) :: z_range(2) = [-comp_huge, comp_huge] ! z range of the equilibrium domain
real(wp_) :: z_boundary(2) = [0, 0] ! z range of the plasma boundary
procedure(pol_flux_sub), deferred :: pol_flux
procedure(pol_curr_sub), deferred :: pol_curr
procedure(safety_fun), deferred :: safety
procedure(rho_conv_fun), deferred :: pol2tor, tor2pol
procedure(flux_contour_sub), deferred :: flux_contour
procedure :: b_field
procedure :: tor_curr
end type
abstract interface
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine pol_flux_sub(self, R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
! Computes the normalised poloidal flux ψ_n and its
! derivatives wrt (R, z) up to the second order.
! Note: all output arguments are optional.
import :: abstract_equil, wp_
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: &
psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
end subroutine pol_flux_sub
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine pol_curr_sub(self, psi_n, fpol, dfpol)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Computes the poloidal current function F(ψ_n)
! and (optionally) its derivative dF/dψ_n given ψ_n.
import :: abstract_equil, wp_
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n ! normalised poloidal flux
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpol ! poloidal current
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpol ! derivative
end subroutine pol_curr_sub
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function safety_fun(self, psi_n) result(q)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Computes the safety factor q as a function of the
! normalised poloidal flux ψ_n.
! Note: this returns the absolute value of q.
import :: abstract_equil, wp_
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_) :: q
end function safety_fun
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function rho_conv_fun(self, rho_in) result(rho_out)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Converts between poloidal (ρ_p) and toroidal (ρ_t) normalised radius
import :: abstract_equil, wp_
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rho_in
real(wp_) :: rho_out
end function rho_conv_fun
subroutine flux_contour_sub(self, psi0, R_min, R, z, &
R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo)
! Computes a contour of the ψ(R,z)=ψ₀ flux surface.
! Notes:
! - R,z are the contour points
! - R_min is a value such that R>R_min for any contour point
! - (R,z)_hi and (R,z)_lo are a guess for the higher and lower
! horizontal-tangent points of the contour. These variables
! will be updated with the exact value on success.
import :: abstract_equil, wp_
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R_min
real(wp_), intent(out) :: R(:), z(:)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo
end subroutine flux_contour_sub
end interface
type, extends(abstract_equil) :: analytic_equil
! Analytical equilibrium
real(wp_) :: q0 ! Safety factor at the magnetic axis
real(wp_) :: q1 ! Safety factor at the edge
real(wp_) :: alpha ! Exponent for the q(ρ_p) power law
real(wp_) :: R0 ! R of the magnetic axis (m)
real(wp_) :: z0 ! z of the magnetic axis (m)
real(wp_) :: a ! Minor radius (m)
real(wp_) :: B0 ! Magnetic field at the magnetic axis (T)
procedure :: pol_flux => analytic_pol_flux
procedure :: pol_curr => analytic_pol_curr
procedure :: safety => analytic_safety
procedure :: tor2pol => analytic_tor2pol
procedure :: pol2tor => analytic_pol2tor
procedure :: flux_contour => analytic_flux_contour
end type
type, extends(abstract_equil) :: vacuum
! Vacuum
procedure :: pol_flux => vacuum_pol_flux
procedure :: pol_curr => vacuum_pol_curr
procedure :: safety => vacuum_safety
procedure :: tor2pol => vacuum_conv
procedure :: pol2tor => vacuum_conv
procedure :: flux_contour => vacuum_flux_contour
end type
type, extends(abstract_equil) :: numeric_equil
! Numerical equilibrium
real(wp_) :: fpol_a ! Poloidal current at the edge (r=a), F_a
! Splines
type(spline_2d) :: psi_spline
type(contour) :: psi_domain
type(spline_1d) :: fpol_spline
type(spline_simple) :: q_spline
type(linear_1d) :: rhop_spline, rhot_spline
procedure :: pol_flux => numeric_pol_flux
procedure :: pol_curr => numeric_pol_curr
procedure :: safety => numeric_safety
procedure :: tor2pol => numeric_tor2pol
procedure :: pol2tor => numeric_pol2tor
procedure :: flux_contour => numeric_flux_contour
procedure :: init => numeric_init
procedure :: find_ox_point
procedure :: find_htg_point
end type
type eqdsk_data
! MHD equilibrium data from G-EQDSK file format
real(wp_), allocatable :: grid_r(:) ! R values of the uniform grid
real(wp_), allocatable :: grid_z(:) ! z values of the uniform grid
real(wp_), allocatable :: fpol(:) ! Poloidal current function, F(ψ_n)
real(wp_), allocatable :: q(:) ! Safety factor, q(ψ_n)
real(wp_), allocatable :: psi(:) ! Normalised poloidal flux, ψ_n(R)
real(wp_), allocatable :: psi_map(:,:) ! Normalised poloidal flux 2D map, ψ(R, z)
real(wp_) :: psi_a ! Poloidal flux at the edge minus flux on axis, ψ_a
real(wp_) :: r_ref ! Reference R₀ (B = B₀R₀/R without the plasma)
real(wp_) :: axis(2) ! Magnetic axis position (R₀, z₀)
type(contour) :: limiter ! limiter contour (wall)
type(contour) :: boundary ! boundary contour (plasma)
end type
public abstract_equil ! The abstract equilibrium object
public analytic_equil, numeric_equil, vacuum ! Implementations
public load_equil ! To load equilibrium from file
public eqdsk_data ! G-EQDSK data structure
public contour ! re-export contours eqdsk_data
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine b_field(self, R, z, B_R, B_z, B_phi)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Computes the magnetic field as a function of
! (R, z) in cylindrical coordinates
! Note: all output arguments are optional.
! subroutine arguments
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: B_R, B_z, B_phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: psi_n, fpol, dpsidr, dpsidz
call self%pol_flux(R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz)
call self%pol_curr(psi_n, fpol)
! The field in cocos=3 is given by
! B = F(ψ)∇φ + ∇ψ×∇φ.
! Writing the gradient of ψ=ψ(R,z) as
! ∇ψ = ∂ψ/∂R ∇R + ∂ψ/∂z ∇z,
! and carrying out the cross products:
! B = F(ψ)∇φ - ∂ψ/∂z ∇R/R + ∂ψ/∂R ∇z/R
if (present(B_R)) B_R = - 1/R * dpsidz * self%psi_a
if (present(B_z)) B_z = + 1/R * dpsidr * self%psi_a
if (present(B_phi)) B_phi = fpol / R
end subroutine b_field
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function tor_curr(self, R, z) result(J_phi)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Computes the toroidal current J_φ as a function of (R, z)
use const_and_precisions, only : mu0_
! function arguments
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_) :: J_phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: dB_Rdz, dB_zdR ! derivatives of B_R, B_z
real(wp_) :: dpsidr, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz ! derivatives of ψ_n
call self%pol_flux(R, z, dpsidr=dpsidr, ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz)
! In the usual MHD limit we have ∇×B = μ₀J. Using the
! curl in cylindrical coords the toroidal current is
! J_φ = 1/μ₀ (∇×B)_φ = 1/μ₀ [∂B_R/∂z - ∂B_z/∂R].
! Finally, from B = F(ψ)∇φ + ∇ψ×∇φ we find:
! B_R = - 1/R ∂ψ/∂z,
! B_z = + 1/R ∂ψ/∂R,
! from which:
! ∂B_R/∂z = - 1/R ∂²ψ/∂z²
! ∂B_z/∂R = + 1/R ∂²ψ/∂R² - 1/R² ∂ψ/∂R.
dB_Rdz = - 1/R * ddpsidzz * self%psi_a
dB_zdR = + 1/R * (ddpsidrr - 1/R * dpsidr) * self%psi_a
J_phi = 1/mu0_ * (dB_Rdz - dB_zdR)
end function tor_curr
! Analytical model
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine analytic_pol_flux(self, R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
use const_and_precisions, only : pi
! function arguments
class(analytic_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: &
psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
! local variables
real(wp_) :: r_g, rho_t, rho_p ! geometric radius, √Φ_n, √ψ_n
real(wp_) :: gamma ! γ = 1/√(1 - r²/R₀²)
real(wp_) :: dpsidphi ! (∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n)
real(wp_) :: ddpsidphidr, ddpsidphidz ! ∇(∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n)
real(wp_) :: phi_n ! Φ_n
real(wp_) :: dphidr, dphidz ! ∇Φ_n
real(wp_) :: ddphidrdr, ddphidzdz ! ∇∇Φ_n
real(wp_) :: ddphidrdz ! ∂²Φ_n/∂R∂z
real(wp_) :: q, dq ! q(ρ_p), Δq=(q₁-q₀)/(α/2 + 1)
real(wp_) :: dqdr, dqdz ! ∇q
real(wp_) :: dphidr2, ddphidr2dr2 ! dΦ_n/d(r²), d²Φ_n/d(r²)²
! The normalised poloidal flux ψ_n(R, z) is computed as follows:
! 1. ψ_n = ρ_p²
! 2. ρ_p = ρ_p(ρ_t), using `self%tor2pol`, which in turns uses q(ψ)
! 3. ρ_t = √Φ_n
! 4. Φ_n = Φ(r_g)/Φ(a), where Φ(r) is the flux of B_φ=B₀R₀/R
! through a circular surface
! 5. r_g = √[(R-R₀)²+(z-z₀)²] is the geometric minor radius
r_g = hypot(R - self%R0, z - self%z0)
! The exact flux of the toroidal field B_φ = B₀R₀/R is:
! Φ(r) = B₀πr² 2γ/(γ + 1) where γ=1/√(1 - r²/R₀²).
! Notes:
! 1. the function Φ(r) is defined for r≤R₀ only.
! 2. as r → 0, γ → 1, so Φ ~ B₀πr².
! 3. as r → 1⁻, Φ → 2B₀πr² but dΦ/dr → -∞.
! 4. |B_R|, |B_z| → +-∞.
if (r_g > self%R0) then
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = -1
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = 0
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = 0
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = 0
end if
gamma = 1 / sqrt(1 - (r_g/self%R0)**2)
phi_n = self%B0 * pi*r_g**2 * 2*gamma/(gamma + 1) / self%phi_a
rho_t = sqrt(phi_n)
rho_p = self%tor2pol(rho_t)
! For ∇Φ_n and ∇∇Φ_n we also need:
! ∂Φ∂(r²) = B₀π γ(r)
! ∂²Φ∂(r²)² = B₀π γ³(r) / (2 R₀²)
dphidr2 = self%B0 * pi * gamma / self%phi_a
ddphidr2dr2 = self%B0 * pi * gamma**3/(2 * self%R0**2) / self%phi_a
! ∇Φ_n = ∂Φ_n/∂(r²) ∇(r²)
! where ∇(r²) = 2[(R-R₀), (z-z₀)]
dphidr = dphidr2 * 2*(R - self%R0)
dphidz = dphidr2 * 2*(z - self%z0)
! ∇∇Φ_n = ∇[∂Φ_n/∂(r²)] ∇(r²) + ∂Φ_n/∂(r²) ∇∇(r²)
! = ∂²Φ_n/∂(r²)² ∇(r²)∇(r²) + ∂Φ_n/∂(r²) ∇∇(r²)
! where ∇∇(r²) = 2I
ddphidrdr = ddphidr2dr2 * 4*(R - self%R0)*(R - self%R0) + dphidr2*2
ddphidzdz = ddphidr2dr2 * 4*(z - self%z0)*(z - self%z0) + dphidr2*2
ddphidrdz = ddphidr2dr2 * 4*(R - self%R0)*(z - self%z0)
! ψ_n = ρ_p(ρ_t)²
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = rho_p**2
! Using the definitions in `frhotor`:
! ∇ψ_n = ∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n ∇Φ_n
! ∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n = Φ_a/ψ_a ∂ψ/∂Φ
! = Φ_a/ψ_a 1/2πq
! Using ψ_a = 1/2π Φ_a / (q₀ + Δq), then:
! ∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n = (q₀ + Δq)/q
q = self%q0 + (self%q1 - self%q0) * rho_p**self%alpha
dq = (self%q1 - self%q0) / (self%alpha/2 + 1)
dpsidphi = (self%q0 + dq) / q
! Using the above, ∇ψ_n = ∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n ∇Φ_n
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = dpsidphi * dphidr
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = dpsidphi * dphidz
! For the second derivatives:
! ∇∇ψ_n = ∇(∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) ∇Φ_n + (∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) ∇∇Φ_n
! ∇(∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) = - (∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) ∇q/q
! From q(ψ) = q₀ + (q₁-q₀) ψ_n^α/2, we have:
! ∇q = α/2 (q-q₀) ∇ψ_n/ψ_n
! = α/2 (q-q₀)/ψ_n (∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) ∇Φ_n.
dqdr = self%alpha/2 * (self%q1 - self%q0)*rho_p**(self%alpha-2) * dpsidphi * dphidr
dqdz = self%alpha/2 * (self%q1 - self%q0)*rho_p**(self%alpha-2) * dpsidphi * dphidz
ddpsidphidr = - dpsidphi * dqdr/q
ddpsidphidz = - dpsidphi * dqdz/q
! Combining all of the above:
! ∇∇ψ_n = ∇(∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) ∇Φ_n + (∂ψ_n/∂Φ_n) ∇∇Φ_n
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = ddpsidphidr * dphidr + dpsidphi * ddphidrdr
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = ddpsidphidz * dphidz + dpsidphi * ddphidzdz
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = ddpsidphidr * dphidz + dpsidphi * ddphidrdz
end subroutine analytic_pol_flux
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine analytic_pol_curr(self, psi_n, fpol, dfpol)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! subroutine arguments
class(analytic_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpol ! poloidal current
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpol ! its derivative
! The poloidal current function F(ψ) is just a constant:
! B_φ = B₀R₀/R φ^ ≡ F(ψ)∇φ ⇒ F(ψ)=B₀R₀
fpol = self%B0 * self%R0
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = 0
end subroutine analytic_pol_curr
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function analytic_safety(self, psi_n) result(q)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(analytic_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_) :: q
! local variables
real(wp_) :: rho_p
! The safety factor is a power law in ρ_p:
! q(ρ_p) = q₀ + (q₁-q₀) ρ_p^α
rho_p = sqrt(psi_n)
q = abs(self%q0 + (self%q1 - self%q0) * rho_p**self%alpha)
end function analytic_safety
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function analytic_pol2tor(self, rho_in) result(rho_out)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(analytic_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rho_in
real(wp_) :: rho_out
! local variables
real(wp_) :: dq
! The change of variable is obtained by integrating
! q(ψ) = 1/2π ∂Φ/∂ψ
! and defining ψ = ψ_a ρ_p², Φ = Φ_a ρ_t².
! The result is:
! - ψ_a = 1/2π Φ_a / [q₀ + Δq]
! - ρ_t = ρ_p √[(q₀ + Δq ρ_p^α)/(q₀ + Δq)]
! where Δq = (q₁ - q₀)/(α/2 + 1)
dq = (self%q1 - self%q0) / (self%alpha/2 + 1)
rho_out = rho_in * sqrt((self%q0 + dq*rho_in**self%alpha) / (self%q0 + dq))
end function analytic_pol2tor
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function analytic_tor2pol(self, rho_in) result(rho_out)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Converts from toroidal (ρ_t) to poloidal (ρ_p) normalised radius
use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps
use minpack, only : hybrj1
! function arguments
class(analytic_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rho_in
real(wp_) :: rho_out
! local variables
real(wp_) :: rho_p(1), fvec(1), fjac(1,1), wa(7)
integer :: info
! In general there is no closed form for ρ_p(ρ_t) in the
! analytical model, we thus solve numerically the equation
! ρ_t(ρ_p) = ρ_t₀ for ρ_p.
rho_p = [rho_in] ! first guess, ρ_p ≈ ρ_t
call hybrj1(equation, n=1, x=rho_p, fvec=fvec, fjac=fjac, &
ldfjac=1, tol=comp_eps, info=info, wa=wa, lwa=7)
rho_out = rho_p(1)
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine equation(n, x, f, df, ldf, flag)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! The equation to solve: f(x) = ρ_t(x) - ρ_t₀ = 0
! optimal step size
real(wp_), parameter :: e = comp_eps**(1/3.0_wp_)
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, ldf, flag
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(n)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: f(n), df(ldf,n)
if (flag == 1) then
! return f(x)
f(1) = self%pol2tor(x(1)) - rho_in
! return f'(x), computed numerically
if (x(1) - e > 0) then
df(1,1) = (self%pol2tor(x(1) + e) - self%pol2tor(x(1) - e)) / (2*e)
! single-sided when close to ρ=0
df(1,1) = (self%pol2tor(x(1) + e) - self%pol2tor(x(1))) / e
end if
end if
end subroutine
end function analytic_tor2pol
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine analytic_flux_contour(self, psi0, R_min, R, z, &
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo)
use const_and_precisions, only : pi
! subroutine arguments
class(analytic_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R_min
real(wp_), intent(out) :: R(:), z(:)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo
! local variables
integer :: n, i
real(wp_) :: r_g ! geometric minor radius
real(wp_) :: theta ! geometric poloidal angle
unused(R_hi); unused(z_hi); unused(R_lo); unused(z_lo)
n = size(R)
r_g = sqrt(psi0) * self%a
theta = 2*pi / (n - 1)
do concurrent (i=1:n)
R(i) = self%R0 + r_g * cos(theta*(i-1))
z(i) = self%z0 + r_g * sin(theta*(i-1))
end do
end subroutine analytic_flux_contour
! Numerical equilibrium
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine numeric_pol_flux(self, R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
! function arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: &
psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
if (self%psi_domain%contains(R, z)) then
! Within the safety domain
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = self%psi_spline%eval(R, z)
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = self%psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 1, 0)
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = self%psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 0, 1)
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = self%psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 2, 0)
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = self%psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 0, 2)
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = self%psi_spline%deriv(R, z, 1, 1)
! Values for outside the domain
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = -1
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = 0
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = 0
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = 0
end if
end subroutine numeric_pol_flux
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine numeric_pol_curr(self, psi_n, fpol, dfpol)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpol ! poloidal current
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpol ! its derivative
if (psi_n <= 1 .and. psi_n >= 0) then
! Inside plasma
fpol = self%fpol_spline%eval(psi_n)
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = self%fpol_spline%deriv(psi_n)
! Outside plasma
fpol = self%fpol_a
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = 0
end if
end subroutine numeric_pol_curr
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function numeric_safety(self, psi_n) result(q)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_) :: q
if (psi_n < 1) then
! Inside plasma
q = self%q_spline%eval(psi_n)
! Outside plasma, q is undefined
q = 0
end if
end function numeric_safety
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function numeric_pol2tor(self, rho_in) result(rho_out)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rho_in
real(wp_) :: rho_out
rho_out = self%rhot_spline%eval(rho_in)
end function numeric_pol2tor
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function numeric_tor2pol(self, rho_in) result(rho_out)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rho_in
real(wp_) :: rho_out
rho_out = self%rhop_spline%eval(rho_in)
end function numeric_tor2pol
subroutine numeric_flux_contour(self, psi0, R_min, R, z, &
R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo)
use const_and_precisions, only : pi
use logger, only : log_warning
use dierckx, only : profil, sproota
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R_min
real(wp_), intent(out) :: R(:), z(:)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo
! local variables
integer :: n, np, i
integer :: ier, iopt, m
real(wp_) :: theta
real(wp_) :: R_hi1, z_hi1, R_lo1, z_lo1, zc
real(wp_) :: czc(self%psi_spline%nknots_x), zeroc(4)
character(256) :: msg
n = size(R)
np = (n - 1)/2
theta = pi / np
call self%find_htg_point(R_hi, z_hi, R_hi1, z_hi1, psi0)
call self%find_htg_point(R_lo, z_lo, R_lo1, z_lo1, psi0)
R(1) = R_lo1
z(1) = z_lo1
R(n) = R_lo1
z(n) = z_lo1
R(np+1) = R_hi1
z(np+1) = z_hi1
do i = 2, np
zc = z_lo1 + (z_hi1 - z_lo1) * (1 - cos(theta*(i-1))) / 2
iopt = 1
associate (s => self%psi_spline)
call profil(iopt, s%knots_x, s%nknots_x, s%knots_y, s%nknots_y, &
s%coeffs, 3, 3, zc, s%nknots_x, czc, ier)
if (ier > 0) then
write(msg, '(a, a, g0)') &
'when computing ψ(R,z) contour `profil` returned ier=', ier
call log_warning(msg, mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_flux_contour')
end if
call sproota(psi0, s%knots_x, s%nknots_x, czc, zeroc, 4, m, ier)
end associate
if (zeroc(1) > R_min) then
R(i) = zeroc(1)
R(n+1-i) = zeroc(2)
R(i) = zeroc(2)
R(n+1-i) = zeroc(3)
end if
z(i) = zc
z(n+1-i) = zc
end do
! Replace the initial guess with the exact values
R_hi = R_hi1
z_hi = z_hi1
R_lo = R_lo1
z_lo = z_lo1
end subroutine numeric_flux_contour
subroutine numeric_init(self, params, data, err)
! Initialises a numeric equilibrium
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one
use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters
use gray_params, only : EQ_EQDSK_FULL, EQ_EQDSK_PARTIAL
use gray_params, only : X_AT_TOP, X_AT_BOTTOM, X_IS_MISSING
2024-09-11 11:52:42 +02:00
use utils, only : vmaxmin
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
use logger, only : log_debug, log_info
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_equil), intent(out) :: self
type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(in) :: params
type(eqdsk_data), intent(in) :: data
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
integer :: nr, nz, nrz, npsi, nbnd, ibinf, ibsup
real(wp_) :: psinoptmp, psinxptmp
real(wp_) :: rbinf, rbsup, zbinf, zbsup, R1, z1
real(wp_) :: psiant, psinop
real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: rv1d, zv1d, fvpsi
integer :: i, j, ij
character(256) :: msg ! for log messages formatting
! compute array sizes
nr = size(data%grid_r)
nz = size(data%grid_z)
nrz = nr*nz
npsi = size(data%psi)
! length in m !!!
self%r_range = [data%grid_r(1), data%grid_r(nr)]
self%z_range = [data%grid_z(1), data%grid_z(nz)]
call log_debug('computing splines...', mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
! Spline interpolation of ψ(R, z)
select case (params%iequil)
! Data valid only inside boundary (data%psi=0 outside),
! presence of boundary anticipated here to filter invalid data
nbnd = size(data%boundary%R)
! allocate knots and spline coefficients arrays
allocate(self%psi_spline%knots_x(nr + 4), self%psi_spline%knots_y(nz + 4))
! determine number of valid grid points
do j=1,nz
do i=1,nr
if (nbnd > 0) then
if (.not. data%boundary%contains(data%grid_r(i), data%grid_z(j))) cycle
if (data%psi_map(i,j) <= 0) cycle
end if
end do
end do
! store valid data
allocate(rv1d(nrz), zv1d(nrz), fvpsi(nrz))
do j=1,nz
do i=1,nr
if (nbnd > 0) then
if (.not. data%boundary%contains(data%grid_r(i), data%grid_z(j))) cycle
if (data%psi_map(i,j) <= 0) cycle
end if
ij = ij + 1
rv1d(ij) = data%grid_r(i)
zv1d(ij) = data%grid_z(j)
fvpsi(ij) = data%psi_map(i,j)
end do
end do
! Fit as a scattered set of points
! use reduced number of knots to limit memory comsumption ?
call self%psi_spline%init_nonreg( &
rv1d, zv1d, fvpsi, tension=params%ssplps, &
range=[self%r_range, self%z_range], err=err)
! if failed, re-fit with an interpolating spline (zero tension)
if (err == -1) then
err = 0
call self%psi_spline%init_nonreg( &
rv1d, zv1d, fvpsi, tension=zero, &
range=[self%r_range, self%z_range], err=err)
end if
deallocate(rv1d, zv1d, fvpsi)
! reset nrz to the total number of grid points for next allocations
nrz = nr*nz
! Data are valid on the full R,z grid
! reshape 2D ψ array to 1D (transposed)
fvpsi = reshape(transpose(data%psi_map), [nrz])
! compute spline coefficients
call self%psi_spline%init(data%grid_r, data%grid_z, fvpsi, nr, nz, &
range=[self%r_range, self%z_range], &
tension=params%ssplps, err=err)
! if failed, re-fit with an interpolating spline (zero tension)
if (err == -1) then
call self%psi_spline%init(data%grid_r, data%grid_z, fvpsi, nr, nz, &
range=[self%r_range, self%z_range], tension=zero)
err = 0
end if
end select
if (err /= 0) then
err = 2
end if
! compute spline coefficients for ψ(R,z) partial derivatives
call self%psi_spline%init_deriv(nr, nz, 1, 0) ! ∂ψ/∂R
call self%psi_spline%init_deriv(nr, nz, 0, 1) ! ∂ψ/∂z
call self%psi_spline%init_deriv(nr, nz, 1, 1) ! ∂²ψ/∂R∂z
call self%psi_spline%init_deriv(nr, nz, 2, 0) ! ∂²ψ/∂R²
call self%psi_spline%init_deriv(nr, nz, 0, 2) ! ∂²ψ/∂z²
! set the initial ψ(R,z) domain to the grid boundary
! Note: this is required to bootstrap `flux_pol` calls
! within this very subroutine.
self%psi_domain = contour(Rmin=self%r_range(1), Rmax=self%r_range(2), &
zmin=self%z_range(1), zmax=self%z_range(2))
! Spline interpolation of F(ψ)
! give a small weight to the last point
real(wp_) :: w(npsi)
w(1:npsi-1) = 1
w(npsi) = 1.0e2_wp_
call self%fpol_spline%init(data%psi, data%fpol, npsi, weights=w, &
range=[zero, one], tension=params%ssplf)
end block
! set vacuum value used outside 0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 range
self%fpol_a = self%fpol_spline%eval(data%psi(npsi))
self%sgn_bphi = sign(one, self%fpol_a)
! Re-normalize ψ_n after the spline computation
! Note: this ensures 0 ≤ ψ_n'(R,z) < 1 inside the plasma
! Start with un-corrected ψ_n
self%psi_a = data%psi_a
psinop = 0 ! ψ_n(O point)
psiant = 1 ! ψ_n(X point) - ψ_n(O point)
! Use provided boundary to set an initial guess
! for the search of O/X points
nbnd = size(data%boundary%R)
if (nbnd > 0) then
2024-09-11 11:52:42 +02:00
call vmaxmin(data%boundary%z, zbinf, zbsup, ibinf, ibsup)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
rbinf = data%boundary%R(ibinf)
rbsup = data%boundary%R(ibsup)
zbinf = data%grid_z(2)
zbsup = data%grid_z(nz-1)
rbinf = data%grid_r((nr+1)/2)
rbsup = rbinf
end if
! Search for exact location of the magnetic axis
call self%find_ox_point(R0=data%axis(1), z0=data%axis(2), &
R1=self%axis(1), z1=self%axis(2), psi1=psinoptmp)
write (msg, '("O-point found:", 3(x,a,"=",g0.3))') &
'r', self%axis(1), 'z', self%axis(2), 'ψ', psinoptmp
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
! Search for X-point
select case (params%ixp)
case (X_AT_BOTTOM)
call self%find_ox_point(R0=rbinf, z0=zbinf, R1=R1, z1=z1, psi1=psinxptmp)
rbinf = z1
if (psinxptmp /= -1) then
write (msg, '("X-point found:", 3(x,a,"=",g0.3))') &
'R', R1, 'z', z1, 'ψ', psinxptmp
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
psinop = psinoptmp
psiant = psinxptmp-psinop
call self%find_htg_point(R0=self%axis(1), z0=(self%axis(2)+zbsup)/2, &
R1=r1, z1=zbsup, psi0=one)
end if
case (X_AT_TOP)
call self%find_ox_point(R0=rbsup, z0=zbsup, R1=R1, z1=z1, psi1=psinxptmp)
zbsup = z1
if (psinxptmp /= -1) then
write (msg, '("X-point found:", 3(x,a,"=",g0.3))') &
'R', r1, 'z', zbsup, 'ψ', psinxptmp
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
psinop = psinoptmp
psiant = psinxptmp - psinop
call self%find_htg_point(R0=self%axis(1), z0=(self%axis(2)+zbinf)/2, &
R1=r1, z1=zbinf, psi0=one)
end if
psinop = psinoptmp
psiant = 1 - psinop
! Find upper horizontal tangent point
call self%find_htg_point(R0=self%axis(1), z0=(self%axis(2)+zbsup)/2, &
R1=rbsup, z1=zbsup, psi0=one)
! Find lower horizontal tangent point
call self%find_htg_point(R0=self%axis(1), z0=(self%axis(2)+zbinf)/2, &
R1=rbinf, z1=zbinf, psi0=one)
write (msg, '("X-point not found in", 2(x,a,"∈[",g0.3,",",g0.3,"]"))') &
'R', rbinf, rbsup, 'z', zbinf, zbsup
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
end select
! Correct the spline coefficients: ψ_n → (ψ_n - psinop)/psiant
call self%psi_spline%transform(1/psiant, -psinop/psiant)
! Do the opposite scaling to preserve un-normalised values
! Note: this is only used for the poloidal magnetic field
self%psi_a = self%psi_a * psiant
! Compute other constants
call self%pol_curr(zero, self%b_axis)
self%b_axis = self%b_axis / self%axis(1)
self%b_centre = self%fpol_a / data%r_ref
self%r_centre = data%r_ref
self%z_boundary = [zbinf, zbsup]
write (msg, '(2(a,g0.3))') 'B_centre=', self%b_centre, ' B_axis=', self%b_axis
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
! Compute ρ_p/ρ_t mapping based on the input q profile
use const_and_precisions, only : pi
real(wp_), dimension(npsi) :: phi, rho_p, rho_t
real(wp_) :: dx
integer :: k
call self%q_spline%init(data%psi, abs(data%q), npsi)
! Toroidal flux as Φ(ψ) = 2π ∫q(ψ)dψ
phi(1) = 0
do k = 1, npsi-1
dx = self%q_spline%data(k+1) - self%q_spline%data(k)
phi(k+1) = phi(k) + dx*(self%q_spline%coeffs(k,1) + dx*(self%q_spline%coeffs(k,2)/2 + &
dx*(self%q_spline%coeffs(k,3)/3 + dx* self%q_spline%coeffs(k,4)/4) ) )
end do
self%phi_a = phi(npsi)
rho_p = sqrt(data%psi)
rho_t = sqrt(phi/self%phi_a)
self%phi_a = 2*pi * abs(self%psi_a) * self%phi_a
call self%rhop_spline%init(rho_t, rho_p, size(rho_p))
call self%rhot_spline%init(rho_p, rho_t, size(rho_t))
end block
call log_debug('splines computed', mod='gray_equil', proc='numeric_init')
! Compute the domain of the ψ mapping
self%psi_domain = data%boundary
call rescale_boundary(self%psi_domain, self%psi_spline, O=self%axis, t0=1.5_wp_)
end subroutine numeric_init
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine rescale_boundary(cont, psi, O, t0)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Given the plasma boundary contour `cont`, the position of the
! magnetic axis `O`, and a scaling factor `t0`; this subroutine
! rescales the contour by `t0` about `O` while ensuring the
! psi_spline stays monotonic within the new boundary.
! subroutine arguments
type(contour), intent(inout) :: cont ! (R,z) contour
type(spline_2d), intent(inout) :: psi ! ψ(R,z) spline
real(wp_), intent(in) :: O(2) ! center point
real(wp_), intent(in) :: t0 ! scaling factor
! subroutine variables
integer :: i
real(wp_) :: t
real(wp_), parameter :: dt = 0.05
real(wp_) :: P(2), N(2)
do i = 1, size(cont%R)
! For each point on the contour compute:
P = [cont%R(i), cont%z(i)] ! point on the contour
N = P - O ! direction of the line from O to P
! Find the max t: s(t) = ψ(O + tN) is monotonic in [1, t]
t = 1
do while (t < t0)
if (s(t + dt) < s(t)) exit
t = t + dt
end do
! The final point is thus O + tN
P = O + t * N
cont%R(i) = P(1)
cont%z(i) = P(2)
end do
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function s(t)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! Rescriction of ψ(R, z) on the line Q(t) = O + tN
real(wp_), intent(in) :: t
real(wp_) :: s, Q(2)
Q = O + t * N
s = psi%eval(Q(1), Q(2))
end function
end subroutine rescale_boundary
subroutine find_ox_point(self, R0, z0, R1, z1, psi1)
! Given the point (R₀,z₀) as an initial guess, finds
! the exact location (R₁,z₁) where ∇ψ(R₁,z₁) = 0.
! It also returns ψ₁=ψ(R₁,z₁).
! Note: this is used to find the magnetic X and O point,
! because both are stationary points for ψ(R,z).
use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps
use minpack, only : hybrj1
use logger, only : log_error, log_debug
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_equil) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R0, z0
real(wp_), intent(out) :: R1, z1, psi1
! local variables
integer :: info
real(wp_) :: sol(2), f(2), df(2,2), wa(15)
character(256) :: msg
sol = [R0, z0] ! first guess
call hybrj1(equation, n=2, x=sol, fvec=f, fjac=df, ldfjac=2, &
tol=sqrt(comp_eps), info=info, wa=wa, lwa=15)
if (info /= 1) then
write (msg, '("guess: ", g0.3, ", ", g0.3)') R0, z0
call log_debug(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='find_ox_point')
write (msg, '("solution: ", g0.3, ", ", g0.3)') sol
call log_debug(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='find_ox_point')
write (msg, '("hybrj1 failed with error ",g0)') info
call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='find_ox_point')
end if
R1 = sol(1) ! solution
z1 = sol(2)
call self%pol_flux(R1, z1, psi1)
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine equation(n, x, f, df, ldf, flag)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! The equation to solve: f(R,z) = ∇ψ(R,z) = 0
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, flag, ldf
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(n)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: f(n), df(ldf,n)
if (flag == 1) then
! return f(R,z) = ∇ψ(R,z)
call self%pol_flux(R=x(1), z=x(2), dpsidr=f(1), dpsidz=f(2))
! return ∇f(R,z) = ∇∇ψ(R,z)
call self%pol_flux(R=x(1), z=x(2), ddpsidrr=df(1,1), &
ddpsidzz=df(2,2), ddpsidrz=df(1,2))
df(2,1) = df(1,2)
end if
end subroutine equation
end subroutine find_ox_point
subroutine find_htg_point(self, R0, z0, R1, z1, psi0)
! Given the point (R₀,z₀) as an initial guess, finds
! the exact location (R₁,z₁) where:
! { ψ(R₁,z₁) = ψ₀
! { ∂ψ/∂R(R₁,z₁) = 0 .
! Note: this is used to find the horizontal tangent
! point of the contour ψ(R,z)=ψ₀.
use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps
use minpack, only : hybrj1
use logger, only : log_error, log_debug
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_equil) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R0, z0, psi0
real(wp_), intent(out) :: R1, z1
! local variables
integer :: info
real(wp_) :: sol(2), f(2), df(2,2), wa(15)
character(256) :: msg
sol = [R0, z0] ! first guess
call hybrj1(equation, n=2, x=sol, fvec=f, fjac=df, ldfjac=2, &
tol=sqrt(comp_eps), info=info, wa=wa, lwa=15)
if (info /= 1) then
write (msg, '("guess: ", g0.3, ", ", g0.3)') R0, z0
call log_debug(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='find_ox_point')
write (msg, '("solution: ", g0.3, ", ", g0.3)') sol
call log_debug(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='find_htg_point')
write (msg, '("hybrj1 failed with error ",g0)') info
call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='find_htg_point')
end if
R1 = sol(1) ! solution
z1 = sol(2)
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine equation(n, x, f, df, ldf, flag)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! The equation to solve: f(R,z) = [ψ(R,z)-ψ₀, ∂ψ/∂R] = 0
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, ldf, flag
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(n)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: f(n), df(ldf, n)
if (flag == 1) then
! return f(R,z) = [ψ(R,z)-ψ₀, ∂ψ/∂R]
call self%pol_flux(R=x(1), z=x(2), psi_n=f(1), dpsidr=f(2))
f(1) = f(1) - psi0
! return ∇f(R,z) = [[∂ψ/∂R, ∂ψ/∂z], [∂²ψ/∂R², ∂²ψ/∂R∂z]]
call self%pol_flux(R=x(1), z=x(2), dpsidr=df(1,1), dpsidz=df(1,2), &
ddpsidrr=df(2,1), ddpsidrz=df(2,2))
end if
end subroutine equation
end subroutine find_htg_point
! Vacuum
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine vacuum_pol_flux(self, R, z, psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, &
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz)
! function arguments
class(vacuum), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R, z
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: &
psi_n, dpsidr, dpsidz, ddpsidrr, ddpsidzz, ddpsidrz
unused(self); unused(R); unused(z)
! ψ(R,z) is undefined everywhere, return -1
if (present(psi_n)) psi_n = -1
if (present(dpsidr)) dpsidr = 0
if (present(dpsidz)) dpsidz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr = 0
if (present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz = 0
if (present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz = 0
end subroutine vacuum_pol_flux
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine vacuum_pol_curr(self, psi_n, fpol, dfpol)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! subroutine arguments
class(vacuum), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpol ! poloidal current
real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpol ! its derivative
unused(self); unused(psi_n)
! There is no current, F(ψ)=0
fpol = 0
if (present(dfpol)) dfpol = 0
end subroutine vacuum_pol_curr
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function vacuum_safety(self, psi_n) result(q)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(vacuum), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n
real(wp_) :: q
unused(self); unused(psi_n)
! q(ψ) is undefined, return 0
q = 0
end function vacuum_safety
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure function vacuum_conv(self, rho_in) result(rho_out)
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
! function arguments
class(vacuum), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rho_in
real(wp_) :: rho_out
! Neither ρ_p nor ρ_t are defined, do nothing
rho_out = rho_in
end function vacuum_conv
2024-09-01 18:46:25 +02:00
pure subroutine vacuum_flux_contour(self, psi0, R_min, R, z, &
replace equilibrium module with an object
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
2024-08-29 17:16:33 +02:00
R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo)
! subroutine arguments
class(vacuum), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R_min
real(wp_), intent(out) :: R(:), z(:)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo
unused(self); unused(psi0); unused(R_min)
unused(R_hi); unused(z_hi); unused(R_lo); unused(z_lo)
! flux surfaces are undefined
R = 0
z = 0
end subroutine vacuum_flux_contour
! Helpers
subroutine load_equil(params, equil, limiter, err)
! Loads a generic MHD equilibrium and limiter
! contour from file (params%filenm)
use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters, EQ_VACUUM
use types, only : contour
use logger, only : log_warning, log_debug
! subroutine arguments
type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
class(abstract_equil), allocatable, intent(out) :: equil
type(contour), intent(out) :: limiter
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
type(numeric_equil) :: ne
type(analytic_equil) :: ae
type(eqdsk_data) :: data
select case (params%iequil)
case (EQ_VACUUM)
call log_debug('vacuum, doing nothing', mod='gray_equil', proc='load_equil')
allocate(equil, source=vacuum())
call log_debug('loading analytical file', mod='gray_equil', proc='load_equil')
call load_analytical(params, ae, limiter, err)
if (err /= 0) return
allocate(equil, source=ae)
call log_debug('loading G-EQDSK file', mod='gray_equil', proc='load_equil')
call load_eqdsk(params, data, err)
if (err /= 0) return
call change_cocos(data, params%icocos, 3)
call scale_eqdsk(params, data)
allocate(equil, mold=ne)
select type (equil)
type is (numeric_equil)
call equil%init(params, data, err)
if (err /= 0) return
end select
limiter = data%limiter
end select
end subroutine load_equil
subroutine load_analytical(params, equil, limiter, err)
! Loads the analytical equilibrium and limiter contour from file
use const_and_precisions, only : pi, one
use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters
use logger, only : log_error
! subroutine arguments
type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(in) :: params
type(analytic_equil), intent(out) :: equil
type(contour), intent(out) :: limiter
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
integer :: i, u, nlim
real(wp_), allocatable :: R(:), z(:)
open(file=params%filenm, status='old', action='read', newunit=u, iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error('opening equilibrium ('//trim(params%filenm)//') failed!', &
mod='gray_equil', proc='load_analytical')
err = 1
end if
! The analytical file format is:
! 1 R0 z0 a
! 2 B0
! 3 q0 q1 alpha
! 4 nlim
! 5 R z
! ...
! Read model parameters
read (u, *) equil%R0, equil%z0, equil%a
read (u, *) equil%B0
read (u, *) equil%q0, equil%q1, equil%alpha
read (u, *) nlim
! Read limiter points
if (nlim > 0) then
allocate(R(nlim), z(nlim))
read (u, *) (R(i), z(i), i = 1, nlim)
limiter = contour(R, z)
end if
! Notes on cocos=3
! 1. With both I_p,B_φ > 0 we have ∂ψ/∂r<0 and ∂Φ/∂r>0.
! 2. ψ_a = ψ_edge - ψ_axis < 0.
! 3. q = 1/2π ∂Φ/∂ψ ~ ∂Φ/∂r⋅∂r/∂ψ < 0.
! 4. In general, sgn(q) = -sgn(I_p)⋅sgn(B_φ).
! Apply forced signs
if (params%sgni /= 0) then
equil%q0 = sign(equil%q0, -params%sgni*one)
equil%q1 = sign(equil%q1, -params%sgni*one)
end if
if (params%sgnb /= 0) then
equil%B0 = sign(equil%B0, +params%sgnb*one)
end if
! Apply rescaling factors
equil%B0 = equil%B0 * params%factb
! Toroidal flux at r=a:
! Φ(a) = B₀πa² 2γ/(γ + 1)
! where γ=1/√(1-ε²),
! ε=a/R₀ is the tokamak aspect ratio
real(wp_) :: gamma
gamma = 1/sqrt(1 - (equil%a/equil%R0)**2)
equil%phi_a = equil%B0 * pi * equil%a**2 * 2*gamma/(gamma + 1)
end block
! In cocos=3 the safety factor is
! q(ψ) = 1/2π ∂Φ/∂ψ.
! Given the power law of the model
! q(ψ) = q₀ + (q₁-q₀) (ψ/ψa)^(α/2),
! we can find ψ_a = ψ(r=a) by integrating:
! ∫ q(ψ)dψ = 1/2π ∫ dΦ
! ∫₀^ψ_a q(ψ)dψ = 1/2π Φ_a
! ψa [q₀ + (q₁-q₀)/(α/2+1)] = Φa/2π
! ⇒ ψ_a = Φ_a 1/2π 1/(q₀ + Δq)
! where Δq = (q₁ - q₀)/(α/2 + 1)
real(wp_) :: dq
dq = (equil%q1 - equil%q0) / (equil%alpha/2 + 1)
equil%psi_a = 1/(2*pi) * equil%phi_a / (equil%q0 + dq)
end block
! Compute other constants (see abstract_equil)
equil%b_axis = equil%B0
equil%b_centre = equil%B0
equil%r_centre = equil%R0
equil%sgn_bphi = sign(one, equil%B0)
equil%axis = [equil%R0, equil%z0]
equil%r_range = equil%R0 + [-equil%a, equil%a]
equil%z_range = equil%z0 + [-equil%a, equil%a]
equil%z_boundary = equil%z0 + [-equil%a, equil%a]
end subroutine load_analytical
subroutine load_eqdsk(params, data, err)
! Loads the equilibrium `data` from a G-EQDSK file (params%filenm).
! For a description of the G-EQDSK format, see the GRAY user manual.
use const_and_precisions, only : one
use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters
use logger, only : log_error
! subroutine arguments
type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(in) :: params
type(eqdsk_data), intent(out) :: data
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
integer :: u, i, j, nr, nz, nlim, nbnd
character(len=48) :: string
real(wp_) :: r_dim, z_dim, r_left, z_mid, psi_edge, psi_axis
real(wp_) :: skip_r ! dummy variables, used to discard data
integer :: skip_i !
! Open the G-EQDSK file
open(file=params%filenm, status='old', action='read', newunit=u, iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error('opening eqdsk file ('//trim(params%filenm)//') failed!', &
mod='gray_equil', proc='load_eqdsk')
err = 1
end if
! Get size of main arrays and allocate them
if (params%idesc) then
read (u,'(a48,3i4)') string, skip_i, nr, nz
read (u,*) nr, nz
end if
allocate(data%grid_r(nr), data%grid_z(nz), data%psi_map(nr, nz))
allocate(data%psi(nr), data%fpol(nr), data%q(nr))
! Store 0D data and main arrays
if (params%ifreefmt) then
read (u, *) r_dim, z_dim, data%r_ref, r_left, z_mid
read (u, *) data%axis, psi_axis, psi_edge, skip_r
read (u, *) skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r
read (u, *) skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r
read (u, *) (data%fpol(i), i=1,nr)
read (u, *) (skip_r,i=1, nr)
read (u, *) (skip_r,i=1, nr)
read (u, *) (skip_r,i=1, nr)
read (u, *) ((data%psi_map(i,j), i=1,nr), j=1,nz)
read (u, *) (data%q(i), i=1,nr)
read (u, '(5e16.9)') r_dim, z_dim, data%r_ref, r_left, z_mid
read (u, '(5e16.9)') data%axis, psi_axis, psi_edge, skip_r
read (u, '(5e16.9)') skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r
read (u, '(5e16.9)') skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r, skip_r
read (u, '(5e16.9)') (data%fpol(i), i=1,nr)
read (u, '(5e16.9)') (skip_r, i=1,nr)
read (u, '(5e16.9)') (skip_r, i=1,nr)
read (u, '(5e16.9)') (skip_r, i=1,nr)
read (u, '(5e16.9)') ((data%psi_map(i,j), i=1,nr), j=1,nz)
read (u, '(5e16.9)') (data%q(i), i=1,nr)
end if
! Get size of boundary and limiter arrays and allocate them
read (u, *) nbnd, nlim
! Load plasma boundary data
if (nbnd > 0) then
real(wp_) :: R(nbnd), z(nbnd)
if (params%ifreefmt) then
read(u, *) (R(i), z(i), i=1,nbnd)
read(u, '(5e16.9)') (R(i), z(i), i=1,nbnd)
end if
data%boundary = contour(R, z)
end block
end if
! Load limiter data
if (nlim > 0) then
real(wp_) :: R(nlim), z(nlim)
if (params%ifreefmt) then
read(u, *) (R(i), z(i), i=1,nlim)
read(u, '(5e16.9)') (R(i), z(i), i=1,nlim)
end if
data%limiter = contour(R, z)
end block
end if
! End of G-EQDSK file
! Build the grid arrays
real(wp_) :: dpsi, dr, dz
dr = r_dim/(nr - 1)
dz = z_dim/(nz - 1)
dpsi = one/(nr - 1)
do i = 1, nr
data%psi(i) = (i-1)*dpsi
data%grid_r(i) = r_left + (i-1)*dr
end do
do i = 1, nz
data%grid_z(i) = z_mid - z_dim/2 + (i-1)*dz
end do
end block
! Normalize the poloidal flux
data%psi_a = psi_edge - psi_axis
if (.not. params%ipsinorm) data%psi_map = (data%psi_map - psi_axis)/data%psi_a
end subroutine load_eqdsk
subroutine scale_eqdsk(params, data)
! Rescale the magnetic field (B) and the plasma current (I_p)
! and/or force their signs.
! Notes:
! 1. signi and signb are ignored on input if equal to 0.
! They are used to assign the direction of B_φ and I_p BEFORE scaling.
! 2. cocos=3 assumed: positive toroidal direction is CCW from above
! 3. B_φ and I_p scaled by the same factor factb to keep q unchanged
! 4. factb<0 reverses the directions of Bphi and Ipla
use const_and_precisions, only : one
use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters
! subroutine arguments
type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
type(eqdsk_data), intent(inout) :: data
! Notes on cocos=3
! 1. With both I_p,B_φ > 0 we have ∂ψ/∂r<0 and ∂Φ/∂r>0.
! 2. ψ_a = ψ_edge - ψ_axis < 0.
! 3. q = 1/2π ∂Φ/∂ψ ~ ∂Φ/∂r⋅∂r/∂ψ < 0.
! 4. In general, sgn(q) = -sgn(I_p)⋅sgn(B_φ).
! Apply signs
if (params%sgni /= 0) data%psi_a = sign(data%psi_a, -params%sgni*one)
if (params%sgnb /= 0) data%fpol = sign(data%fpol, +params%sgnb*one)
! Rescale
data%psi_a = data%psi_a * params%factb
data%fpol = data%fpol * params%factb
! Compute the signs to be shown in the outputs header
! Note: this is needed if sgni, sgnb = 0 in gray.ini
params%sgni = int(sign(one, -data%psi_a))
params%sgnb = int(sign(one, +data%fpol(size(data%fpol))))
end subroutine scale_eqdsk
subroutine change_cocos(data, cocosin, cocosout, err)
! Convert the MHD equilibrium data from one coordinate convention
! (COCOS) to another. These are specified by `cocosin` and
! `cocosout`, respectively.
! For more information, see:
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one, pi
use logger, only : log_warning
! subroutine arguments
type(eqdsk_data), intent(inout) :: data
integer, intent(in) :: cocosin, cocosout
integer, intent(out), optional :: err
! local variables
real(wp_) :: isign, bsign
integer :: exp2pi, exp2piout
logical :: phiccw, psiincr, qpos, phiccwout, psiincrout, qposout
call decode_cocos(cocosin, exp2pi, phiccw, psiincr, qpos)
call decode_cocos(cocosout, exp2piout, phiccwout, psiincrout, qposout)
! Check sign consistency
isign = sign(one, data%psi_a)
if (.not. psiincr) isign = -isign
bsign = sign(one, data%fpol(size(data%fpol)))
if (qpos .neqv. isign * bsign * data%q(size(data%q)) > zero) then
! Warning: sign inconsistency found among q, I_p and B_ref
data%q = -data%q
call log_warning('data not consistent with cocosin', &
mod='gray_equil', proc='change_cocos')
if (present(err)) err = 1
if (present(err)) err = 0
end if
! Convert cocosin to cocosout
! Opposite direction of toroidal angle phi in cocosin and cocosout
if (phiccw .neqv. phiccwout) data%fpol = -data%fpol
! q has opposite sign for given sign of B_phi⋅I_p
if (qpos .neqv. qposout) data%q = -data%q
! psi and Ip signs don't change accordingly
if ((phiccw .eqv. phiccwout) .neqv. (psiincr .eqv. psiincrout)) &
data%psi_a = -data%psi_a
! Convert Wb to Wb/rad or viceversa
data%psi_a = data%psi_a * (2*pi)**(exp2piout - exp2pi)
end subroutine change_cocos
subroutine decode_cocos(cocos, exp2pi, phiccw, psiincr, qpos)
! Extracts the sign and units conventions from a COCOS index
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: cocos
integer, intent(out) :: exp2pi
logical, intent(out) :: phiccw, psiincr, qpos
! local variables
integer :: cmod10, cmod4
cmod10 = mod(cocos, 10)
cmod4 = mod(cmod10, 4)
! cocos>10 ψ in Wb, cocos<10 ψ in Wb/rad
exp2pi = (cocos - cmod10)/10
! cocos mod 10 = 1,3,5,7: toroidal angle φ increasing CCW
phiccw = (mod(cmod10, 2)== 1)
! cocos mod 10 = 1,2,5,6: ψ increasing with positive Ip
psiincr = (cmod4==1 .or. cmod4==2)
! cocos mod 10 = 1,2,7,8: q positive for positive Bφ*Ip
qpos = (cmod10<3 .or. cmod10>6)
end subroutine decode_cocos
end module