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116 lines
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Python interface for GRAY
# output files handling
import numpy as np
import collections
import io
from configparser import ConfigParser
# standard GRAY simulation
from pathlib import Path
# Type of a parsed EQDSK file
Eqdsk = collections.namedtuple('Eqdsk', ['flux', 'boundary', 'limiter', 'q'])
def read_eqdsk(filepath: Path) -> Eqdsk:
Loads a full G-EQDSK file and returns:
R, z, ψ(R, z), q(ρ)
def read(file, n):
Reads n records of a G-EQDSK file
x = np.empty(n)
for i in range(n):
x[i] = float(file.read(16).strip())
return x
def skip(file, n):
Skip n records of a G-EQDSK file
file.seek(file.tell() + 16 * n)
with open(filepath) as file:
file = io.StringIO(''.join(file.read().splitlines()))
# comment string
# number of (R, z) grid points
_, nr, nz = [int(i) for i in file.read(4 * 3).split()]
# build (R, z) grid
r_dim, z_dim, _, r_left, z_mid = read(file, 5)
r = np.linspace(r_left, r_left + r_dim, nr)
z = np.linspace(z_mid - z_dim/2, z_mid + z_dim/2, nz)
# ψ on the axis/boundary
psi_min, psi_max = read(file, 5)[2:4]
# skip other MHD quantities
skip(file, 5 * 2)
skip(file, nr * 4)
# read flux and safety factor
psi = read(file, nr * nz).reshape(nr, nz)
q = read(file, nr)
# normalise flux
psi = abs(psi - psi_min) / abs(psi_max - psi_min)
# plasma boundary and limiter contour
nbound, nlim = [int(i) for i in file.read(5 * 2).split()]
rbound, zbound = read(file, nbound * 2).reshape(nbound, 2).T
rlim, zlim = read(file, nlim * 2).reshape(nlim, 2).T
return Eqdsk(flux=(r, z, psi),
boundary=(rbound, zbound),
limiter=(rlim, zlim),
q=(np.sqrt(np.linspace(0, 1, nr)), abs(q)))
def read_conf(fname: Path):
Parses gray.ini configuration file
config = ConfigParser()
with open(fname) as ini:
return config
def read_table(fname: Path):
Loads a GRAY output unit file as a structured numpy array
return np.genfromtxt(fname, skip_header=21, names=True)
def get_limiter(conf: ConfigParser, inputs: Path) -> np.array:
Returns the limiter contour
file = conf['equilibrium']['filenm'].strip('"')
if conf['equilibrium'].get('iequil') == 'EQ_ANALYTICAL':
return np.loadtxt(inputs / file, skiprows=4).T
eqdsk = read_eqdsk(inputs / file)
return eqdsk.limiter
def decode_index_rt(i: int) -> (str, int):
Given the index_rt of a beam, returns the polarisation
mode ('O' or 'X') and the number of passes
mode = ['X', 'O'][i % 2]
passes = int(np.floor(np.log2(1 + i)))
return mode, passes