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; Number of rays in the radial/angular direction
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 16
; Normalized maximum radius of the beam power
rwmax = 1
; Switch between simple raytracing (0) and beamtracing (1)
igrad = 0
; Max number of passes inside the plasma [multipass module]
; When positive reflections occur on the plasma limiter provided by the
; G-EQDSK file; when negative on a simple limiter at R=`rwall`, see below.
ipass = 1
; Whether to compute the wave polarisation
ipol = 0
; Step size (cm) for the numerical integration
dst = 0.1
; Max number of integration steps
nstep = 12000
; Choice of the integration variable
; 0: path length (s)
; 1: "time" (actually c⋅t)
; 2: real part of the eikonal (S_r)
idst = 0
; Choice of the power absorption model
; 0: no absorption at all
; 1: weakly relativistic
; 2: fully relativistic (faster variant)
; 3: fully relativistic (slower variant)
; 4: tenuous plasma (very fast)
; Note: iwarm>0 is required for current driver
iwarm = 2
; Order of the electron Larmor radius expansion
; (used by some absorption models)
ilarm = 5
; Max number of iterations for the solution of the dispersion relation.
; (used by some absorption models)
; Note: if negative the result of the first iteration will be used in
; case the result doesn't converge within |imx| iterations.
imx = -20
; Current drive model
; 0: no current drive at all
; 1: Cohen
; 2: no trapping
; 3: Neoclassical
ieccd = 3
; Wave launch angles (deg)
alpha = 45 ; Poloidal angle (positive → up)
beta = 0 ; Toroidal angle (positive → right)
; Injected power (MW)
power = 1
; Polarisation mode
; 1: ordinary (O)
; 2: extraordinary (X)
iox = 1
; Alternatively, parameters of the polarisation ellipse
; χ: angle between the principal axes and the (x,y) axes
; ψ: atan(ε), where ε is the ellipticity
chi = 0
psi = 0
; Beam description kind
; 0: simple beam shape
; 1: 1D table
; 2: 2D table
ibeam = 0
; Filepath of the beam data (relative to this file)
filenm = "beamdata.txt"
; MHD equilibrium kind
; 0: vacuum (i.e. no plasma at all)
; 1: analytical
; 2: G-EQDSK format - data valid on the whole domain
; 3: G-EQDSK format - data valid only inside the LCFS
iequil = 3
; Filepath of the equilibrium data (relative to this file)
filenm = "magneticdata.eqdsk"
; COCOS index
icocos = 0
; Normalisation of the poloidal function
; 0: G-EQDSK, ψ → |ψ - ψ(edge)|/|ψ(axis) - ψ(edge)|
; 1: no normalisation
ipsinorm = 0
; G-EQDSK format parameters
; Whether header starts with a description, a.k.a identification string
idesc = 1
; Whether the records have variable length
; Note: some non-compliant programs output numbers formatted with variable length
; instead of using the single (5e16.9) specifier.
ifreefmt = 0
; Position of the X point
; -1: bottom
; 0: no X point
; +1: top
ixp = 0
; Tension of splines
; Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
ssplps = 0.005 ; for ψ(R,Z), normalised poloidal flux
ssplf = 0.01 ; for I(ψ)=R⋅B_T, poloidal current function
; Sign of toroidal field/current (used when COCOS index is 0,10)
; When viewing from above: +1 → counter-clockwise, -1 → clockwise
sgnb = -1
sgni = +1
; Rescaling factor for the magnetic field
factb = 1
; (input) plasma profiles parameters
; Profiles kind
; 0: analytical
; 1: numerical
iprof = 1
; Profile radial coordinate
; 0: ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
; 1: ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
; 2: normalised poloidal flux ψ
irho = 0
; Filepath of the equilibrium (relative to this file)
filenm = "profiles.txt"
; Tension of the density spline
; Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
sspld = 0.1
; Rescaling factor for electron temperature/density
factte = 1
factne = 1
; Choice of model for rescaling the temperature/density with the
; magnetic field
; 1: costant Greenwald density (ab=1)
; 2: no rescaling (ab=0)
iscal = 2
; Output data parameters
; ECRH&CD profiles grid:
; Radial coordinate
; 1: ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
; 2: ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
ipec = 1
; Number of points
nrho = 501
; Subsampling factors:
istpr = 5 ; beam cross section (units 8, 12)
istpl = 5 ; outer rays data (unit 33)
; Other parameters
; Radius of the inner wall (m) [multipass module]
; (when ipass<0, used to build a simple limiter for reflections)
rwall = 1.36