doctype html html head meta(charset='utf-8') meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1') title Anonimato nella rete Internet link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='build/build.css') body article section h1 Anonimato nella rete Internet section h2 Keyboard Interaction h3 Powered by bespoke-keys section h2 Touch Interaction h3 Powered by bespoke-touch section h2 Responsive Slides h3 Powered by bespoke-scale section h2 Bullet List h3.bullet Powered by bespoke-bullets ul li Bullet 1 li Bullet 2 li Bullet 3 section h2 Syntax Highlighting h3 Powered by Lea Verou's Prism pre code.language-javascript. bespoke.from('article', [ classes(), keys(), touch(), bullets('li, .bullet') ]); section(data-bespoke-hash='named-route') h2 Named Route h3 Powered by bespoke-hash p Look up! This route has been named with a 'data-bespoke-hash' attribute. section.emphatic-text(data-bespoke-backdrop='emphatic') h2 Emphatic Slide! h3 Powered by bespoke-backdrop section h2.bullet Just the beginning... br ul li Edit Jade markup in 'src/index.jade' li Edit Stylus styles in 'src/styles/main.styl' li Edit JavaScript in 'src/scripts/main.js' br ul li strong Enjoy! :) a(href='') -@markdalgleish script(src='build/build.js')