#!/usr/bin/env node // Prepare deps and fs var cfgDir = (process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE) + '/.config/telecommander/' process.env.LOGGER_FILE = cfgDir+'log' var os = require('os') var fs = require('fs') var moment = require('moment') var blessed = require('blessed') try { fs.makeDirSync(cfgDir,'0770') } catch (e) { } var getLogger = require('get-log') getLogger.PROJECT_NAME = 'telecommander' var logger = getLogger('main') var telegramLink = require('telegram.link')() // Prepare blessed UI var screen = blessed.screen({ smartCSR: true, dockBorders: true }) screen.title = "Telecommander" var defaultStyle = { fg: 'white', border: { fg: 'gray' }, scrollbar: { bg: 'blue', fg: 'red' } } // Function to create a log box function mkBox(){ var box = blessed.log({ right: 0, width: '80%', height: screen.height-3, border: { type: 'line' }, scrollable: true, draggable: true, style: defaultStyle }) box.hide() return box } // Contact list window var chats = blessed.list({ left: 0, top:0, height: screen.height-3, width: '20%', border: { type: 'line' }, mouse: true, style: defaultStyle, }) chats.style.selected = { bg: 'blue' } // Command line prompt var cmdline = blessed.textbox({ inputOnFocus: true, bottom: 0, left: 'center', width: '100%', height: 3, border: { type: 'line' }, style: defaultStyle }) var statusWindow = "Status" // mgsBox holds the chat boxes for every list entry var msgBox = { } msgBox[statusWindow] = mkBox() // Add stuff to the screen screen.append(chats); screen.append(cmdline); screen.append(msgBox[statusWindow]); // Contacts holds all the contacts data var contacts = { } // Groups hold all the data about groups var groups = { } // nameToUid is used to match a name to its user id (for the contact list) var nameToUid = { } var state = { } // keeps track of the telegram update state var client // used to talk with telegram var user = { } // holds data about current user var authKey // our authorization key to access telegram var connected = false // keep track of wether we are good to go and logged in var selectedWindow = statusWindow // the currently selected window function command(cmd){ cmdl = cmd.split(' ') cmdname = cmdl[0] if(cmdname === 'phone'){ // So the user can provide his phone numbah if(connected){ return log("Silly user, you're already connected! We don't need that phone number") } user.phone = cmd.split(' ')[1] var mindate = moment() client.auth.sendCode(user.phone,5,'en',function(result){ if(result.err_code){ return log('Errors:',result.error_code,result.error_message) } //log('Res:',JSON.stringify(result)) user.registered = result.phone_registered user.phoneCodeHash = result.phone_code_hash function gmd(){ var m = moment() m = m.subtract(m.diff(mindate)) return 'Please use a telegram code not older than '+m.fromNow(true) } if(!user.registered){ log("Your number is not registered. The client will register your account with the Telegram service") log(gmd()) log('Ready for phone code, use command: "code " to register') } else { log("Your number is already registered with telegram. The client will log in.") log(gmd()) log('Ready for phone code, use command: "code " to login') } }) } else if(cmdname === 'code'){ // So the user can provide his phone code if(connected){ return log("Silly user, you're already connected! We don't need that phone code") } code = cmdl[1] name = cmdl[2] lastname = cmdl[3] if(((!name || !lastname) && !user.registered) || !code) return log('insufficient arguments:',cmd) cb = function(result){ user.id = ''+result.user.id user.phone = result.user.phone user.phoneCodeHash = result.phone_code_hash user.username = result.user.username user.first_name = result.user.first_name user.last_name = result.user.last_name // Done, write user data and key to disk log('Writing key to disk...') fs.writeFile(cfgDir+'key',authKey,function(err){ if(err) log('Could not write key to disk:',err) else log('key saved to disk') }) log('Writing user info to disk...') fs.writeFile(cfgDir+'user_data.json',JSON.stringify(user),function(err){ if(err) log("ERROR: couldn't write user_data.json:",err) else log('user_data.json saved to disk with data:',JSON.stringify(user)) }) whenReady() } // Log in finally if(user.registered) client.auth.signIn(user.phone,user.phoneCodeHash,code,cb) else client.auth.signUp(user.phone,user.phoneCodeHash,code,name,lastname,cb) } else if(cmdname === 'msg'){ // Send a message sendMsg(cmdl[1],cmdl[2]) } } chats.addItem(msgBox[statusWindow]) switchToBox(statusWindow) screen.render(); // What happens when a different window is selected chats.on('select',function(selected){ log('SELECT:',selected.content) switchToBox(selected.content) }) function switchToBox(boxname){ msgBox[selectedWindow].hide() selectedWindow = boxname; var newb = getMsgBox(selectedWindow) newb.show() } // Get msgBox for given chat, create if not exists function getMsgBox(chat,switchto){ // Automatically convert ids to names //if(contacts[chat]) chat = contacts[chat].user.id //if(groups[chat]); // To be implemented if(chat === undefined){ log('ERROR: asked for box for "undefined"!!') return msgBox[statusWindow] } if(!msgBox[chat]){ log('Generating window: "'+chat+'"') msgBox[chat] = mkBox() screen.append(msgBox[chat]) var uid = nameToUid[chat] if(uid != undefined){ // Is a real user: download messages and stuff getMessages(uid,msgBox[chat]) } } else log('Getting window','"'+chat+'"') if(switchto === true){ switchToBox(chat) } return msgBox[chat] } // What happens when the user submits a command in the prompt cmdline.on('submit',function(value){ msgBox[statusWindow].add('< '+value) if(nameToUid[selectedWindow] == undefined){ command(value) } else { // Send Message sendMsg(nameToUid[selectedWindow],value) } cmdline.clearValue() cmdline.focus() }) cmdline.focus() // make sure prompt is focused // Catch ctrl-c or escape event and close program cmdline.key(['escape','C-c'], function(ch,key){ if(connected || client != undefined){ log('Closing communications and shutting down...') client.end(function(){ process.exit(0) }) } else process.exit(0); }); // Send a message function sendMsg(uid,str){ if(!connected){ return log('Error: not ready to send messages') } var peer = new telegramLink.type.InputPeerContact({ props: { user_id: ''+uid } }) var randid = parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000000) client.messages.sendMessage(peer,str,randid,function(sent){ log('Send message:','"'+str+'"','to:',selectedWindow+':',sent.toPrintable()) }) } // Write something in the Status box function log(){ args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) var msg = args.join(' ') msgBox[statusWindow].add(msg) logger.info(msg) } // Prepare data to feed to telegramLink var app = { id: '42419', hash: '90a3c2cdbf9b391d9ed72c0639dc0786', version: require('./package.json').version, lang: 'en', deviceModel: os.type(), systemVersion: os.platform()+'/'+os.release() } // Connects to telegram function connect(){ client = telegramLink.createClient(app, telegramLink.PROD_PRIMARY_DC, function(){ if(!app.authKey){ log('Creating authkey...') client.createAuthKey(function(auth){ authKey = auth.key.encrypt('password') // I know sorry, but I'm testing. Will add security later, I promise log('Created key') // Writes the new encrypted key to disk log('ready for phone number, use command: phone ') }) } else { log('Authkey loaded from disk. Should be ready to go.') whenReady() } }) client.once('dataCenter',function(dcs){ log('Datacenters:',dcs.toPrintable()) }) } // Executed when connected and logged in function whenReady(){ log('READY!') connected = true downloadData() } // Downloads stuff function downloadData(){ log('Downloading data...') client.contacts.getContacts('',function(cont){ chats.clearItems() chats.add(statusWindow) cont.users.list.forEach(function(u,index){ if(!contacts[u.id]) contacts[u.id] = {} contacts[u.id].user = u var name = getName(u.id) nameToUid[name] = u.id chats.addItem(name) //log('Added user:',u.id,'-',name) }) }) client.messages.getDialogs(0,0,10,function(dialogs){ dialogs.dialogs.list.forEach(function(item){ if(item.peer.chat_id){ // is a group groups[item.peer.chat_id] = item //log('Added group:',item.peer.chat_id) } }) }) client.updates.getState(function(astate){ updateState(astate) log(state.unreadCount,'unread messages') log('Started receiving updates') // Can't use registerOnUpdates because it's apparently broken //client.registerOnUpdates(onUpdate) setTimeout(downloadUpdates,1000) }) } // Updates the current state function updateState(newstate){ state.pts = newstate.pts state.qts = newstate.qts state.date = newstate.date state.sqp = newstate.seq state.unreadCount = newstate.unread_count } // process an update function onUpdate(upd){ log('Got Update:',upd.toPrintable()) // Process update if(update.message){ // It's a chat message log('Writing chat message to ',update.from_id) //appendMsg(update,getName(update.from_id)) } } function downloadUpdates(){ client.updates.getDifference(state.pts,state.date,state.qts,function(res){ log('Got Diff: ',res.toPrintable()) if(res.state){ updateState(res.state) } if(res.new_messages){ res.new_messages.list.forEach(function(msg){ if(!msg.message) return log('Empty message!',msg) //log('Scheduling message: '+msg.message) appendMsg(msg,undefined,false,true) }) } setTimeout(downloadUpdates,1000) }) } function getName(uid){ var u if(!contacts[uid]) if(groups[uid]) return uid else{ log('Failed to find name for:',uid) return undefined } else u = contacts[uid].user return u.first_name + ' ' + u.last_name + (u.username?' ('+u.username+')':'') } // Get message history with given id in the given box function getMessages(uid,box){ if(!connected){ return log('Uh cant get messages cuz not connected.....') } box.add('Downloading message history for '+getName(uid)) var peer = new telegramLink.type.InputPeerContact({ props: { user_id: uid } }) client.messages.getHistory(peer,0,-1,20,function(res){ //log(res.toPrintable()) log('Got history for: '+getName(peer.user_id)) res.messages.list.sort(function(msg1,msg2){ return msg1.date - msg2.date }) if(res.messages.list.length === 0) return appendToUserBox('No messages.',res) res.messages.list.forEach(function(msg){ if(!msg.message) return log('Empty message!',msg) //log('Scheduling message: '+msg.message) appendMsg(msg) }) }) } function appendToUserBox(msg,context){ var goesto if(context.messages.list.length > 0){ if(context.messages.list[0].to_id.chat_id){ // Group message log('Chose',getName(context.messages.list[0].to_id.chat_id)) goesto = getMsgBox(getName(context.messages.list[0].to_id.chat_id)) } } if(goesto === undefined){ if(context.users.list[0].user_id == user.id){ goesto = getMsgBox(getName(context.users.list[1].id)) } else{ goesto = getMsgBox(getName(context.users.list[0].id)) } } appendMsg(msg,goesto,true) } // Writes given telegram.link "message" object to given boxId function appendMsg(msg,toBoxId,bare,smartmode){ var box,param if(toBoxId != undefined){ box = toBoxId } else { if(msg.from_id === msg.to_id.user_id || msg.from_id != user.id){ param = getName(msg.from_id) } else if(msg.to_id != user.id) { // don't forget dat .user_id! don't need it in from_id... param = getName(msg.to_id.user_id) } else { // Wtf ? maybe a group return log('Unknown message: from',msg.from_id,'to',msg.to_id) } if(smartmode && !bare){ // Smart mode doesn't append the message to the box if it doesn't exist // because when created, the box will download message history if(msgBox[param] === undefined) return; } box = getMsgBox(param) } if(bare) box.add(msg) else { var from = msg.from_id var date = moment.unix(msg.date).fromNow() name = getName(from) box.add(date+' | '+(name || from)+' > '+msg.message) } } // - Entry Point - // Load authKey and userdata from disk, then act depending on outcome var keyPath = cfgDir+'key' log('Checking disk for key...') fs.exists(keyPath,function(exists){ if(exists){ log('Key found') fs.readFile(keyPath,function(err,content){ if(err) log('Error while reading key:',err) else { authKey = telegramLink.retrieveAuthKey(content,'password') // yeah sorry just testing app.authKey = authKey log('Key loaded') fs.readFile(cfgDir+'user_data.json',function(err,data){ if(err) log("FATAL: couldn't read user_data.json") else { try { log("Got User Data from disk: ",data) user = JSON.parse(data) connect() } catch (e) { log("FATAL: user data corrupted:",e) } } }) } }) } else { log('Key not found') connect() } })