#!/usr/bin/env node var data = {} // Hold all global data var os = require('os') var fs = require('fs') var moment = require('moment') var blessed = require('blessed') var path = require('path') data.cfgDir = path.join(process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME || (path.join(process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE, '/.config/')), 'telecommander/') process.env.LOGGER_FILE = process.env.LOGGER_FILE || "/tmp/telecommander" data.keyFile = path.join(data.cfgDir,'key') data.userFile = path.join(data.cfgDir,'user_data.json') data.telegramLink = require('telegram.link')() // Load modules require('./lib/cli.js')(data) // Parse command line args require('./lib/util.js')(data) // Load utils require('./lib/ui.js')(data) // Load ui /* IF YOU FORK THE APP PLEASE CHANGE THE ID * AND HASH IN THE APP OBJECT! THEY IDENTIFY * THE APPLICATION CREATOR AND YOU CAN * OBTAIN YOURS FROM http://my.telegram.org */ data.app = { id: '42419', hash: '90a3c2cdbf9b391d9ed72c0639dc0786', version: require('./package.json').version, lang: 'en', deviceModel: os.type(), systemVersion: os.platform()+'/'+os.release() } // Logger var getLogger = require('get-log') getLogger.PROJECT_NAME = 'telecommander' data.logger = getLogger('main') data.authKey // our authorization key to access telegram data.connected = false // keep track of wether we are good to go and logged in // Write something in the Status box data.log = function(){ args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) var msg = args.join(' ') data.getMsgBox(data.statusWindow).add(msg) data.logger.info(msg) } data.command = function(cmd){ cmdl = cmd.split(' ') cmdname = cmdl[0] if(cmdname === 'phone'){ // So the user can provide his phone numbah if(data.connected){ return log("Silly user, you're already connected! We don't need that phone number") } } else if(cmdname === 'code'){ // So the user can provide his phone code if(data.connected){ return data.log("Silly user, you're already connected! We don't need that phone code") } } else { data.log('Command not found.') } } // Send a message data.sendMsg = function(name,str){ if(!data.connected){ return log('Error: not ready to send messages') } var obj = data.nameToObj(name) var peer = data.idToPeer(obj.id,obj.title?'group':'user') var randid = parseInt(Math.random() * 999999999) // Fix bug in telegram.link that doesn't send strings with accented letters str = str.replace('è',"e'").replace('ù',"u'").replace('à',"a'").replace('ò',"o'").replace('ì',"i'") //data.log('Sending Message to:',peer.toPrintable()) data.client.messages.sendMessage(peer,str,randid,function(sent){ data.log('Sent message:','"'+str+'"','to:',data.selectedWindow+':',sent.toPrintable()) }) } data.onPhoneCode = function(something,s){ if(s === null){ // User cancelled process.exit(0) } var cmdl = s.split(' ') code = cmdl[0] name = cmdl[1] lastname = cmdl[2] if(((!name || !lastname) && !data.user.registered) || !code) return log('insufficient arguments:',cmd) // TODO: handle this better! var cb = function(result){ data.user.id = ''+result.user.id data.user.phone = result.user.phone data.user.phoneCodeHash = result.phone_code_hash data.user.username = result.user.username data.user.first_name = result.user.first_name data.user.last_name = result.user.last_name // Done, write user data and key to disk try { fs.mkdirSync(data.cfgDir,'0770') } catch (e) { if(e.code != 'EEXIST'){ console.error("FATAL: couldn't create configuration directory",data.cfgDir,e) process.exit(-1) } } data.log('Writing Log In token and user data to',data.cfgDir) fs.writeFile(data.cfgDir+'key',data.app.authKey,function(err){ if(err) data.log('FATAL: Could not write key to disk:',err) }) fs.writeFile(data.cfgDir+'user_data.json',JSON.stringify(data.user),function(err){ if(err) data.log("FATAL: couldn't write user_data.json:",err) }) data.whenReady() } // Log in finally if(data.user.registered) data.client.auth.signIn(data.user.phone,data.user.phoneCodeHash,code,cb) else data.client.auth.signUp(data.user.phone,data.user.phoneCodeHash,code,name,lastname,cb) } data.onPhoneNumber = function(something,s){ if(s === null){ // User cancelled process.exit(0) } data.user.phone = s.trim() var mindate = moment() data.log('Checking your phone number with Telegram...') data.client.auth.sendCode(data.user.phone,5,'en',function(result){ if(result.err_code){ return data.log('Errors:',result.error_code,result.error_message) } //data.log('Res:',JSON.stringify(result)) data.user.registered = result.phone_registered data.user.phoneCodeHash = result.phone_code_hash var msg if(!data.user.registered){ msg = "Your number ("+data.user.phone+") is not registered.\nTelecommander will register your account with the Telegram service." } else { msg = "Your number ("+data.user.phone+") is already assigned to a Telegram account.\nTelecommander will log you in." } msg += "\nPress ESC to exit now, or enter to continue" data.popup.display(msg,0,function(){ data.popup.hide() data.promptBox.input('Your telegram code:','',data.onPhoneCode) }) }) } // Connects to telegram data.connect = function(){ data.load('Connecting...') data.client = data.telegramLink.createClient(data.app, data.dataCenter, function(){ if(!data.app.authKey){ data.log('Downloading Authorization Key...') data.client.createAuthKey(function(auth){ data.app.authKey = auth.key.encrypt('password') // Will add security later, I promise // Writes the new encrypted key to disk data.loader.stop() //data.log('Ready for phone number, use command: phone ') data.promptBox.input('Phone number (international format):','+',data.onPhoneNumber) }) } else { data.whenReady() } }) data.client.once('dataCenter',function(dcs){ data.log('Datacenters:',dcs.toPrintable()) }) } // Executed when connected and logged in data.whenReady = function(){ data.load('Connected') data.connected = true data.downloadData() data.chats.focus() } // Downloads stuff data.downloadData = function(){ data.load('Downloading data') data.client.contacts.getContacts('',function(cont){ //data.chats.clearItems() //data.chats.add(data.statusWindow) cont.users.list.forEach(data.addUser) data.loader.stop() }) data.client.messages.getDialogs(0,0,10,function(dialogs){ if(dialogs && dialogs.chats && dialogs.chats.list) dialogs.chats.list.forEach(data.addGroup) data.loader.stop() }) data.client.updates.getState(function(astate){ data.updateState(astate) data.log(data.state.unreadCount,'unread messages') //data.log('Started receiving updates') // Can't use registerOnUpdates because it's apparently broken //client.registerOnUpdates(onUpdate) setTimeout(data.downloadUpdates,1000) }) } data.downloadUpdates = function(){ data.client.updates.getDifference(data.state.pts,data.state.date,data.state.qts,function(res){ if(!res.instanceOf('api.type.updates.DifferenceEmpty')){ //data.log('Got Diff: ',res.toPrintable()) if(res.state){ data.updateState(res.state) } if(res.chats) for(c in res.chats.list) data.addGroup(res.chats.list[c]) if(res.users) for(c in res.users.list) data.addUser(res.users.list[c]) if(res.new_messages){ res.new_messages.list.forEach(function(msg){ data.appendMsg(msg,undefined,false,false) }) } data.rebuildChatList() } setTimeout(data.downloadUpdates,1000) }) } // Get message history with given name in the given box // BROKEN, need to be rethinked data.getMessages = function(name,box){ if(!data.connected){ return // data.log('Uh cant get messages cuz not connected.....') } if(data.downloadingMessages == true) return //log('Name to obj:',name) var obj = data.nameToObj(name) if(!obj || !obj.id){ return //data.log("Can't get messages",obj,obj.id,obj.title) } var type = obj.title?'group':'user' var peer = data.idToPeer(obj.id,type) //box.add('Downloading message history for '+name) if(!peer) return log('Could not find peer:',name) data.downloadingMessages = true var oldnlines = box.getLines().length if(data.selectedWindow === name) data.load('Downloading history...') data.client.messages.getHistory(peer,0,obj.oldest_message||0,box.height,function(res){ //log(res.toPrintable()) //log('Got history for: '+getName(peer.user_id||peer.chat_id,peer.chat_id?'group':'user')) if(!res.messages){ return box.add(res.toPrintable()) } res.messages.list.sort(function(msg1,msg2){ return msg1.date - msg2.date }) res.messages.list.reverse() res.messages.list.forEach(function(msg){ data.appendMsg(msg,undefined,false,true) }) if(box.data.downloadedHistoryTimes === 0) // Downloading messages for the first time box.setScrollPerc(100) //box.add(obj.oldest_message) box.data.downloadedHistoryTimes++ data.loader.stop() data.downloadingMessages = false }) } data.appendToUserBox = function(msg,context){ var goesto if(context.messages.list.length > 0){ if(context.messages.list[0].to_id.chat_id){ // Group message //data.log('Chose',data.getName(context.messages.list[0].to_id.chat_id,'group')) goesto = data.getMsgBox(data.getName(context.messages.list[0].to_id.chat_id)) } } if(goesto === undefined){ if(context.users.list[0].user_id == data.user.id){ goesto = data.getMsgBox(data.getName(context.users.list[1].id,'user')) } else{ goesto = data.getMsgBox(data.getName(context.users.list[0].id,'user')) } } data.appendMsg(msg,goesto,true) } // Writes given telegram.link "message" object to given boxId data.appendMsg = function(msg,toBoxId,bare,prepend){ var box,param,obj if(toBoxId != undefined){ box = toBoxId } else { if(msg.to_id.chat_id != undefined){ // Is a group param = data.getName(msg.to_id.chat_id,'group') obj = data.groups[msg.to_id.chat_id] } else if(msg.from_id === msg.to_id.user_id || msg.from_id != data.user.id){ param = data.getName(msg.from_id,'user') obj = data.contacts[msg.from_id] } else if(msg.to_id.user_id != undefined && msg.to_id.user_id != data.user.id) { // don't forget dat .user_id! don't need it in from_id... param = data.getName(msg.to_id.user_id,'user') obj = data.contacts[msg.to_id.user_id] } // Increase unread count if necessary if(data.selectedWindow != param || data.msgBox[param] === undefined){ if(!obj.toread) obj.toread = 1 else obj.toread++ } // Update oldest and latest message reference if(!obj.oldest_message || parseInt(obj.oldest_message) > parseInt(msg.id)) obj.oldest_message = parseInt(msg.id) if(!obj.latest_message || parseInt(obj.latest_message) < parseInt(msg.id)) obj.latest_message = parseInt(msg.id) box = data.getMsgBox(param) } if(bare) box.add(msg) else { var id = msg.from_id if(!id){ // Weird zombie message! data.log('Zombie Message:',msg.toPrintable()) return box } else { // Regular message var date = moment.unix(msg.date).format('DD-MM-YYYY H:mm') name = data.getName(id,'user') var txt = (name || id)+' {|} {grey-fg}'+date+'{/grey-fg}\n' if(msg.media){ if(msg.media.photo) txt += '{grey-fg}>>>{/grey-fg} (Photo)' else if(msg.media.audio) txt += "{grey-fg}>>>{/grey-fg} (Audio Message) "+msg.media.audio.duration+" seconds" else if(!msg.message) txt += "{grey-fg}>>>{/grey-fg} (Unsupported Message)" } if(msg.message) txt += '{grey-fg}>{/grey-fg} '+msg.message if(prepend) box.prepend(txt) else box.add(txt) } } // Mark messages as read if needed if(param === data.selectedWindow) data.markAsRead(param) return box } // - Entry Point - // Load authKey and userdata from disk, then act depending on outcome data.load('Starting up...') data.screen.render() fs.exists(data.keyFile,function(exists){ if(exists){ //log('Authorization Key found') fs.readFile(data.keyFile,function(err,content){ if(err) data.log('Error while reading key:',err) else { data.app.authKey = data.telegramLink.retrieveAuthKey(content,'password') // yeah sorry just testing data.log('Authorization Key found') fs.readFile(data.userFile,function(err,res){ if(err) data.log("FATAL: couldn't read user_data.json") else { try { data.user = JSON.parse(res) data.log('Welcome',data.getName(data.user.id,'user')) } catch (e) { data.log("FATAL: user data corrupted:",e) } data.connect() } }) } }) } else { data.connect() } })