var blessed = require('blessed') var ChatBox = require('./ui-widgets/chatbox.js') module.exports = function(data){ data.statusWindow = "Status" data.selectedWindow = data.statusWindow // the currently selected window // Get msgBox for given group/user NAME, create if not exists data.getMsgBox = function(chat){ if(chat === undefined){ data.log('ERROR: asked for box for "undefined"!!') return data.msgBox[statusWindow] } if(!data.msgBox[chat]){ //log('Generating window: "'+chat+'"') data.msgBox[chat] = data.mkBox(chat) data.screen.insertBefore(data.msgBox[chat],data.loader) //data.getMessages(chat,data.msgBox[chat]) } // else log('Getting window','"'+chat+'"') return data.msgBox[chat] } data.switchToBox = function(boxname){ // Hide current window if(data.selectedWindow && data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow]) data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow].hide() if(boxname === undefined){ // Leave the clear } else { // Switch window data.selectedWindow = boxname; if(data.selectedWindow != data.statusWindow){ data.cmdline.setLabel('to '+data.selectedWindow) data.markAsRead(data.selectedWindow) } else { data.cmdline.setLabel('Command for Telecommander') } var newb = data.getMsgBox(data.selectedWindow) newb.emit('scroll') } data.screen.render() } data.screen = blessed.screen({ smartCSR: true, dockBorders: true }) data.screen.title = "Telecommander" data.getDefaultStyle = function(){ return { fg: 'white', border: { fg: 'grey' }, focus: { border: { fg: 'white' }, scrollbar: { fg: 'white', bg: 'white' } }, selected: { bold: true, fg: 'white' }, scrollbar: { fg: 'white', bg: 'white', track: { fg: 'grey', bg: 'grey' } } } } // Contact list window data.chats = blessed.list({ keys: true, tags: true, label: 'Conversations', left: 0, top:0, height: data.screen.height-3, width: '20%', border: { type: 'line' }, mouse: true, scrollbar: { ch: ' ', track : { ch: ' ' } }, //scrollbar: false, // disabled cause can't change track style when focused invertSelected: false, style: data.getDefaultStyle(), }) data.chats.key('tab',function(){ if(data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow]) data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow].focus() }) data.screen.append(data.chats) // Command line prompt data.cmdline = blessed.textbox({ keys: false, mouse: true, label: 'Command for Telecommander', bottom: 0, left: 'center', width: '100%', height: 3, border: { type: 'line' }, style: data.getDefaultStyle() }) data.screen.append(data.cmdline); // Function to create a log box data.mkBox = function(txt){ var b = ChatBox({ keys: true, tags: true, mouse: true, right: 0, label: { text: txt, side: 'left' }, width: '80%', hidden: true, height: data.screen.height - data.cmdline.height, border: { type: 'line' }, scrollable: true, autoscroll: true, scrollbar: { ch: ' ', fg: 'white', track: { ch: ' ', fg: 'grey', bg: 'grey' } }, style: data.getDefaultStyle() }) = 0 b.key('enter',function(){ this.setScrollPerc(100) data.cmdline.focus() }) b.on('scroll',function(){ // The functions might not yet exist if this is the first window if(b.getScrollPerc() === 100 && data.markAsRead) data.markAsRead(data.selectedWindow) else if(b.getScrollPerc() === 0 && data.getMessages){ data.getMessages(txt,b) } }) return b } data.getDefaultPopupStyle = function(){ return { width: '30%', key: true, height: 'shrink', left: 'center', top: 'center', align: 'center', valign: 'center', border: { type: 'line' }, style: data.getDefaultStyle() } } // Widget used to show loading windows data.loader = blessed.Loading(data.getDefaultPopupStyle()) data.screen.append(data.loader) data.load = function(msg){ data.loader.stop() data.loader.load(msg) } // Widget used to ask for phone number and code data.promptBox = blessed.Prompt(data.getDefaultPopupStyle()) data.screen.append(data.promptBox) // Widget used to show pop up read only messages data.popup = blessed.Message(data.getDefaultPopupStyle()) data.screen.append(data.popup) data.popup.hide() // mgsBox holds the chat window instance for every chat data.msgBox = { } // Add the status window but don't show it data.msgBox[data.statusWindow] = data.mkBox(data.statusWindow) data.screen.append(data.msgBox[data.statusWindow]) data.switchToBox() data.screen.on('resize',function(){ for(i in data.msgBox){ item = data.msgBox[i] item.height = data.screen.height - data.cmdline.height } data.chats.height = data.screen.height - data.cmdline.height data.screen.render() }) data.screen.enableMouse() data.screen.on('mouse',function(){ data.updateLastKnownAction() }) data.screen.on('keypress',function(){ data.updateLastKnownAction() }) /* // Commented out cause doens't work on most terminals data.screen.on('focus',function(){ data.log('Screen Focus') }) data.screen.on('blur',function(){ data.log('Screen blur') }) */ data.screen.key('tab',function(){ data.screen.focusPush(data.chats) }) data.screen.key('0',function(){ data.switchToBox(data.statusWindow) }) data.command = function(cmd){ data.log('Commands are not implemented... sorry!') } // What happens when a different window is selected data.chats.on('select',function(selected){ //data.log('SELECT:',selected.content) if(selected === undefined) return var sel = data.escapeFromList(selected) data.switchToBox(sel) data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow].focus() }) /* data.cmdline.on('click',function(){ data.cmdline.focus() data.screen.render() }) */ // Catch ctrl-c or escape event and close program data.screen.key(['escape','C-c'], function(ch,key){ data.quit() }); data.cmdline.on('focus',function(){ data.cmdline.readInput() }) // What happens when the user submits a command in the prompt data.cmdline.on('submit',function(value){ data.getMsgBox(data.statusWindow).add('< '+value) if(data.selectedWindow === data.statusWindow || data.nameToObj(data.selectedWindow) === undefined){ //log('Window:',selectedWindow,'Eval cmd:',value) data.command(value) } else if(value.indexOf('//') === 0){ data.sendMsg(selectedWindow,value.substring(1)) } else if(value.indexOf('/') === 0){ data.command(value.substring(1)) } else { data.sendMsg(data.selectedWindow,value) } data.cmdline.clearValue() data.cmdline.focus() }) }