var blessed = require('blessed') var ChatBox = require('./ui-widgets/chatbox.js') module.exports = function(data){ data.statusWindow = "Status" data.selectedWindow = data.statusWindow // the currently selected window // Get msgBox for given group/user NAME, create if not exists data.getMsgBox = function(chat){ if(chat === undefined){ log('ERROR: asked for box for "undefined"!!') return data.msgBox[statusWindow] } if(!data.msgBox[chat]){ //log('Generating window: "'+chat+'"') data.msgBox[chat] = data.mkBox(chat) data.screen.append(data.msgBox[chat]) //data.getMessages(chat,data.msgBox[chat]) } // else log('Getting window','"'+chat+'"') return data.msgBox[chat] } data.switchToBox = function(boxname){ if(data.selectedWindow && data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow]) data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow].hide() data.selectedWindow = boxname; if(data.selectedWindow != data.statusWindow) data.cmdline.setLabel('to '+data.selectedWindow) else { data.markAsRead(data.selectedWindow) data.cmdline.setLabel('Command for Telecommander') } var newb = data.getMsgBox(data.selectedWindow) data.screen.render() } data.screen = blessed.screen({ smartCSR: true, dockBorders: true }) data.screen.title = "Telecommander" data.getDefaultStyle = function(){ return { fg: 'white', border: { fg: 'grey' }, focus: { border: { fg: 'white' }, scrollbar: { fg: 'white', bg: 'white' } }, selected: { bold: true, fg: 'white' }, scrollbar: { fg: 'white', bg: 'white', track: { fg: 'grey', bg: 'grey' } } } } // Contact list window data.chats = blessed.list({ keys: true, tags: true, label: 'Conversations', left: 0, top:0, height: data.screen.height-3, width: '20%', border: { type: 'line' }, mouse: true, scrollbar: { ch: ' ', track : { ch: ' ' } }, //scrollbar: false, // disabled cause can't change track style when focused invertSelected: false, style: data.getDefaultStyle(), }) // Function to create a log box data.mkBox = function(txt){ var b = ChatBox({ keys: true, tags: true, mouse: true, right: 0, label: { text: txt, side: 'left' }, width: '80%', hidden: true, height: data.screen.height - data.cmdline.height, border: { type: 'line' }, scrollable: true, autoscroll: true, scrollbar: { ch: ' ', fg: 'white', track: { ch: ' ', fg: 'grey', bg: 'grey' } }, style: data.getDefaultStyle() }) b.key('enter',function(){ data.cmdline.focus() }) b.on('scroll',function(){ if(b.getScroll() === 0) data.getMessages(txt,b) }) return b } // Command line prompt data.cmdline = blessed.textbox({ keys: false, mouse: true, label: 'Command for Telecommander', bottom: 0, left: 'center', width: '100%', height: 3, border: { type: 'line' }, style: data.getDefaultStyle() }) // mgsBox holds the chat boxes for every list entry data.msgBox = { } data.msgBox[data.statusWindow] = data.mkBox(data.statusWindow) // Add stuff to the screen data.screen.append(data.chats); data.screen.append(data.msgBox[data.statusWindow]); data.screen.append(data.cmdline); data.chats.addItem(data.msgBox[data.statusWindow]) data.switchToBox(data.statusWindow) data.screen.on('resize',function(){ for(i in data.msgBox){ item = data.msgBox[i] item.height = data.screen.height - data.cmdline.height } data.chats.height = data.screen.height - data.cmdline.height data.screen.render() }) data.screen.key('tab',function(){ data.screen.focusPush(data.chats) }) data.screen.key('0',function(){ data.switchToBox(data.statusWindow) }) data.command = function(cmd){ cmdl = cmd.split(' ') cmdname = cmdl[0] if(cmdname === 'phone'){ // So the user can provide his phone numbah if(data.connected){ return log("Silly user, you're already connected! We don't need that phone number") } = cmd.split(' ')[1] var mindate = moment() log('Checking your phone number with Telegram...') data.client.auth.sendCode(,5,'en',function(result){ if(result.err_code){ return log('Errors:',result.error_code,result.error_message) } //log('Res:',JSON.stringify(result)) data.user.registered = result.phone_registered data.user.phoneCodeHash = result.phone_code_hash function gmd(){ var m = moment() m = m.subtract(m.diff(mindate)) return 'Please use a telegram code not older than '+m.fromNow(true) } if(!data.user.registered){ data.log("Your number is not registered. Telecommander will register your account with the Telegram service") data.log(gmd()) data.log('Ready for phone code, use command: "code " to register') data.log("If you don't want to sign up, just don't enter the code and press ESC to exit. No data was saved to the file system") } else { data.log("Your number is already assigned to a Telegram account. Telecommander will log you in.") data.log(gmd()) data.log("If you don't want to sign in, just don't enter the code and press ESC to exit. No data was saved to the file system") } }) } else if(cmdname === 'code'){ // So the user can provide his phone code if(data.connected){ return log("Silly user, you're already connected! We don't need that phone code") } code = cmdl[1] name = cmdl[2] lastname = cmdl[3] if(((!name || !lastname) && !data.user.registered) || !code) return log('insufficient arguments:',cmd) cb = function(result){ = '' = data.user.phoneCodeHash = result.phone_code_hash data.user.username = result.user.username data.user.first_name = result.user.first_name data.user.last_name = result.user.last_name // Done, write user data and key to disk log('Writing Log In token and user data to',cfgDir) fs.writeFile(cfgDir+'key',authKey,function(err){ if(err) log('FATAL: Could not write key to disk:',err) }) fs.writeFile(cfgDir+'user_data.json',JSON.stringify(user),function(err){ if(err) log("FATAL: couldn't write user_data.json:",err) }) whenReady() } // Log in finally if(user.registered) client.auth.signIn(,user.phoneCodeHash,code,cb) else client.auth.signUp(,user.phoneCodeHash,code,name,lastname,cb) } else { data.log('Command not found.') } } // What happens when a different window is selected data.chats.on('select',function(selected){ //data.log('SELECT:',selected.content) if(selected === undefined) return var sel = data.escapeFromList(selected) data.switchToBox(sel) data.msgBox[data.selectedWindow].focus() }) /* data.cmdline.on('click',function(){ data.cmdline.focus() data.screen.render() }) */ // Catch ctrl-c or escape event and close program data.screen.key(['escape','C-c'], function(ch,key){ data.quit() }); data.cmdline.on('focus',function(){ data.cmdline.readInput() }) // What happens when the user submits a command in the prompt data.cmdline.on('submit',function(value){ data.getMsgBox(data.statusWindow).add('< '+value) if(data.selectedWindow === data.statusWindow || data.nameToObj(data.selectedWindow) === undefined){ //log('Window:',selectedWindow,'Eval cmd:',value) data.command(value) } else if(value.indexOf('//') === 0){ data.sendMsg(selectedWindow,value.substring(1)) } else if(value.indexOf('/') === 0){ data.command(value.substring(1)) } else { data.sendMsg(data.selectedWindow,value) } data.cmdline.clearValue() data.cmdline.focus() }) }