2015-08-31 14:04:32 +02:00
module.exports = function(data){
// Contacts holds all the contacts data
data.contacts = { }
// Groups hold all the data about groups
data.groups = { }
// unameToUid is used to match a name to its user id
data.unameToUid = { }
// same thing for group name -> group object
data.gnameToGid = { }
data.user = { } // holds data about current user
data.state = { } // keeps track of the telegram update state
data.addUser = function(u){
if(!data.user || !data.user.id) return log("Can't add invalid user object to contacts",u)
data.contacts[u.id] = { user: u, id: u.id}
var name = data.getName(u.id,'user')
data.unameToUid[name] = u.id
if(!data.chats.getItem(name)) data.chats.addItem(name)
data.addGroup = function(group){
2015-08-31 19:02:15 +02:00
if(group.title && group.title != data.groups[group.id].title){
// Update title
var old = data.groups[group.id].title
data.groups[group.id].title = group.title
data.chats.getItem(old).content = group.title
data.gnameToGid[old] = undefined
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if(group.left === true) return;
if(group.title === undefined){
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if(!isNaN(group)){ // Is ID
data.groups[group] = { id: group, title: group }
} else {
var t = group.toPrintable ? group.toPrintable() : group
data.log('Undefined group title in group ',group.toPrintable())
} else {
data.groups[group.id] = { id: group.id, title: group.title, group: group }
data.gnameToGid[group.title] = group.id
if(!data.chats.getItem(group.title)) data.chats.addItem(group.title)
2015-08-31 14:04:32 +02:00
// Updates the current state
data.updateState = function(newstate){
2015-08-31 18:37:32 +02:00
data.state.pts = newstate.pts || data.state.pts
data.state.qts = newstate.qts || data.state.qts
data.state.date = newstate.date || data.state.date
data.state.sqp = newstate.seq || data.state.sqp
data.state.unreadCount = newstate.unread_count || data.state.unreadCount || 0
2015-08-31 14:04:32 +02:00
// process an update
data.onUpdate = function(upd){
data.log('Got Update:',upd.toPrintable())
data.nameForUser = function(u){
2015-08-31 19:02:15 +02:00
if(u.first_name === undefined && u.last_name === undefined && u.username === undefined){
data.log('Zombie User: '+u)
return 'undefined'
2015-08-31 14:04:32 +02:00
return u.first_name + ' ' + u.last_name + (u.username?' (@'+u.username+')':'')
data.getName = function(id,type){
if(id === data.user.id) return data.nameForUser(data.user)
else if(type === undefined) throw new Error('no type')
else if(type === 'group' && data.groups[id])
return data.groups[id].title
else if(type === 'user' && data.contacts[id])
return data.nameForUser(data.contacts[id].user)
else data.log('Failed to find name for',type,id)
data.nameToObj = function(name){
var id = data.gnameToGid[name]
if(data.groups[id] && data.groups[id].title === name)
return data.groups[id]
else {
id = data.unameToUid[name]
return data.contacts[id]
data.idToPeer = function(uid,type){
if(type === 'user')
return new data.telegramLink.type.InputPeerContact({ props: { user_id: ''+uid } })
else if(type === 'group')
return new data.telegramLink.type.InputPeerChat({ props: { chat_id: ''+uid } })
data.quit = function(){
if(data.connected || data.client != undefined){
data.log('Closing communications and shutting down...')
} else process.exit(0);