# Sets history options and defines history aliases.
# Authors:
#   Robby Russell <robby@planetargon.com>
#   Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>


setopt BANG_HIST                 # Treat the '!' character specially during expansion.
setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY          # Write the history file in the ':start:elapsed;command' format.
setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY        # Write to the history file immediately, not when the shell exits.
setopt SHARE_HISTORY             # Share history between all sessions.
setopt HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST    # Expire duplicate entries first when trimming history.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS          # Do not record an entry that was just recorded again.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS      # Delete old recorded entry if new entry is a duplicate.
setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS         # Do not display a line previously found.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE         # Do not record an entry starting with a space.
setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS         # Do not write duplicate entries in the history file.
setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS        # Remove superfluous blanks before recording entry.
setopt HIST_VERIFY               # Do not execute immediately upon history expansion.
setopt HIST_BEEP                 # Beep when accessing non-existent history.

# Aliases

# Lists the ten most used commands.
alias history-stat="history . | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"