Ruby on Rails

Defines [Ruby on Rails][1] aliases.


  - `rc` starts the Rails console.
  - `rdc` starts the Rails console connected to the database.
  - `rdm` migrates the database.
  - `rdM` migrates the database and recreates the test database.
  - `rdr` rolls the database schema back to the previous version.
  - `rg` generates new code.
  - `rl` displays the log.
  - `rlc` truncates logs to zero bytes.
  - `rp` installs a plugin.
  - `rr` runs code in the application environment.
  - `rs` starts the Rails server.
  - `rsd` starts the Rails server with the debugger.
  - `rx` destroys newly generated code.

*The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][2].*

  - [Robby Russell](
  - [Jake Bell](
  - [Sorin Ionescu](
