# # Defines helper functions. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # # Checks boolean variable for "true". # Case insensitive: "1", "y", "yes", "t", "true", "o", and "on". function is-true { [[ -n "$1" && "$1" == (1|[Yy]([Ee][Ss]|)|[Tt]([Rr][Uu][Ee]|)|[Oo]([Nn]|)) ]] } # Prints the first non-empty string in the arguments array. function coalesce { for arg in $argv; do print "$arg" return 0 done return 1 } # Checks if a file can be autoloaded by trying to load it in a subshell. function autoloadable { ( unfunction $1 ; autoload -U +X $1 ) &> /dev/null } # Loads Oh My Zsh modules. function omodload { local omodule # Extended globbing is needed for autoloading of module functions. setopt EXTENDED_GLOB # Add functions and completions to fpath. fpath=(${argv:+${OMZ}/modules/${^argv}/{functions,completions}(/FN)} $fpath) # Load Oh My Zsh functions. for ofunction in $OMZ/modules/**/functions/^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup)(.N:t); do autoload -Uz "$ofunction" done unset ofunction # Extended globbing is no longer needed. unsetopt EXTENDED_GLOB for omodule in "$argv[@]"; do if zstyle -t ":omz:module:$omodule" loaded; then continue elif [[ ! -d "$OMZ/modules/$omodule" ]]; then print "$0: no such module: $omodule" >&2 continue else if [[ -f "$OMZ/modules/$omodule/init.zsh" ]]; then source "$OMZ/modules/$omodule/init.zsh" fi if (( $? == 0 )); then zstyle ":omz:module:$omodule" loaded 'yes' else zstyle ":omz:module:$omodule" loaded 'no' fi fi done } # Trap signals were generated with 'kill -l'. # DEBUG, EXIT, and ZERR are Zsh signals. TRAP_SIGNALS=( ABRT ALRM BUS CHLD CONT EMT FPE HUP ILL INFO INT IO KILL PIPE PROF QUIT SEGV STOP SYS TERM TRAP TSTP TTIN TTOU URG USR1 USR2 VTALRM WINCH XCPU XFSZ DEBUG EXIT ZERR ) # Adds a function to a list to be called when a trap is triggered. function add-zsh-trap { if (( $# < 2 )); then print "usage: $0 type function" >&2 return 1 fi if [[ -z "$TRAP_SIGNALS[(r)$1]" ]]; then print "$0: unknown signal: $1" >&2 return 1 fi local trap_functions="TRAP${1}_FUNCTIONS" if (( ! ${(P)+trap_functions} )); then typeset -gaU "$trap_functions" fi eval "$trap_functions+="$2"" if (( ! $+functions[TRAP${1}] )); then eval " function TRAP${1} { for trap_function in \"\$TRAP${1}_FUNCTIONS[@]\"; do if (( \$+functions[\$trap_function] )); then \"\$trap_function\" \"\$1\" fi done return \$(( 128 + \$1 )) } " fi }