docs = new Meteor.Collection 'docs' amIValid = -> return no unless Meteor.user() return yes if !Meteor.user().emails? return yes for mail in Meteor.user().emails when mail.verified is yes; no UI.registerHelper 'mail', -> if Meteor.user().emails then Meteor.user().emails[0].address UI.registerHelper 'amIValid', amIValid Router.configure layoutTemplate: 'layout' loadingTemplate: 'loading' docController = RouteController.extend template: 'doc' layoutTemplate: 'docLayout' waitOn: -> Meteor.subscribe 'doc', @params._id data: -> docs.findOne @params._id action: -> if @ready() if @data()? then @render() else @render '404' else @render 'loading' loggedOutController = RouteController.extend onBeforeAction: -> if Meteor.user() then Router.go 'profile' action: -> @render() if Meteor.loggingIn() then @render 'spinner', to: 'outside' loggedInController = RouteController.extend action: -> if !Meteor.user() then @render '404' else @render() -> @route 'home', path: '/' action: -> if !@ready() then @render 'spinner', to: 'outside' @render() @route 'doc', path: '/d/:_id' controller: docController @route 'src', path:'/src/:_id' controller: docController @route 'verify', path: '/verify/:token?' template: 'loading' onBeforeAction: -> Accounts.verifyEmail @params.token, (err) -> if err then errCallback err else Router.go 'profile' @route 'edit', path: '/edit/:_id' template: 'editor' controller: loggedInController waitOn: -> Meteor.subscribe 'doc', @params._id data: -> docs.findOne @params._id @route 'profile', path: '/@:user?' waitOn: -> [Meteor.subscribe('docs', @params.user), Meteor.subscribe('user', @params.user)] data: -> Meteor.users.findOne() onBeforeAction: -> if Meteor.user() and !@params.user @params.user = Meteor.user()._id action: -> console.log @data() if !@data() then @render '404' else if @ready() then @render() else @render 'loading' @route 'new', template: 'editor' @route 'signup', controller: loggedOutController @route 'signin', path: 'login' controller: loggedOutController @route '404', path: '*' share.notify = notify = (opt) -> if opt.type? then type = opt.type else type = 'error' if opt.title? then title = opt.title else title = if type is 'error' then 'Error' else 'Ok' swal title, opt.msg, type errCallback = (err) -> return unless err if err.reason notify title: err.code or 'Error', msg: err.reason, type: 'error' else notify title: 'Error', msg: err, type: 'error' Template.layout.notHome = -> Router.current() isnt 'home' Template.layout.showSpinner = -> Meteor.status().connected is yes 'click #twitter-login': -> if Meteor.user() then return notify msg: "You're already Logged In!" Meteor.loginWithTwitter {}, (e) -> if e then errCallback e else Meteor.subscribe 'user' notify type: 'success', msg: 'Logged in' Template.editor.isPublic = -> return "checked" if @public is yes Template.editor.showTitleChecked = -> return "checked" unless @showTitle is no 'click #upload': (e,t) -> if Meteor.loggingIn() return notify msg: "Can't upload while Logging In.\nTry again in a few seconds." if t.find('#title').value is '' return notify msg: 'Please insert a title.' if t.find('#editor').value is '' return notify msg: "Empty documents are not valid." if @_id then docs.update @_id, $set: { title: t.find('#title').value text: t.find('#editor').value showTitle: $('#show-title').is(':checked') public: $('#make-public').is(':checked') }, (err) => if err then errCallback err else notify type:'success', msg:'Document updated.' Router.go 'doc', _id: @_id else docs.insert { title: t.find('#title').value text: t.find('#editor').value showTitle: $('#show-title').is(':checked') public: $('#make-public').is(':checked') }, (err,id) -> if err then errCallback err else notify type:'success', msg:'Document created successfully!' if id then Router.go 'doc', _id: id Template.profile.isMe = -> Meteor.user() and Meteor.user()._id is @_id Template.profile.noDocs = -> docs.find(owner: @_id).count() is 0 Template.profile.documents = -> docs.find {owner: @_id}, sort: dateCreated: -1 'click #resend': -> 'sendVerificationEmail', (e,r) -> if e then errCallback e else notify msg: r, type:'success' 'click #logout': -> Meteor.logout(); Router.go 'home' 'click #deleteme': -> swal { title: 'Are you sure?' text: 'Do you want to permanently delete all your data?' type: 'warning' showCancelButton: yes confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55" confirmButtonText: "Yes!" }, -> 'deleteMe', (e,r) -> if e then errCallback e else notify type: 'success', msg: 'Account deleted' Template.doc.valid = -> @text? Template.doc.source = -> Router.current() is 'src' Template.doc.rows = -> ""+@text.split('\n').length Template.doc.owned = -> Meteor.user()._id is @owner Template.doc.expirationDays = -> if @owner then return 'never' else return moment.unix(@dateCreated).add(7,'days').fromNow() 'click #edit-doc': -> Router.go 'edit', _id: @_id 'click #del-doc': -> if Meteor.user()._id is @owner swal { title: 'Are you sure?' text: 'This document will be deleted permanently' type: 'warning' showCancelButton: yes confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55" confirmButtonText: "Yes!" }, => docs.remove @_id, (err) -> if err then errCallback err else notify type:'success', msg:'Document removed' 'click #src-doc': -> if Router.current() is 'src' Router.go 'doc', _id: @_id else Router.go 'src', _id: @_id 'click #signin': (e,t) -> if not t.find('#mail').value return notify msg: 'please enter your email or username' else if not t.find('#pw').value return notify msg: "Please enter a password" else Meteor.loginWithPassword t.find('#mail').value, t.find('#pw').value,(e)-> if e then errCallback e else notify type:'success', msg:'Welcome back!'; Router.go 'home' 'click #signup': (e,t) -> if not t.find('#mail').value return notify msg: 'please enter your email' if not t.find('#name').value return notify msg: 'please enter your user name' else if not t.find('#pw').value return notify msg: "Please enter a password" else if t.find('#pw').value isnt t.find('#rpw').value return notify msg: "The passwords don't match" else # Sending actual registration request Accounts.createUser { username: t.find('#name').value email: t.find('#mail').value password: t.find('#pw').value }, (err) -> if err then errCallback err else notify type: 'success', msg: 'check your email'