docs = new Meteor.Collection 'docs' cleanDocuments = -> docs.remove { owner: {$exists: no}, dateCreated: $lte: moment().subtract(7, 'days').unix() }, (e,n) -> if e then console.log e console.log n+' anonymous documents \ not updated by more than 7 days have been removed' Meteor.startup -> cleanDocuments() Meteor.setInterval cleanDocuments, 3600000 validatedUser = (uid) -> return no unless Meteor.users.findOne uid u = Meteor.users.findOne uid return yes for mail in u.emails when mail.verified is yes; no Meteor.publish 'doc', (id) -> docs.find {_id: id}, limit: 1 Meteor.publish 'docs', (userId) -> if userId? then docs.find {owner: userId}, fields: text: 0 else docs.find {}, fields: text: 0 Meteor.publish 'user', (id) -> Meteor.users.find {_id: id}, fields: {username: 1} docs.allow insert: (uid,doc) -> if doc.text and doc.title doc.dateCreated = moment().unix() doc.showTitle ?= yes if doc.owner and !uid then return no if uid then doc.owner = uid return yes return no docs.allow # Owners can update and remove their documents update: (uid,doc) -> return no unless uid is doc.owner docs.update doc._id, $set: lastModified: moment().unix() return yes remove: (uid,doc) -> doc.owner is uid fetch: ['owner'] Meteor.methods 'deleteMe': -> if @userId Meteor.users.remove @userId docs.remove owner: @userId 'sendVerificationEmail': -> if @userId then Accounts.sendVerificationEmail @userId