diff --git a/client/client.coffee b/client/client.coffee
index 63cdafb..b943ac0 100644
--- a/client/client.coffee
+++ b/client/client.coffee
@@ -35,6 +35,21 @@ Router.map ->
onBeforeAction: ->
Accounts.verifyEmail @params.token, (err) ->
if err then errCallback err else Router.go 'home'
+ @route 'edit',
+ path: '/edit/:_id'
+ template: 'new'
+ waitOn: -> Meteor.subscribe 'doc', @params._id
+ data: -> docs.findOne @params._id
+ @route 'list',
+ path: '/list/:user?'
+ waitOn: -> Meteor.subscribe 'docs', @params.user
+ data: -> userId: @params.user
+ onBeforeAction: ->
+ if Meteor.user() and !@params.user
+ Router.go 'list', user: Meteor.user()._id
+ action: ->
+ if !@params.user then @render '404'
+ else @render()
@route 'new'
@route 'signup'
@route 'signin', path: 'login'
@@ -57,29 +72,72 @@ Template.layout.showSpinner = ->
Meteor.status().connected is no or Router.current().ready() is no
Template.home.ndocs = -> docs.find().count()
- 'click #new-btn': (e,t) ->
+ 'click #upload': (e,t) ->
if t.find('#title').value is ''
return notify msg: 'please insert a title'
if t.find('#editor').value is ''
- return notify msg: "can't create empty document"
- docs.insert {
+ return notify msg: "empty documents are not valid"
+ if @_id then docs.update @_id, $set: {
+ title: t.find('#title').value
+ text: t.find('#editor').value
+ showTitle: $('#show-title').is(':checked')
+ }, (err) =>
+ if err then errCallback err
+ else
+ notify type:'success', msg:'Document updated'
+ Router.go 'doc', _id: @_id
+ else docs.insert {
title: t.find('#title').value
text: t.find('#editor').value
showTitle: $('#show-title').is(':checked')
dateCreated: moment().unix()
}, (err,id) ->
- errCallback err
+ if err then errCallback err
+ else notify type:'success', msg:'Document created successfully'
if id then Router.go 'doc', _id: id
+ ###docs.upsert @_id, $set: {
+ title: t.find('#title').value
+ text: t.find('#editor').value
+ showTitle: $('#show-title').is(':checked')
+ dateCreated: moment().unix()
+ }, (err,resp) ->
+ if err then errCallback err
+ else if @_id
+ notify type:'success', msg:'Document updated'
+ Router.go 'doc', _id: @_id
+ else
+ notify type:'success', msg:'Document created successfully'
+ Router.go 'doc', _id: resp.insertedId###
+Template.list.documents = -> docs.find owner: @userId
Template.doc.source = -> Router.current().route.name is 'src'
Template.doc.rows = -> ""+@text.split('\n').length
-Template.doc.canEdit = -> "disabled" unless Meteor.user()._id is @owner
+Template.doc.valid = -> @text?
+Template.doc.owned = -> Meteor.user()._id is @owner
+ 'click #edit-doc': -> Router.go 'edit', _id: @_id
+ 'click #del-doc': ->
+ if Meteor.user()._id is @owner
+ docs.remove @_id, (err) ->
+ if err then errCallback err
+ else notify type:'success', msg:'Document removed'
'click #src-doc': ->
if Router.current().route.name is 'src'
Router.go 'doc', _id: @_id
else Router.go 'src', _id: @_id
+ 'click #signin': (e,t) ->
+ if not t.find('#mail').value
+ return notify msg: 'please enter an email'
+ else if not t.find('#pw').value
+ return notify msg: "Please enter a password"
+ else
+ Meteor.loginWithPassword t.find('#mail').value, t.find('#pw').value,(e)->
+ if e then errCallback e
+ else notify type:'success', msg:'Welcome back!'; Router.go 'home'
'click #signup': (e,t) ->
if not t.find('#mail').value
diff --git a/client/style.less b/client/style.less
index 4d9b416..1414787 100644
--- a/client/style.less
+++ b/client/style.less
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
margin-top: 2em;
+.notification-area {
+ margin-top: 1em;
// Editor
#title {
@@ -26,17 +30,21 @@
#editor {
margin-top: 1em;
-#new-btn {
+#upload {
margin-top: 1em;
// Viewer
#tools {
- margin-top: 1em;
+ margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
+#src {
+ margin-top: 1em;
// Sign up
#signup-container, #signin-container {
#mail { margin-top: 2em; }
diff --git a/client/templates.html b/client/templates.html
index 061cfb8..fd59bd4 100644
--- a/client/templates.html
+++ b/client/templates.html
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
Write your document in GitHub Flavored Markdown then submit it with the button. You will be redirected to its permanent link This document is empty, expired, or never existed. This document is invalid, expired, never existed or was deleted.{{title}}
- {{#if text}}
+ Sorry
- 404
@@ -132,3 +143,9 @@