var React = require('react') var Icon = require('icon.jsx') module.exports = function(boards){ return React.createClass({ getDefaults: function(){ return { addr: 'localhost', port: 5001 } }, getInitialState: function(){ var s = localStorage.getItem('ipfs-boards-settings') var obj = this.getDefaults() try { obj = JSON.parse(s) } catch(e){ localStorage.removeItem('ipfs-boards-settings') } return obj || this.getDefaults() }, save: function(){ if(isNaN(this.state.port) || parseInt(this.state.port) > 65535 || parseInt(this.state.port) < 1){ alert('Port number invalid') } else { localStorage.setItem('ipfs-boards-settings',JSON.stringify({ addr: this.state.addr, port: parseInt(this.state.port) })) alert('Saved') } }, setDefaults: function(){ this.setState(this.getDefaults()) }, onChange: function(event){ if( === 'nodeAddress'){ this.setState({ addr: }) } else { this.setState({ port: }) } }, render: function(){ return (


This page is still a little rough, but it works. Reload the page after saving to apply changes.

Use this page to customize the application's behavior. For now, you can change how it connects to IPFS.

All settings are saved in your browser.

) } }) }