var React = require('react') var ReactDOM = require('react-dom') var Router = require('react-router').Router var Route = require('react-router').Route var IndexRoute = require('react-router').IndexRoute var Link = require('react-router').Link var MarkdownLib = require('react-markdown') var BoardsAPI = require('../lib/boards-api.js') var opt, s = localStorage.getItem('ipfs-boards-settings') try { opt = JSON.parse(s) } catch(e){ // Do nothing } if(opt === null || opt === undefined) opt = { addr: 'localhost', port: 5001 } var ipfs = require('ipfs-api')(opt.addr || 'localhost',opt.port || 5001) var boards = new BoardsAPI(ipfs) // Components var Markdown = React.createClass({ renderIfApplicable: function(){ if(this.props.source) return return


}, render: function(){ return this.renderIfApplicable() } }) var Icon = React.createClass({ class: function(){ return 'fa fa-'' '+this.props.class }, render: function(){ return ( ) } }) var Container = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (
) } }) var App = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (
) } }) var Navbar = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (


) } }) var PostList = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { posts: [] } }, componentDidMount: function(){ console.log('Initial POSTS',this.state.posts.length) boards.getPostsInBoard(this.props.admin,this.props.board) .on('post in '+this.props.board+'@'+this.props.admin,(post,hash) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true this.setState({ posts: this.state.posts.concat(post) }) }) }, render: function(){ return (
{ => { return (
) })}
) } }) var UserID = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { name: '@' } }, componentDidMount: function(){ boards.getProfile(, (err,res) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true if(!err) { this.setState({ name: }) } }) }, render: function(){ return (
) } }) // Static pages var Homepage = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (

Welcome to the IPFS Boards Prototype

Not much is implemented...

You can try Opening my Profile though :)

More information about the project on GitHub

) } }) var GetIPFS = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (

Missing IPFS Node

You don't have an IPFS node running at {opt.addr}:{opt.port} or it is not reachable

The IPFS Boards prototype requires a full IPFS node running at localhost. Please start one by following the go-ipfs documentation.

Do you have a running node but the app won't work?

It's probably one of these issues:

Still can't fix it? File a issue on GitHub, we'll be happy to help!

) } }) var NotFound = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (

Sorry, there's nothing here!

) } }) var NotImplemented = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (

Not yet implemented

Sorry, working on it!

) } }) // Dynamic pages var Profile = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { name: '...', boards: [] } }, componentDidMount: function(){ var ee = boards.getProfile(this.props.params.userid, (err,res) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true if(err){ console.log(err) this.setState({ name: '?', error: 'Invalid profile' }) } else { console.log(res) this.setState({ name:, description: res.description }) } }) ee.on('boards for '+this.props.params.userid,l => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true this.setState({ boards: l }) }) }, render: function(){ return (



{ => { return
# {}
) } }) var Board = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { name: this.props.params.boardname } }, componentDidMount: function(){ var ee = boards.getBoardSettings(this.props.params.userid,this.props.params.boardname) ee.on('settings for '+this.props.params.boardname+'@'+this.props.params.userid, (res) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true console.log('Found name:',res.fullname) this.setState({ name: res.fullname.trim(), description: res.description }) }) }, render: function(){ return (


) } }) var Users = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return } }) var Settings = React.createClass({ getDefaults: function(){ return { addr: 'localhost', port: 5001 } }, getInitialState: function(){ var s = localStorage.getItem('ipfs-boards-settings') var obj = this.getDefaults() try { obj = JSON.parse(s) } catch(e){ localStorage.removeItem('ipfs-boards-settings') } return obj || this.getDefaults() }, save: function(){ if(isNaN(this.state.port) || parseInt(this.state.port) > 65535 || parseInt(this.state.port) < 1){ alert('Port number invalid') } else { localStorage.setItem('ipfs-boards-settings',JSON.stringify({ addr: this.state.addr, port: parseInt(this.state.port) })) alert('Saved') } }, setDefaults: function(){ this.setState(this.getDefaults()) }, onChange: function(event){ if( === 'nodeAddress'){ this.setState({ addr: }) } else { this.setState({ port: }) } }, render: function(){ return (


This page is still a little rough, but it works. Reload the page after saving to apply changes.

Use this page to customize the application's behavior. For now, you can change how it connects to IPFS.

All settings are saved in your browser.

) } }) // Start boards.init(err => { if(err){ console.log('FATAL: IPFS NODE NOT AVAILABLE') ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root')) } else { ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root') ) } })