var React = require('react') var ReactDOM = require('react-dom') var Router = require('react-router').Router var Route = require('react-router').Route var IndexRoute = require('react-router').IndexRoute var Link = require('react-router').Link var ipfs = require('ipfs-api')('localhost',5001) var BoardsAPI = require('../lib/boards-api.js') var boards = new BoardsAPI(ipfs) var Container = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (
) } }) var App = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (
) } }) var Homepage = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (

Welcome to the IPFS Boards Prototype

Not much is implemented...

You can try Opening my Profile though :)

More information about the project on GitHub

) } }) var Navbar = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (


) } }) var Profile = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { name: '...', boards: [] } }, componentDidMount: function(){ var ee = boards.getProfile(this.props.params.userid, (err,res) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true if(err){ console.log(err) this.setState({ name: '?', error: 'Invalid profile' }) } else { console.log(res) this.setState({ name: }) } }) ee.on('boards for '+this.props.params.userid,l => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true this.setState({ boards: l }) }) }, render: function(){ return (



) } }) var PostList = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { posts: [] } }, componentDidMount: function(){ console.log('Initial POSTS',this.state.posts.length) boards.getPostsInBoard(this.props.admin,this.props.board).on('post',(post,hash) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true this.setState({ posts: this.state.posts.concat(post) }) }) }, render: function(){ return (
{ => { return (


) })}
) } }) var UserID = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { name: '@' } }, componentDidMount: function(){ boards.getProfile(, (err,res) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true if(!err) { this.setState({ name: '@' }) } }) }, render: function(){ return (
) } }) var Board = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { name: '# '+this.props.params.boardname } }, componentDidMount: function(){ boards.getBoardSettings(this.props.params.userid,this.props.params.boardname, (err,res) => { if(!this.isMounted()) return true if(err) { console.log('Huh? Invalid board settings?',err) } else { console.log('Found name:',res.fullname) this.setState({ name: '# '+res.fullname.trim() }) } }) }, render: function(){ return (


) } }) var GetIPFS = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (

Missing IPFS Node

You don't have an IPFS node running at localhost:5001 or it is not reachable

The IPFS Boards prototype requires a full IPFS node running at localhost. Please start one by following the go-ipfs documentation.

If you have a running node but still this doesn't work, it's probably a CORS issue

You can find out how to fix CORS issues related to this app here.

Still can't fix it? File a issue on GitHub, we'll be happy to help!

) } }) boards.init(err => { if(err){ console.log('FATAL: IPFS NODE NOT AVAILABLE') ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root')) } else { ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root') ) } })