var React = require('react') var Icon = require('icon.jsx') module.exports = function (boardsAPI) { return React.createClass({ getDefaults: function () { return { addr: window.location.hostname, port: window.location.port, api: false } }, getInitialState: function () { var s = window.localStorage.getItem('ipfs-boards-settings') var obj = this.getDefaults() try { obj = JSON.parse(s) } catch (e) { window.localStorage.removeItem('ipfs-boards-settings') } return obj || this.getDefaults() }, componentDidMount () { boardsAPI.use(boards => { if (boards.isInit || { this.setState({ api: true, limited: }) } else { this.setState({ error: boards.init_error || 'neither limited mode nor the API is available.' }) } boards.getEventEmitter().on('init', (err, limited) => { if (this.isMounted()) { this.setState({ error: err, api: (!err || limited), limited }) } }) }) }, save: function () { if (isNaN(this.state.port) || parseInt(this.state.port, 10) > 65535 || parseInt(this.state.port, 10) < 1) { window.alert('Port number invalid') } else { window.localStorage.setItem('ipfs-boards-settings', JSON.stringify({ addr: this.state.addr, port: parseInt(this.state.port, 10) })) window.location.reload(false) } }, setDefaults: function () { this.setState(this.getDefaults()) }, onChange: function (event) { if ( === 'nodeAddress') { this.setState({ addr: }) } else { this.setState({ port: }) } }, isOK: function () { if (this.state.error) { console.log('Error', this.state.error) return


} else if ( { return
Limited Mode

Some features may not be available.

} else if (this.state.api) { return
It's OK

You're connected to IPFS

} else return
}, render: function () { return (


Choose how the prototype connects to IPFS

In the future, this won't be necessary because IPFS will run in your browser.

All settings are saved in your browser's localStorage.

) } }) }