var React = require('react') var GetIPFS = require('getipfs.jsx') var Icon = require('icon.jsx') var Link = require('react-router').Link var { Error, Loading, Saving } = require('status-components.jsx') module.exports = function (boardsAPI) { return React.createClass({ getInitialState () { return { } }, componentDidMount () { boardsAPI.use(boards => { boards.init() boards.getEventEmitter().on('init', err => { if (!err && this.isMounted()) { this.init(boards) } }) if (this.isMounted() && boards.isInit) { this.init(boards) } }) }, init (boards) { if (this.state.init) return this.setState({ api: boards, userid: boards.getMyID(), init: true }) if (this.props.params.posthash) this.downloadPost(boards) }, downloadPost (boards) { this.setState({ loading: true }) boards.downloadPost(this.props.params.posthash, (err, p) => { if (err) { this.setState({ error: err, loading: false }) } else { this.setState({ loading: false, title: p.title, text: p.text }) } }) }, handleChange (event) { var obj = {} obj[] = this.setState(obj) }, skip () { this.setState({ loading: false, updating: false, error: false }) }, refresh () { boardsAPI.use(b => this.downloadPost(b)) }, save () { this.setState({ updating: true }) var post = { title: this.state.title, text: this.state.text } boardsAPI.use(boards => { boards.createPost(post, this.props.params.boardname, err => { this.setState({ error: err, updating: false }) // Should redirect to new post hash }) }) }, additionalButtons () { if (this.state.api && this.props.params.posthash) { var url = '/@' + this.state.api.getMyID() + '/' + this.props.params.boardname + '/' + this.props.params.posthash return View } else { return } }, render () { if (this.state.api) { if (this.state.error) { return } else if (this.state.loading) { return } else if (this.state.updating) { return

Pressing the Skip button will not abort the publish operation.

} else { if (this.state.userid && this.props.params.boardname) { var boardurl = '/@' + this.state.userid + '/' + this.props.params.boardname } return (

{this.props.params.posthash ? ' Edit Post' : ' New Post'}

This App uses IPFS to store your Posts. When you are offline, other users or servers that viewed your text will serve it to others.

Warning: due to a bug in go-ipfs, it may take up to a minute for your changes to be visibile. Your Post will not appear or appear unchanged during this time.