## Setting up a developer environment You'll need: - __node and npm__: you can get these on Homebrew on OSX or in your Linux distro's repos - __git__: you can get it just like node and npm - __webpack and webpack-dev-server__: you can get them by running `npm install -g webpack webpack-dev-server`. It might require super user privileges - __go-ipfs__: you can get it like git and node, but not always, you may need to follow its istructions on its repo 1. Clone this repository and `cd` to its directory 1. run `npm install` to get dependences (there are many) To fully use the app you'll need to have an IPFS daemon running. You can start one using `ipfs daemon` You will also need to enable CORS on your IPFS daemon. See the `ipfs_daemon_set_cors.sh` file (__Security Tip:__ don't run it before reading it!!!) Now you can run: - `npm run build` to build the webapp inside `webapp/dist/` - `npm run serve` to start a webserver that will serve you the app locally and automagically rebuild it if you change some files __Note about writing code:__ webpack will refuse to compile your code if it doesn't comply with [standard](https://github.com/feross/standard) code guidelines, which were chosen for this project to have a consistent, proven useful standard for code style. If you want to have code linting in your text editor on IDE, look for a plugin that can run [eslint](https://github.com/eslint/eslint). Have fun! ### Contributing a pull request Make sure your code compiles fine :)