- IPFS uses content based addressing, so each file or folder has an address calculated using an hash of the content
- IPFS is fully distributed, and safe, because anyone can verify some data actually matches the address
- IPFS is efficient because anyone that views some content caches it and helps redistribute it. Your machines however will never redistribute data you haven't viewed or downloaded
- IPNS associates an IPFS address to the address of a node, it works like a pointer to track data that changes over time
- This project's discovery and storage protocols are entirely based on IPNS and IPFS
__Data Storage:__ A user's profile, posts, votes, comments and all his other data is served by him and stored in his computer(s). Anyone that views his
content will cache it by default thus helping others to see his profile. That's why if hundreds of people open the profile page of some
guy, his computer won't be overwhelmed because the data will be passed from computer to computer and will be available unless _everyone that has a copy goes offline_. Even then, we thought about fully optional __Cache Servers__ to help. You can learn more about them below.
#### Control and Administration
Each user can create a board with any name. A board is identified like this: `@board-name`
That user's board is identified like this: `user-id@board-name`
This means that `user` created an __administration__ for the board __board-name__ and thus by visiting `user-id@board-name`
you will view the board according to the rules and administration of `user`.
All the __administration__'s data is stored in `user`'s profile.
When you post something, by default it goes to all the administrations, but you can also choose a _preferred administration_ to show your
support or decide in any way which administrations will receive it.
This way administrations can be ranked and communities can form. If you don't like the administration of your board,
you can just use a new one for browsing, prefer a new one in your posts or create your own administration.
__Administrations can be a lot more than filters:__
An administration can personalize almost everything in how content is viewed, what content is allowed (acting a filter), whitelists, blacklists, eventually even the CSS or Layout of the front page, post tags and a lot more.
They probably will be possible but are not included for now, because hidden content is far away in the IPFS roadmap.
Administration can forbit people to write, but not to read.
__Important Note:__ due to how the system works, an _administration_'s rules and decisions are just _guidelines_ for your computer.
Your computer will always be able to choose what to see and what to hide, it just uses your administration's guidelines _by default_.
#### But isn't gathering all the data slow? What if a user goes offline?
That's why there are __Cache Servers__.
They monitor _administrations_ and cache all the content (or some of it) as soon as it becomes available on the network, making sure it never gets lost.
They are completely optional but they help out in serving the users.
Also note that due to how IPFS works, the more popular some content gets, the _faster it downloads_ and the _easier it is for your computer to find it_. Censorship is impractical in such a system and data is almost impossible to take down. That's why IPFS is also called _the