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synced 2025-03-26 23:18:38 +01:00
73 lines
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73 lines
2.3 KiB
notes = new Meteor.Collection "notes"
if Meteor.isServer
#notes.insert { content: "Example" } unless notes.find().fetch().length > 0
# Accounts
Accounts.registerLoginHandler (req) ->
return null unless req.mail and req.password
return null unless req.mail.length > 4 and req.pass.length >= 8
user = Meteor.users.findOne { mail: req.mail }
if not user
user = Meteor.insert { mail: req.mail, password: req.password }
{ id: user._id }
Accounts.config {
sendVerificationEmail: true
loginExpirationInDays: 1
Meteor.publish "my-notes", ->
notes.find( { userId: @userId } ) unless not @userId
if Meteor.isClient
Meteor.subscribe "my-notes"
# Notes template
Template.notes.notes = ->
Template.notes.events {
'click .delete': ->
notes.remove @_id
# Auth
Template.auth.alerts = []
Template.auth.errCallback = (err) ->
Template.auth.alert { msg: err.reason }
Template.auth.alert = (add,remove) ->
if add then Template.auth.alerts.push add;
if remove
Template.auth.alerts.splice Template.auth.alerts.indexOf(remove), 1
Template.auth.events {
'click .delete': (e,template) -> Template.auth.alert null, this
'keypress .login': (e,template) ->
mail = template.find('#mail').value; pass = template.find('#pass').value
if e.keyCode is 13 # Login
Meteor.loginWithPassword mail, pass, Template.auth.errCallback
# Login
'click #login': (e,template) ->
mail = template.find('#mail').value; pass = template.find('#pass').value
Meteor.loginWithPassword mail, pass, Template.auth.errCallback
# Register
'click #register': (e,template) ->
mail = template.find('#mail').value; pass = template.find('#pass').value
Accounts.createUser { email: mail, password: pass }, Template.auth.errCallback
# User Logged In
Template.userInfo.events {
'click #logout': (e,template) ->
'keypress #newNote': (e,template) ->
if e.keyCode is 13
notes.insert {
content: template.find('#newNote').value
userId: Meteor.userId()
template.find('#newNote').value = ""
Template.userInfo.in = -> Meteor.user().emails[0].address