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# Homework - Client Side
homework_version = "1.0"
# Utilities
notes = new Meteor.Collection "notes"
Meteor.subscribe 'user'
getUser = -> Meteor.user()
deleteAccount = ->
Meteor.call 'deleteMe', (r) -> if r is yes then Router.go 'home'
amIValid = ->
return no unless getUser()
return yes for mail in getUser().emails when mail.verified is yes; no
# Common Helpers for the Templates
UI.registerHelper "loggingIn", -> Meteor.loggingIn()
UI.registerHelper "email", ->
if getUser() then return getUser().emails[0].address
UI.registerHelper "verified", -> amIValid()
# Router
Important: 'home' dispatches the user to the correct landing page.
Routes are client side, but even if by hacking the client you can access pages
without being logged in, it's impossible to inteact with data because
the server doesn't let the user if he doesn't have permission. It's still safe.
layoutTemplate: 'layout'
loadingTemplate: 'loading'
notFoundTemplate: '404'
loggedInController = RouteController.extend
action: -> if @ready then @render() else @render 'loading'
onBeforeAction: ->
if not getUser() then Router.go 'home'
if not amIValid() then Router.go 'verifyEmail'
guestController = RouteController.extend
onBeforeAction: ->
if getUser()
if not amIValid() then Router.go 'verifyEmail' else Router.go 'home'
Router.map ->
@route 'home',
path: '/'
template: 'homepage'
action: -> @render 'homepage', to: 'outside'
onBeforeAction: ->
# Dispatch user to the right landing page based on his account status
if getUser()
if amIValid() is yes then Router.go 'notes' else Router.go 'verifyEmail'
@route 'login', controller: guestController
@route 'register', controller: guestController
@route 'account', controller: loggedInController
@route 'notes',
path: '/notes/:_id?'
waitOn: -> Meteor.subscribe 'my-notes'
data: -> notes.findOne _id: @params._id
controller: loggedInController
@route 'archive',
path: '/archive/:_id?'
waitOn: -> @notes = Meteor.subscribe 'archive'
onStop: -> @notes.stop()
controller: loggedInController
@route 'verifyEmail',
path: '/verify/:token?'
template: 'verifyEmail'
onBeforeAction: ->
# Automatic verification
if @params.token? and @params.token isnt ""
@render 'loading'
Accounts.verifyEmail @params.token, (err) ->
if err
errCallback err; Router.go 'verifyEmail', token: @params.token
else Router.go 'home'
@route 'homepage', action: -> @render '404'
@route '404', path: '*'
# You can't set a callback for when the user logs in using a cookie so...
# Cheap ass work around for routing the user after he logs in with a token
Deps.autorun ->
t = Router.current(); return unless getUser() and t and t.lookupTemplate
temp = t.lookupTemplate()
if temp is 'login' or temp is 'homepage' or temp is 'try'
Router.go 'home'
# Client Templates
# Some utility callbacks
logoutCallback = (err) ->
if err then errCallback err
else Router.go 'home'; Meteor.unsubscribe "my-notes"
errCallback = (err) ->
if err.reason
showError msg: err.reason
else showErrror msg: err
# 3 Buttons navigation Menu
'click .go-home': -> Router.go 'home'
'click .go-account': -> Router.go 'account'
'click .go-archive': -> Router.go 'archive'
# Account Page
Template.account.dateformat = -> getUser().dateformat
'click #reset-settings': (e,t) ->
t.find('#set-date-format').value = "MM/DD/YYYY"
'click #save-settings': (e,t) ->
Meteor.users.update getUser()._id,
$set: dateformat: t.find('#set-date-format').value
showError msg: 'Settings saved', type: 'success'
'click #btn-logout': -> Meteor.logout logoutCallback
'click #btn-delete-me': -> deleteAccount()
# Notes list
Template.notelist.active = ->
return no unless Router.current() and Router.current().data()
return @_id is Router.current().data()._id
Template.notelist.empty = -> Template.notelist.notelist().length is 0
Template.notelist.getDate = ->
return unless @date
#dif = moment(@date, getUser().dateformat).diff(moment(), 'days')
dif = moment.unix(@date).diff(moment(), 'days')
color = "primary"
color = "info" if dif < 7
color = "warning" if dif is 1
color = "danger" if dif < 1
msg: moment.unix(@date).fromNow(), color: color
Template.notelist.notelist = ->
notes.find({ archived: no },{ sort: date: 1}).fetch()
'click .close-note': -> notes.update @_id, $set: archived: yes
'click .edit-note': -> Router.go 'notes'
'keypress #newNote': (e,template) ->
if e.keyCode is 13 and template.find('#newNote').value isnt ""
title: template.find('#newNote').value
content: "", date: no, archived: no, userId: Meteor.userId()
template.find('#newNote').value = ""
# Archive
Template.archivedlist.empty = -> Template.archivedlist.archived().length is 0
Template.archivedlist.getDate = Template.notelist.getDate
Template.archivedlist.archived = ->
notes.find({ archived: yes },{ sort: date: 1}).fetch()
Template.archivedlist.events =
'click .close-note': -> notes.remove @_id
'click .note': -> notes.update @_id, $set: archived: no
'click .clear': ->
notes.remove item._id for item in Template.archivedlist.archived()
# Note Editor
Template.editor.note = -> Router.current().data()
Template.editor.formattedDate = ->
return unless @date
saveCurrentNote = (t,e) ->
if e and e.keyCode isnt 13 then return
dat = no
if t.find('.date').value isnt ""
dat = moment(t.find('.date').value,getUser().dateformat)
if dat.isValid()
dat = dat.unix()
dat = no; showError msg: 'Invalid date'
t.find('.date').value = ""
notes.update Router.current().data()._id,
title: t.find('.editor-title').value
content: t.find('.area').value
date: dat
'click .close-editor': -> Router.go 'notes'
'click .save-editor': (e,t) -> saveCurrentNote t
'click .set-date': (e,t) ->
t.find('.date').value = moment().add(1,'days').format(getUser().dateformat)
'keypress .title': (e,t) -> saveCurrentNote t, e
# Notifications (not used yet)
alerts = []
alertDep = new Deps.Dependency
# Show a notification
notify = (data) ->
title: data.title
msg: data.msg
type: data.type or "danger"
# Clear all notifications
clearNotifications = -> alerts.clear(); alertDep.changed()
# Get all the notifications
Template.notifications.notification = -> alertDep.depend(); alerts
'click .close-notification': (e,template) ->
alerts.splice alerts.indexOf(this), 1
# "Error" visualization template
errorDep = new Deps.Dependency; shownError = undefined
showError = (err) ->
shownError = err; shownError.type = err.type or "danger"
clearError = -> shownError = undefined; errorDep.changed()
Template.error.error = -> errorDep.depend(); shownError
Template.error.events 'click .close': -> clearError()
# Verify Email page
Template.verifyEmail.token = -> Router.current().params.token
'click #btn-verify': (e,template) ->
t = template.find('#token-field').value; t = t.split("/")
t = t[t.length-1] # Remove all the part before the last "/"
console.log "Email ver. using token: "+template.find('#token-field').value
Accounts.verifyEmail t, (err) ->
if err then errCallback err else Router.go 'notes'
'click #btn-resend': ->
Meteor.call 'resendConfirmEmail', (err) ->
if err
errCallback err
else showError { type:"success", msg: "Confirmation email sent" }
'click #btn-delete': -> deleteAccount()
'click #btn-logout': -> Meteor.logout logoutCallback
# Login
loginRequest = (e,template) ->
if e and e.keyCode isnt 13 then return
mail = template.find('#l-mail').value; pass = template.find('#l-pass').value
Meteor.loginWithPassword mail, pass, (err) ->
if err then errCallback err else Router.go 'notes'
'keypress .login': (e,template) -> loginRequest e,template
'click #login-btn': (e,template) -> loginRequest null,template
# New Account page
registerRequest = (e,template) ->
if e and e.keyCode isnt 13 then return
mail = template.find('#r-mail').value; pass = template.find('#r-pass').value
pass2 = template.find('#r-pass-2').value
if not mail
showError msg: "Please enter an Email"
else if not pass
showError msg: "Please enter a password"
else if pass.length < 8
showError msg: "Password too short"
else if pass2 isnt pass
showError msg: "The passwords don't match"
else # Sending actual registration request
Accounts.createUser {
email: mail,
password: pass
dateformat: "MM/DD/YYYY"
}, (err) -> if err then errCallback err else Router.go 'confirmEmail'
catch err
showError msg: err
'click #register-btn': (e,t) -> registerRequest null,t
'keypress .register': (e,t) -> registerRequest e,t