# Homework - Client Side notes = new Meteor.Collection "notes" Deps.autorun -> Meteor.subscribe "my-notes" unless not Meteor.userId() user = -> Meteor.user() # Loading (Spinning Cog) UI.registerHelper "loggingIn", -> Meteor.loggingIn() # User Interface Template.userInfo.events { 'click #logout': (e,template) -> Meteor.logout() } Template.userInfo.in = -> Meteor.user().emails[0].address # Notes template Template.notes.truncateNoteDesc = (s) -> if s.length > 52 then s.slice(0,48)+"..." else s Template.notes.notes = -> d = notes.find().fetch() Template.notes.events 'click .close-note': -> if Session.get('note')._id is @_id Session.set 'note', undefined notes.remove @_id 'click .edit-note': -> Session.set 'note', this 'keypress #newNote': (e,template) -> if e.keyCode is 13 and template.find('#newNote').value isnt "" notes.insert { title: template.find('#newNote').value content: "" userId: Meteor.userId() } template.find('#newNote').value = "" # Note Editor Template.editor.note = -> Session.get 'note' saveCurrentNote = (t,e) -> if e and e.keyCode isnt 13 then return; notes.update Session.get('note')._id, $set: title: t.find('.title').value content: t.find('.area').value Template.editor.events 'click .close-editor': -> Session.set 'note', undefined 'click .save-editor': (e,t) -> saveCurrentNote t 'keypress .title': (e,t) -> saveCurrentNote t, e # Notifications alerts = [] alertDep = new Deps.Dependency errCallback = (err) -> notify { msg: err.reason } # Show a notification notify = (data) -> alerts.push { title: data.title msg: data.msg id: data.id or alerts.length type: data.type or "danger" }; alertDep.changed() # Clear all notifications clearNotifications = -> alerts.clear(); alertDep.changed() # Get all the notifications Template.notifications.notification = -> alertDep.depend(); alerts Template.notifications.events 'click .close-notification': (e,template) -> alerts.splice alerts.indexOf(this), 1 alertDep.changed() # "Loading" template Template.loading.status = -> Meteor.status() # Login and Register pressLogin = (template) -> mail = template.find('#mail').value; pass = template.find('#pass').value Meteor.loginWithPassword mail, pass, (err) -> errCallback err Template.auth.events # Login 'keypress .login': (e,template) -> if e.keyCode is 13 then pressLogin template 'click #login': (e,template) -> pressLogin template # Register 'click #register': (e,template) -> mail = template.find('#mail').value; pass = template.find('#pass').value if not mail notify { msg: "Please enter an Email" } else if not pass notify { msg: "Please enter a password" } else if pass.length < 8 notify { msg: "Password too short" } else # Sending actual registration request try Accounts.createUser { email: mail, password: pass }, (e) -> errCallback e catch err notify { msg: err }