# Homework - Server Side notes = share.notes console.log "Started Homework server!" if process.env.MAIL_URL console.log "Sending emails using "+process.env.MAIL_URL else console.log "Not Sending Emails, please set the MAIL_URL environment variable" notes = new Meteor.Collection "notes" getUser = (id) -> Meteor.users.findOne { _id: id } isUsers = (u,doc) -> u and doc.userId is u # Returns true if the user has verified at least one email address userValidated = (user) -> return no unless user? return yes for mail in user.emails when mail.verified is yes; no # Publish user's notes to each user. Meteor.publish "my-notes", -> if userValidated getUser(@userId) notes.find userId: @userId, archived: no Meteor.publish "archive", -> if userValidated getUser(@userId) notes.find userId: @userId, archived: yes # Database Permissions # Allow all users to insert, update and remove their notes. notes.allow insert: isUsers, update: isUsers, remove: isUsers # Methods that the clients can invoke Meteor.methods resendConfirmEmail: -> u = getUser(@userId) if not u console.log "Validating nonexisting user!"; return no if userValidated(u) is no Accounts.sendVerificationEmail @userId console.log "Sent verification email to "+u.emails[0].address return yes else console.log "User "+u.emails[0].address+" already validated." return no deleteMe: -> if @userId Meteor.users.remove @userId # Automagically log out the user by invalidating every token he has Meteor.users.update {_id: @userId}, {$set : { "resume.loginTokens" : [] } }, { multi: yes } return yes else no