You don't have any notes, try adding a new one!
{{/if}} {{> noteadder }} {{#unless empty}}This is your archive.
Click on a note to bring it back to the homepage.
{{/unless}}Your archive is empty
{{else}}Password must be at least 8 characters. You will need to confirm your email.
Home {{/if}}Date Format
You can choose the format used to write and read dates in the note list
{{#if APIAvailable}}API Key
If you want to be able to use our RESTful API or an application that uses it (such as our awesome command line client) you need to input an API Key here that will allow the programs to read, write and delete all your notes.
you can change this key any time or remove it completely by leaving this field blank.
{{/if}}Click the link inside the email we sent you or paste it here:
This app is Free Software, under the MIT License
Built by Enrico Fasoli (v{{version}})
A fast, free, organized way to manage your school tasks.
{{#if loading}}{{> loading}}{{/if}}