#!/usr/bin/env node var request = require('request') var chalk = require('chalk') var cli = require('commander') var moment = require('moment') cli .version('1.3.0') .description('interact with a running instance of Homework (by default homework.meteor.com)') .usage('[command] [arguments]') .option('-k, --key ','use given api key') .option('-u, --url ','use given api endpoint instead of http://homework.meteor.com/api') .option('-v, --verbose', 'be more verbose') .option('-i, --id', 'show item IDs') .option('-d, --delete [otherids...]', 'delete note(s) with given id') .option('-s, --silent',"don't print note list") .option('-a, --archived','view archived notes') cli .command('new [content]') .description('create a new note') .option('--date <date>', 'the due date for the program') .action(postNote) cli.parse(process.argv) var baseurl = (cli.url || 'http://homework.meteor.com/api') + '/' + cli.key if(!cli.key){ console.log(chalk.red("Invalid API key")); cli.help() } function postNote(title,content,options){ request.post({uri: (cli.url || 'http://homework.meteor.com/api') + '/' + cli.key, json: { title: title, content: content, date: options.date || false }},function(error,response,body){ if(error) console.log(chalk.red("Error: ") + chalk.bold(error)) else if(cli.verbose) console.log(chalk.bold("Response: ") + JSON.stringify(body)) if(body.error) console.log(chalk.red("Error: ") + chalk.bold(body.error)) else console.log(chalk.green("Inserted note: " + chalk.bold(body.inserted))) }) } function notes(archived,callback){ if(cli.verbose) console.log(chalk.bold('URL: ') + baseurl) request({ uri: baseurl + (archived?'/archived':''), json: true }, function(error,response,body){ if(error) console.log(chalk.red("Error: ") + chalk.bold(error)) else if(cli.verbose) console.log(chalk.bold("Response: ") + JSON.stringify(body)) var ret = "" if(body.forEach){ body.forEach(function(x){ var date = x.date if(date != false) date = moment.unix(x.date).format('DD/MM/YYYY') var str = '\n' + chalk.green('- ') + chalk.bold(x.title) if(date != false) str += ' (' + chalk.yellow("Due: ") + chalk.underline(date) + ')' if(cli.id) str += ' (' + chalk.bold('ID: ') + chalk.underline(x._id) + ')' if(archived) str += ' (' + chalk.green('archived') + ')' if(x.content) str += '\n\t' + chalk.green(x.content) ret += str.substring(1) + '\n' }) } else callback(body) callback(ret.substring(0,ret.length-1)) }) } function delNotes(list){ var deleted = 0 list.forEach(function(x){ request.del({ uri: baseurl+'/'+x, json: true },function(error,response,body){ if(error) console.log(chalk.red("Error: ") + chalk.bold(error)) else if(cli.verbose) console.log(chalk.bold("Response: ") + JSON.stringify(body)) if(body.error) console.log(chalk.red("Error:") + obj.error) else deleted += body.deleted }) }) console.log(chalk.green('Delete: ') + chalk.bold(deleted) + ' notes deleted from the database') if(!cli.silent) console.log() } if(cli.delete) delNotes(cli.delete.split(' ')) if(!cli.silent) notes(cli.archived || false, console.log)