var robot = require("robotjs"); //used to simulate key taps var express = require('express'); //used to accept http requests var app = express(); //Used to show hosting IPs: var os = require('os'); var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces(); var addresses = []; // // Needed to make static files in the public folder (like css) visible to clients app.use(express.static('public')); //Tap spacebar for pause and resume: app.get("/playpause/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("space") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) //Tap F for fullscreen: app.get("/fullscreen/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("f") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) //Tap left arrow for rewind: app.get("/back/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("left") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) //Tap right arrow for fast forward: app.get("/forward/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("right") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) //Tap volume down: app.get("/audiodown/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("audio_vol_down") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) //Tap mute audio: app.get("/mute/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("audio_mute") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) //Tap volume up: app.get("/audioup/", function (request, response) { robot.keyTap("audio_vol_up") // OK to client response.writeHead(200); response.end(""); }) // // Send HTML page to generic get requests app.get("/", function (request, response) { response.sendFile('/public/index.html'); }); app.listen(80) console.log("Avviato sulla porta 80 degli indirizzi: ") for (var k in interfaces) { for (var k2 in interfaces[k]) { var address = interfaces[k][k2]; if ( === 'IPv4' && !address.internal) { addresses.push(address.address); } } } console.log(addresses);