--- title: Testing for a Landau distribution date: \today author: - Giulia Marcer - Michele Guerini Rocco institute: - Università di Milano-Bicocca theme: metropolis themeoptions: - titleformat=allcaps - block=fill aspectratio: 169 fontsize: 12pt mainfont: Fira Sans mainfontoptions: - BoldFont=Fira Sans SemiBold mathfont: FiraMath-Regular references: - type: article-journal id: trapani15 author: family: Trapani given: Lorenzo title: Testing for (in)finite moments container-title: Journal of Econometrics issued: year: 2015 - type: book id: silver86 author: family: Silverman given: Bernard W. title: Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis issued: year: 1986 - id: robertson74 type: article-journal author: - family: Robertson given: Tim - family: Cryer given: Jonathan D issued: - year: 1974 title: An iterative procedure for estimating the mode container-title: Journal of the American Statistical Association volume: 69 issue: 348 header-includes: | ```{=latex} %% Colors \definecolor{mDarkTeal} {HTML}{020202} \definecolor{mLightBrown}{HTML}{C49D4A} \definecolor{mDarkRed} {HTML}{92182B} \definecolor{cyclamen} {HTML}{92182B} \definecolor{green} {HTML}{60AC39} \definecolor{red} {HTML}{D73737} \definecolor{blue} {HTML}{6684E1} \definecolor{yellow} {HTML}{CFB017} \setbeamercolor{frametitle}{bg=mDarkRed} % no bold titles \setbeamerfont{title}{series=\mdseries} \setbeamerfont{section title}{series=\mdseries} \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{series=\mdseries} % trick to put markdown inside LaTeX \let\Begin\begin \let\End\end % workaround issue matze/mtheme#371 \def\sectionpage{ \centering \begin{minipage}{22em} \raggedright \usebeamercolor[fg]{section title} \usebeamerfont{section title} \MakeUppercase{\insertsectionhead\\[-1ex]} \usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in section page} \end{minipage} \par \vspace{\baselineskip} } % don't hide animation completely \setbeamercovered{transparent} % strike macro \usepackage{ulem} \newcommand\strike{\bgroup\markoverwith{% \textcolor{mDarkRed}{\rule[0.5ex]{2pt}{1pt}}}\ULon} % center images \LetLtxMacro{\oldIncludegraphics}{\includegraphics} \renewcommand{\includegraphics}[2][]{ \centering \oldIncludegraphics[#1]{#2} } % multirow tables \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{booktabs} %% tikz setup \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} %% math macros % thus \DeclareMathOperator{\thus}{% \hspace{30pt} \Longrightarrow \hspace{30pt} } % hence \DeclareMathOperator{\hence}{% \quad \longrightarrow \quad } % and \DeclareMathOperator{\et}{% \hspace{30pt} \wedge \hspace{30pt} } % with \DeclareMathOperator{\with}{% \hspace{30pt} \text{with} \hspace{30pt} } % expected \DeclareMathOperator{\ex}{% ^{\text{exp}} } % observed \DeclareMathOperator{\ob}{% ^{\text{obs}} } % red colored \newcommand{\red}[1]{% \textcolor{red}{#1} } % green colored \newcommand{\gre}[1]{% \textcolor{green}{#1} } ``` csl: ../notes/docs/bibliography.csl ...