#include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* The Euler-Mascheroni constant is here computed to * arbitrary precision using GMP rational numbers * and the standard Brent-McMillan algorithm. * * γ = A(N)/B(N) - C(N)/B(N)² - log(N) * * where: * * A(N) = Σ_(k = 1)^(k_max) (N^k/k!)² * H(k) * B(N) = Σ_(k = 0)^(k_max) (N^k/k!)² * C(N) = 1/4N Σ_(k = 0)^(2N) ((2k)!)^3/((k!)^4*(16N))^2k * H(k) = Σ_(j = 1)^(k) (1/k), the k-th harmonic number * * The error of the estimation is given by * * Δ(N) = 5/12 √(2π) exp(-8N)/√x * * so, given a number D of decimal digits to compute we ask * that the error be smaller than 10^-D. The smallest integer * to solve the inequality can be proven to be * * N = floor(W(5π/9 10^(2D + 1))/16) + 1 * * where W is the principal value of the Lambert W function. * * The number of series terms needed to reduce the error, due to * to less than 10^-D is α⋅2^p where α is the solution of: * * α log(α) = 3 + α ⇒ α = exp(W(3e) - 1) ≈ 4.97 * * source: Precise error estimate of the Brent-McMillan algorithm for * the computation of Euler's constant, Jean-Pierre Demailly. */ /* Approximation of the Lambert W(x) function at large values * where x = 5π/9 10^(2D + 1). The expression of x has been * inlined and optimized to avoid overflowing on large D. * * Note: from x>10 this is an overestimate of W(x), which is * good for the application below. * * source: "On the Lambert W function", Corless et al. */ double lambertW_large(size_t digits) { double L1 = log(5*M_PI/9) + (2*digits + 1)*log(10); double L2 = log(L1); return L1 - L2 + L2/L1 + (L2 - 2)/(2*L1*L1) + L2*(3*L2*L2*L2 - 22*L2*L2 + 36*L2 - 12)/(12*L1*L1*L1*L1); } /* `mpq_dec_str(z, n)` * returns the decimal representation of the * rational z as a string, up to n digits. */ char* mpq_dec_str(mpq_t z, size_t mantissa_size) { mpz_t num, den, quot, rem; mpz_inits(num, den, quot, rem, NULL); // calculate integral part mpq_get_num(num, z); mpq_get_den(den, z); mpz_tdiv_qr(quot, rem, num, den); // store the integral part size_t integral_size = mpz_sizeinbase(quot, 10); char* repr = calloc(integral_size + 1 + mantissa_size + 1, sizeof(char)); mpz_get_str(repr, 10, quot); // add decimal point repr[integral_size] = '.'; // calculate the mantissa mpz_t cur; mpz_init(cur); size_t digit; for (size_t i = 0; i < mantissa_size; i++) { // calculate i-th digit as: // digit = (remainder * 10) / denominator // new_ramainder = (remainder * 10) % denominator mpz_set(cur, rem); mpz_mul_ui(cur, rem, 10); mpz_tdiv_qr(quot, rem, cur, den); // store digit in mantissa digit = mpz_get_ui(quot); sprintf(repr + integral_size + 1 + i, "%ld", digit); } // free memory mpz_clears(num, den, quot, rem, cur, NULL); return repr; } /* printf() like function with special conversion %q, which * prints the deciamal expansion of mpq_t rational numbers. * The second argument is the number of digits shown. */ void mpq_fprintf(FILE *fp, size_t digits, char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char* str; char fmtc[2] = "%x"; for (char* p = fmt; *p; p++) { if (*p != '%') { fprintf(fp, "%c", *p); continue; } switch (*++p) { case 's': str = va_arg(args, char*); fputs(str, fp); break; case 'l': if (*++p == 'd') fprintf(fp, "%ld", va_arg(args, size_t)); break; case 'q': str = mpq_dec_str(*va_arg(args, mpq_t*), digits); fputs(str, fp); free(str); break; default: fmtc[1] = *p; gmp_fprintf(fp, fmtc, *va_arg(args, mpq_t*)); } } va_end(args); } /* `mpq_log2(z, D)` * calculate log(2) to D decimal places * using the series * * log(2) = Σ_{k=1} 1/(k 2^k) * * The error of the n-th partial sum is * estimated as * * Δn = 1/(n(n+2) 2^(n-1)). * * So to fix the first D decimal places * we evaluate up to n terms such that * * Δn < 1/10^D */ void mpq_log2(mpq_t rop, size_t digits) { mpq_t sum, term; mpq_inits(sum, term, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "[mpq_log2] decimal digits: %ld\n", digits); /* calculate n, the number of required terms */ size_t n; mpz_t temp, prec, width; mpz_inits(temp, prec, width, NULL); // prec = 10^digits mpz_ui_pow_ui(prec, 10, digits + 2); for (n = 1;; n++) { // width = n*(n + 2)*2^(n - 1) mpz_set_ui(width, n); mpz_set_ui(temp, n); mpz_add_ui(temp, temp, 2); mpz_mul(width, width, temp); mpz_sub_ui(temp, temp, 3); mpz_mul_2exp(width, width, mpz_get_ui(temp)); if (mpz_cmp(width, prec) > 0) break; } fprintf(stderr, "[mpq_log2] series terms: %ld\n", n); /* Compute the nth partial sum */ for (size_t i=1; i<=n; i++) { mpq_set_ui(term, 1, 1); mpz_ui_pow_ui(mpq_denref(term), 2, i); mpz_mul_ui(mpq_denref(term), mpq_denref(term), i); mpq_add(sum, sum, term); } /* Compute upper/lower bounds */ mpq_t upp, low; mpq_inits(upp, low, NULL); // upp = sum + term mpq_add(upp, sum, term); // low = sum + term * n/(n+2) mpz_mul_ui(mpq_numref(low), mpq_numref(term), n); mpz_mul_ui(mpq_denref(low), mpq_denref(term), n+2); mpq_canonicalize(low); mpq_add(low, sum, low); /* Average the two bounds */ mpq_add(sum, upp, low); mpz_mul_ui(mpq_denref(sum), mpq_denref(sum), 2); mpq_canonicalize(sum); size_t d = digits > 50 ? 50 : digits; mpq_fprintf(stderr, d+2, "[mpq_log2] upper bound: %q...\n", &upp); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d+2, "[mpq_log2] lower bound: %q...\n", &low); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d, "[mpq_log2] log(2)=%q...\n", &sum); // return sum mpq_set(rop, sum); // free memory mpq_clears(sum, term, upp, low, NULL); mpz_clears(temp, prec, width, NULL); } /* `mpq_log_ui(z, x, D)` * calculates the logarithm of x up * to D decimal places using the formula * * log(x) = log(a(x) * 2^(n-1)) * = log(a) + (n-1) log(2) * * where 1 0) break; } fprintf(stderr, "[mpq_log_ui] series terms: %ld\n", n); fprintf(stderr, "[mpq_log_ui] decimal digits: %ld\n", digits); /* Compute the nth partial sum of * log(A) = log((1+y)/(1-y)) = 2 Σ_{k=0} y^(2k+1)/(2k+1) */ mpq_t sum, term; mpq_inits(sum, term, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i <= n; i++) { // numerator: y^(2i+1) mpq_set(temp, y); mpz_pow_ui(mpq_numref(temp), mpq_numref(temp), 2*i + 1); mpz_pow_ui(mpq_denref(temp), mpq_denref(temp), 2*i + 1); mpq_canonicalize(temp); mpq_set(term, temp); // denominator: 2i+1 mpq_set_ui(temp, 2*i + 1, 1); mpq_div(term, term, temp); // sum the term mpq_add(sum, sum, term); } /* Compute the upper and lower bounds */ mpq_t upp, low; mpq_inits(upp, low, NULL); // upp = sum + term * y2/(1-y2) mpq_mul(upp, term, y2); mpq_set_ui(temp, 1, 1); mpq_sub(temp, temp, y2); mpq_div(upp, upp, temp); mpq_add(upp, sum, upp); // low = sum + term / ((2*n + 3)/(2*n + 1)*y^-2 - 1) mpq_set_ui(temp, 2*n + 3, 2*n + 1); mpq_div(temp, temp, y2); mpz_sub(mpq_numref(temp), mpq_numref(temp), mpq_denref(temp)); mpq_canonicalize(temp); mpq_div(low, term, temp); mpq_add(low, sum, low); /* Average the two bounds * Note: we don't divive the sum by 2 because we * actually need 2 Σ_{k=0} y^(2k+1)/(2k+1). */ mpq_add(sum, low, upp); size_t d = digits > 50 ? 50 : digits; mpq_fprintf(stderr, d+2, "[mpq_log_ui] upper bound: %q...\n", upp); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d+2, "[mpq_log_ui] lower bound: %q...\n", low); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d, "[mpq_log_ui] series: %q...\n", sum); // series += log(2)*(m-1) mpq_add(sum, sum, log2); mpq_set(rop, sum); mpq_fprintf(stderr, digits > 50 ? 50 : digits, "[mpq_log_ui] log(%ld)=%q...\n", x, sum); // free memory mpq_clears(a, y, temp, sum, term, log2, y4, y2, y2n, t1, t2, NULL); mpz_clears(xz, power, NULL); } /* A series */ void a_series(mpq_t rop, size_t N) { mpq_t sum, term, factq, harm, recip; mpz_t fact, power, stop; mpq_inits(sum, term, factq, harm, recip, NULL); mpz_inits(fact, power, stop, NULL); mpz_set_ui(stop, N); mpz_set_ui(fact, 1); mpz_set_ui(power, 1); for (size_t k = 0; k < 5*N; k++) { if (k > 0) { mpz_mul_ui(fact, fact, k); mpz_mul(power, power, stop); } mpq_set_z(term, power); mpq_set_z(factq, fact); mpq_div(term, term, factq); mpq_mul(term, term, term); if (k > 0) mpq_set_ui(recip, 1, k); mpq_add(harm, harm, recip); mpq_mul(term, term, harm); mpq_add(sum, sum, term); } mpq_set(rop, sum); // free memory mpq_clears(sum, term, factq, harm, recip, NULL); mpz_clears(fact, power, stop, NULL); } /* B series */ void b_series(mpq_t rop, size_t N){ mpq_t sum, term, factq; mpz_t fact, power, stop; mpq_inits(sum, term, factq, NULL); mpz_inits(fact, power, stop, NULL); mpz_set_ui(stop, N); mpz_set_ui(fact, 1); mpz_set_ui(power, 1); for (size_t k = 0; k < 5*N; k++) { if (k > 0) { mpz_mul_ui(fact, fact, k); mpz_mul(power, power, stop); } mpq_set_z(term, power); mpq_set_z(factq, fact); mpq_div(term, term, factq); mpq_mul(term, term, term); mpq_add(sum, sum, term); } mpq_set(rop, sum); // free memory mpq_clears(sum, term, factq, NULL); mpz_clears(fact, power, stop, NULL); } /* C series */ void c_series(mpq_t rop, size_t N) { mpq_t sum, term, stop2, fact2q; mpz_t fact1, pfact1, fact2, pfact2, power, stop1; mpq_inits(sum, term, stop2, fact2q, NULL); mpz_inits(fact1, pfact1, fact2, pfact2, power, stop1, NULL); mpq_set_ui(stop2, 4*N, 1); mpz_set_ui(fact1, 1); mpz_set_ui(fact2, 1); mpz_set_ui(stop1, 1); for (size_t k = 0; k <= 2*N; k++) { if (k > 0) { mpz_mul_ui(fact1, fact1, 2*k * (2*k - 1)); mpz_mul_ui(fact2, fact2, k); mpz_mul_ui(stop1, stop1, 16*N); mpz_mul_ui(stop1, stop1, 16*N); } mpz_pow_ui(pfact1, fact1, 3); mpz_pow_ui(pfact2, fact2, 4); mpz_mul(pfact2, pfact2, stop1); mpq_set_z(term, pfact1); mpq_set_z(fact2q, pfact2); mpq_div(term, term, fact2q); mpq_add(sum, sum, term); } mpq_div(sum, sum, stop2); mpq_set(rop, sum); // free memory mpq_clears(sum, term, stop2, fact2q, NULL); mpz_clears(fact1, pfact1, fact2, pfact2, power, stop1, NULL); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { /* if no argument is given, show the usage */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s D\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Computes γ up to D decimal places.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // requested decimal digits size_t D = atol(argv[1]); // Brent-McMillan number N size_t N = lambertW_large(D)/16 + 1; mpq_t exact, indicator; mpq_inits(exact, indicator, NULL); // value of γ up to 500 digits mpq_set_str( exact, "47342467929426395252720948664321583815681737620205" "78046578043524355342995304421105234825234769529727" "60710541774258570118818437511973945213031180449905" "77067110892216494927227098092412641670668896104172" "59380467495735805599918127376547804186055507379270" "09659478275476110597673948659342592173551684412254" "47940426607883070678658320829056222506449877887289" "02099638646695565284675455912794915138438516540912" "22061900908485016328626399040675802962645141413722" "567840383761005003563012969560659130635723002086605/" "82018681765164048732047980836753451023877954010252" "60062364748361667340168652059998708337602423525120" "45225158774173869894826877890589130978987229877889" "33367849273189687823618289122425446493605087108634" "04387981302669131224273324182166778131513056804533" "58955006355665628938266331979307689540884269372365" "76288367811322713649805442241450184023209087215891" "55369788474437679223152173114447113970483314961392" "48250188991402851129033493732164230227458717486395" "514436574417275149404197774547389507462779807727616", 10); // number with decimal expansion equal to // 0123456789 periodic: useful to count digits mpq_set_str( indicator, "137174210/1111111111", 10); fprintf(stderr, "[main] N: %ld\n", N); /* calculate series */ mpq_t A, B, C; mpq_inits(A, B, C, NULL); clock_t begin, end; double time_a, time_b, time_c, time_log; begin = clock(); a_series(A, N); end = clock(); time_a = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; fprintf(stderr, "[main] a series time: %gs\n", time_a); begin = clock(); b_series(B, N); end = clock(); time_b = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; fprintf(stderr, "[main] b series time: %gs\n", time_b); begin = clock(); c_series(C, N); end = clock(); time_c = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; fprintf(stderr, "[main] c series time: %gs\n", time_c); /* calculate γ... */ mpq_t gamma, corr, logn; mpq_inits(gamma, corr, logn, NULL); begin = clock(); mpq_log_ui(logn, N, D); end = clock(); time_log = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; fprintf(stderr, "[main] log(n) time: %gs\n", time_log); fprintf(stderr, "[main] total time: %gs\n", time_a + time_b + time_c + time_log); mpq_div(gamma, A, B); mpq_div(corr, C, B); mpq_div(corr, corr, B); mpq_sub(gamma, gamma, corr); mpq_sub(gamma, gamma, logn); /* calculate difference */ mpq_t diff; mpq_init(diff); mpq_sub(diff, gamma, exact); /* print results */ size_t d = D+1 > 100 ? 100 : D+1; mpq_fprintf(stderr, d, "[main] approx:\t%q...\n", gamma); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d, "[main] exact:\t%q...\n", exact); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d, "[main] diff:\t%q...\n", diff); mpq_fprintf(stderr, d, "[main] digits:\t%q\n", indicator); mpq_fprintf(stdout, D, "%q\n", gamma); // free memory mpq_clears(A, B, C, gamma, corr, logn, exact, indicator, diff, NULL); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }