# Exercise 6 ## Generating points according to Fraunhöfer diffraction The diffraction of a plane wave through a round slit is to be simulated by generating $N =$ 50'000 points according to the intensity distribution $I(\theta)$ [@hecht02] on a screen at a great distance $L$ from the slit itself (see @fig:slit): $$ I(\theta) = \frac{E^2}{2} \left( \frac{2 \pi a^2 \cos{\theta}}{L} \frac{J_1(x)}{x} \right)^2 \with x = k a \sin{\theta} $$ where: - $E$ is the electric field amplitude, default set $E = \SI{1e4}{V/m}$; - $a$ is the radius of the slit aperture, default set $a = \SI{0.01}{m}$; - $\theta$ is the angle specified in @fig:slit; - $J_1$ is the Bessel function of first kind; - $k$ is the wavenumber, default set $k = \SI{1e-4}{m^{-1}}$; - $L$ default set $L = \SI{1}{m}$. \begin{figure} \hypertarget{fig:slit}{% \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \definecolor{cyclamen}{RGB}{146, 24, 43} % Walls \draw [thick] (-1,3) -- (1,3) -- (1,0.3) -- (1.2,0.3) -- (1.2,3) -- (9,3); \draw [thick] (-1,-3) -- (1,-3) -- (1,-0.3) -- (1.2,-0.3) -- (1.2,-3) -- (9,-3); \draw [thick] (10,3) -- (9.8,3) -- (9.8,-3) -- (10,-3); % Lines \draw [thick, gray] (0.7,0.3) -- (0.5,0.3); \draw [thick, gray] (0.7,-0.3) -- (0.5,-0.3); \draw [thick, gray] (0.6,0.3) -- (0.6,-0.3); \draw [thick, gray] (1.2,0) -- (9.8,0); \draw [thick, gray] (1.2,-0.1) -- (1.2,0.1); \draw [thick, gray] (9.8,-0.1) -- (9.8,0.1); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (1.2,0) -- (9.8,-2); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (7,0) to [out=-90, in=50] (6.6,-1.23); % Nodes \node at (0,0) {$2a$}; \node at (5.5,0.4) {$L$}; \node [cyclamen] at (5.5,-0.4) {$\theta$}; \node [rotate=-90] at (10.2,0) {screen}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Fraunhöfer diffraction.}\label{fig:slit} } \end{figure} Once again, the *hit-miss* method described in @sec:3 was implemented and the same procedure about the generation of $\theta$ was applied. This time, though, $\theta$ must be evenly distributed on half sphere, hence: \begin{align*} \frac{d^2 P}{d\omega^2} = const = \frac{1}{2 \pi} &\thus d^2 P = \frac{1}{2 \pi} d\omega^2 = \frac{1}{2 \pi} d\phi \sin{\theta} d\theta \\ &\thus \frac{dP}{d\theta} = \int_0^{2 \pi} d\phi \frac{1}{2 \pi} \sin{\theta} = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \sin{\theta} \, 2 \pi = \sin{\theta} \end{align*} \begin{align*} \theta = \theta (x) &\thus \frac{dP}{d\theta} = \frac{dP}{dx} \cdot \left| \frac{dx}{d\theta} \right| = \left. \frac{dP}{dx} \middle/ \, \left| \frac{d\theta}{dx} \right| \right. \\ &\thus \sin{\theta} = \left. 1 \middle/ \, \left| \frac{d\theta}{dx} \right| \right. \end{align*} If $\theta$ is chosen to grew together with $x$, then the absolute value can be omitted: \begin{align*} \frac{d\theta}{dx} = \frac{1}{\sin{\theta}} &\thus d\theta \sin(\theta) = dx \\ &\thus - \cos (\theta') |_{0}^{\theta} = x(\theta) - x(0) = x - 0 = x \\ &\thus - \cos(\theta) + 1 =x \\ &\thus \theta = \text{acos} (1 -x) \end{align*} The so obtained sample was binned and stored in a histogram with a customizable number $n$ of bins (default set $n = 150$) ranging from $\theta = 0$ to $\theta = \pi/2$ because of the system symmetry. In @fig:original an example is shown. {#fig:original} ## Gaussian convolution {#sec:convolution} In order to simulate the instrumentation response, the sample was then smeared with a Gaussian function with the aim to recover the original sample afterwards, implementing a deconvolution routine. For this purpose, a 'kernel' histogram with an even number $m$ of bins and the same bin width of the previous one, but a smaller number of them ($m \sim 6\% \, n$), was generated according to a Gaussian distribution with mean $\mu = 0$ and variance $\sigma$. The reason why the kernel was set this way will be discussed shortly. Then, the original histogram was convolved with the kernel in order to obtain the smeared signal. As an example, the result obtained for $\sigma = \Delta \theta$, where $\Delta \theta$ is the bin width, is shown in @fig:convolved. The smeared signal looks smoother with respect to the original one: the higher $\sigma$, the greater the smoothness. {#fig:convolved} The convolution was implemented as follow. Consider the definition of convolution of two functions $f(x)$ and $g(x)$: $$ f * g (x) = \int \limits_{- \infty}^{+ \infty} dy f(y) g(x - y) $$ Since a histogram is made of discrete values, a discrete convolution of the signal ($s$) and the kernel ($k$) must be computed. Hence, the procedure boils down to an element wise product between $s$ and the flipped histogram of $k$ (from the last bin to the first one) for each relative position of the two histograms. Namely, if $c_i$ is the $i^{\text{th}}$ bin of the convolved histogram: $$ c_i = \sum_{j = 0}^{m - 1} k_j s_{i - j} = \sum_{j' = m - 1}^{0} k_{m - 1 - j'} s_{i - m + 1 + j'} \with j' = m - 1 - j $$ For a better understanding, see @fig:dot_conv: the third histogram turns out with $n + m - 1$ bins, a number greater than the original one. \begin{figure} \hypertarget{fig:dot_conv}{% \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \definecolor{cyclamen}{RGB}{146, 24, 43} % original histogram \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (0.0,0) rectangle (0.5,2.5); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.0,2.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.0,0) rectangle (1.5,2.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.5,0) rectangle (2.0,1.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (2.0,0) rectangle (2.5,1.4); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (2.5,0) rectangle (3.0,1.0); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (3.0,0) rectangle (3.5,1.0); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (3.5,0) rectangle (4.0,0.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (4.0,0) rectangle (4.5,0.4); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (4.5,0) rectangle (5.0,0.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (5.0,0) rectangle (5.5,0.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (6.0,0) -- (6.0,0.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (6.5,0) -- (6.5,0.2); \draw [thick, <->] (0,3.3) -- (0,0) -- (7,0); % kernel histogram \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.0,-1) rectangle (1.5,-1.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.5,-1) rectangle (2.0,-1.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (2.0,-1) rectangle (2.5,-1.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (2.5,-1) rectangle (3.0,-1.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (3.0,-1) rectangle (3.5,-1.2); \draw [thick, <->] (1,-2) -- (1,-1) -- (4,-1); % arrows \draw [thick, cyclamen, <->] (1.25,-0.2) -- (1.25,-0.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, <->] (1.75,-0.2) -- (1.75,-0.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, <->] (2.25,-0.2) -- (2.25,-0.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, <->] (2.75,-0.2) -- (2.75,-0.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, <->] (3.25,-0.2) -- (3.25,-0.8); \draw [thick, cyclamen, ->] (2.25,-2.0) -- (2.25,-4.2); % smeared histogram \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-1)}] \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (-1.0,-4.5) rectangle (-0.5,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] (-0.5,-4.5) rectangle ( 0.0,-4.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] ( 0.0,-4.5) rectangle ( 0.5,-2.0); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] ( 0.5,-4.5) rectangle ( 1.0,-1.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] ( 1.0,-4.5) rectangle ( 1.5,-2.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!05!white] ( 1.5,-4.5) rectangle ( 2.0,-2.9); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] ( 2.0,-4.5) rectangle ( 2.5,-3.4); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (3.0,-4.5) -- (3.0,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (3.5,-4.5) -- (3.5,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (4.0,-4.5) -- (4.0,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (4.5,-4.5) -- (4.5,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (5.0,-4.5) -- (5.0,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (5.5,-4.5) -- (5.5,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (6.0,-4.5) -- (6.0,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (6.5,-4.5) -- (6.5,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (7.0,-4.5) -- (7.0,-4.3); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (7.5,-4.5) -- (7.5,-4.3); \draw [thick, <->] (-1,-2.5) -- (-1,-4.5) -- (8,-4.5); \end{scope} % nodes \node [above] at (2.25,-5.5) {$c_i$}; \node [above] at (3.25,0) {$s_i$}; \node [above] at (1.95,0) {$s_{i-j}$}; \node [below] at (1.75,-1) {$k_j$}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Element wise product as a step of the convolution between the original signal (above) and the kernel (center). The final result is the lower fledging histogram.}\label{fig:dot_conv} } \end{figure} ## Unfolding with FFT Two different unfolding routines were implemented, one of which exploiting the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This method is based on the convolution theorem, according to which, given two functions $f(x)$ and $g(x)$: $$ \hat{F}[f * g] = \hat{F}[f] \cdot \hat{F}[g] $$ where $\hat{F}[\quad]$ stands for the Fourier transform of its argument. Being the histogram a discrete set of data, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) was applied. When dealing with arrays of discrete values, the theorem still holds if the two arrays have the same length and a cyclical convolution is applied. For this reason the kernel was 0-padded in order to make it the same length of the original signal. Besides, the 0-padding allows to avoid unpleasant side effects due to the cyclical convolution. In order to accomplish this procedure, both histograms were transformed into vectors. The implementation lies in the computation of the Fourier transform of the smeared signal and the kernel, the ratio between their transforms and the anti-transformation of the result: $$ \hat{F}[s * k] = \hat{F}[s] \cdot \hat{F}[k] \thus \hat{F} [s] = \frac{\hat{F}[s * k]}{\hat{F}[k]} $$ The FFT are efficient algorithms for calculating the DFT. Given a set of $n$ values {$z_j$}, each one is transformed into: $$ x_j = \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} z_k \exp \left( - \frac{2 \pi i j k}{n} \right) $$ where $i$ is the imaginary unit. The evaluation of the DFT is a matrix-vector multiplication $W \vec{z}$. A general matrix-vector multiplication takes $O(n^2)$ operations. FFT algorithms, instead, use a *divide-and-conquer* strategy to factorize the matrix into smaller sub-matrices. If $n$ can be factorized into a product of integers $n_1$, $n_2 \ldots n_m$, then the DFT can be computed in $O(n \sum n_i) < O(n^2)$ operations, hence the name. The inverse Fourier transform is thereby defined as: $$ z_j = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} x_k \exp \left( \frac{2 \pi i j k}{n} \right) $$ In GSL, `gsl_fft_complex_forward()` and `gsl_fft_complex_inverse()` are functions which allow to compute the forward and inverse transform, respectively. The inputs and outputs for the complex FFT routines are packed arrays of floating point numbers. In a packed array, the real and imaginary parts of each complex number are placed in alternate neighboring elements. In this special case, the sequence of values to be transformed is made of real numbers, hence Fourier transform is a complex sequence which satisfies: $$ z_k = z^*_{n-k} $$ where $z^*$ is the conjugate of $z$. A sequence with this symmetry is called 'half-complex'. This structure requires particular storage layouts for the forward transform (from real to half-complex) and inverse transform (from half-complex to real). As a consequence, the routines are divided into two sets: `gsl_fft_real` and `gsl_fft_halfcomplex`. The symmetry of the half-complex sequence requires only half of the complex numbers in the output to be stored. This works for all lengths: when the length is odd, the middle value is real. Thus, only $n$ real numbers are required to store the half-complex sequence (half for the real part and half for the imaginary). \begin{figure} \hypertarget{fig:reorder}{% \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \definecolor{cyclamen}{RGB}{146, 24, 43} % standard histogram \draw [thick, cyclamen] (0.5,0) -- (0.5,0.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.0,0) rectangle (1.5,0.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.5,0) rectangle (2.0,1.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (2.0,0) rectangle (2.5,1.4); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (2.5,0) rectangle (3.0,1.4); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (3.0,0) rectangle (3.5,1.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (3.5,0) rectangle (4.0,0.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen] (4.5,0) -- (4.5,0.2); \draw [thick, ->] (0,0) -- (5,0); \draw [thick, ->] (2.5,0) -- (2.5,2); % shifted histogram \begin{scope}[shift={(7,0)}] \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.0,1.4); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (1.5,0) rectangle (2.0,0.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (3.0,0) rectangle (3.5,0.6); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (3.5,0) rectangle (4.0,1.2); \draw [thick, cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!25!white] (4.0,0) rectangle (4.5,1.4); \draw [thick, ->] (0,0) -- (5,0); \draw [thick, ->] (2.5,0) -- (2.5,2); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \caption{The histogram on the right shows how the real numbers histogram on the left is handled by the dedicated GSL functions.}\label{fig:reorder} } \end{figure} If the bin width is $\Delta \theta$, then the DFT domain ranges from $-1 / (2 \Delta \theta)$ to $+1 / (2 \Delta \theta$). As regards the real values, the aforementioned GSL functions store the positive values from the beginning of the array up to the middle and the negative backwards from the end of the array (see @fig:reorder). Whilst do not matters if the convolved histogram has positive or negative values, the kernel must be centered in zero in order to compute a correct convolution. This requires the kernel to be made of an ever number of bins in order to be possible to cut it into two same-length halves. When $\hat{F}[s * k]$ and $\hat{F}[k]$ are computed, they are given in the half-complex GSL format and their normal format must be restored in order to use them as standard complex numbers and compute the ratio between them. Then, the result must return in the half-complex format for the inverse DFT computation. GSL provides the function `gsl_fft_halfcomplex_unpack()` which convert the vectors from half-complex format to standard complex format but the inverse procedure is not provided by GSL and was hence implemented in the code. At the end, the external bins which exceed the original signal size are cut away in order to restore the original number of bins $n$. Results will be discussed in @sec:conv_results. ## Unfolding with Richardson-Lucy The Richardson–Lucy (RL) deconvolution is an iterative procedure typically used for recovering an image that has been blurred by a known 'point spread function'. Consider the problem of estimating the frequency distribution $f(\xi)$ of a variable $\xi$ when the available measure is a sample {$x_i$} of points drown not by $f(x)$ but by another function $\phi(x)$ such that: $$ \phi(x) = \int d\xi \, f(\xi) P(x | \xi) $$ {#eq:conv} where $P(x | \xi) \, d\xi$ is the probability (presumed known) that $x$ falls in the interval $(x, x + dx)$ when $\xi = \xi$. If the so-called point spread function $P(x | \xi)$ follows a normal distribution with variance $\sigma$, namely: $$ P(x | \xi) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi} \sigma} \exp \left( - \frac{(x - \xi)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right) $$ then, @eq:conv becomes a convolution and finding $f(\xi)$ turns out to be a deconvolution. An example of this problem is precisely that of correcting an observed distribution $\phi(x)$ for the effect of observational errors, which are represented by the function $P (x | \xi)$. Let $Q(\xi | x) d\xi$ be the probability that $\xi$ comes from the interval $(\xi, \xi + d\xi)$ when the measured quantity is $x = x$. The probability that both $x \in (x, x + dx)$ and $(\xi, \xi + d\xi)$ is therefore given by $\phi(x) dx \cdot Q(\xi | x) d\xi$ which is identical to $f(\xi) d\xi \cdot P(x | \xi) dx$, hence: $$ \phi(x) dx \cdot Q(\xi | x) d\xi = f(\xi) d\xi \cdot P(x | \xi) dx \thus Q(\xi | x) = \frac{f(\xi) \cdot P(x | \xi)}{\phi(x)} $$ $$ \thus Q(\xi | x) = \frac{f(\xi) \cdot P(x | \xi)} {\int d\xi \, f(\xi) P(x | \xi)} $$ {#eq:first} which is the Bayes theorem for conditional probability. From the normalization of $P(x | \xi)$, it follows also that: $$ f(\xi) = \int dx \, \phi(x) Q(\xi | x) $$ {#eq:second} Since $Q (\xi | x)$ depends on $f(\xi)$, @eq:second suggests an iterative procedure for generating estimates of $f(\xi)$. With a guess for $f(\xi)$ and a known $P(x | \xi)$, @eq:first can be used to calculate and estimate for $Q (\xi | x)$. Then, taking the hint provided by @eq:second, an improved estimate for $f (\xi)$ can be generated, using the observed sample {$x_i$} to give an approximation for $\phi$. Thus, if $f^t$ is the $t^{\text{th}}$ estimate, the $t^{\text{th + 1}}$ is: $$ f^{t + 1}(\xi) = \int dx \, \phi(x) Q^t(\xi | x) \with Q^t(\xi | x) = \frac{f^t(\xi) \cdot P(x | \xi)} {\int d\xi \, f^t(\xi) P(x | \xi)} $$ from which: $$ f^{t + 1}(\xi) = f^t(\xi) \int dx \, \frac{\phi(x)}{\int d\xi \, f^t(\xi) P(x | \xi)} P(x | \xi) $$ {#eq:solution} When the spread function $P(x | \xi)$ is Gaussian, @eq:solution can be rewritten in terms of convolutions: $$ f^{t + 1} = f^{t}\left( \frac{\phi}{{f^{t}} * P} * P^{\star} \right) $$ where $P^{\star}$ is the flipped point spread function [@lucy74]. In this special case, the Gaussian kernel which was convolved with the original histogram stands for the point spread function. Dealing with discrete values, the division and multiplication are element wise and the convolution is to be carried out as described in @sec:convolution. When implemented, this method results in an easy step-wise routine: - choose a zero-order estimate for {$f(\xi)$}; - create a flipped copy of the kernel; - compute the convolutions, the product and the division at each step; - proceed until a given number $r$ of iterations is reached. In this case, the zero-order was set $f(\xi) = 0.5 \, \forall \, \xi$. Different number of iterations where tested. Results are discussed in @sec:conv_results. ## The earth mover's distance With the aim of comparing the two deconvolution methods, the similarity of a deconvolved outcome with the original signal was quantified using the earth mover's distance. In statistics, the earth mover's distance (EMD) is the measure of distance between two distributions [@cock41]. Informally, if one imagines the two distributions as two piles of different amount of dirt in their respective regions, the EMD is the minimum cost of turning one pile into the other, making the first one the most possible similar to the second one, where the cost is the amount of dirt moved times the distance by which it is moved. Computing the EMD is based on a solution to the transportation problem, which can be formalized as follows. Consider two vectors $P$ and $Q$ which represent the two distributions whose EMD has to be measured: $$ P = \{ (p_1, w_{p1}) \dots (p_m, w_{pm}) \} \et Q = \{ (q_1, w_{q1}) \dots (q_n, w_{qn}) \} $$ where $p_i$ and $q_i$ are the 'values' (that is, the location of the dirt) and $w_{pi}$ and $w_{qi}$ are the 'weights' (that is, the quantity of dirt). A ground distance matrix $D_{ij}$ is defined such as its entries $d_{ij}$ are the distances between $p_i$ and $q_j$. The aim is to find the flow matrix $F_{ij}$, where each entry $f_{ij}$ is the flow from $p_i$ to $q_j$ (which would be the quantity of moved dirt), which minimizes the cost $W$: $$ W (P, Q, F) = \sum_{i = 1}^m \sum_{j = 1}^n f_{ij} d_{ij} $$ The $Q$ region is to be considered empty at the beginning: the 'dirt' present in $P$ must be moved to $Q$ in order to reach the same distribution as close as possible. Namely, the following constraints must be satisfied: \begin{align*} &\text{1.} \hspace{20pt} f_{ij} \ge 0 \hspace{15pt} &1 \le i \le m \wedge 1 \le j \le n \\ &\text{2.} \hspace{20pt} \sum_{j = 1}^n f_{ij} \le w_{pi} &1 \le i \le m \\ &\text{3.} \hspace{20pt} \sum_{i = 1}^m f_{ij} \le w_{qj} &1 \le j \le n \\ &\text{4.} \hspace{20pt} \sum_{j = 1}^n f_{ij} \sum_{j = 1}^m f_{ij} \le w_{qj} = \text{min} \left( \sum_{i = 1}^m w_{pi}, \sum_{j = 1}^n w_{qj} \right) \end{align*} The first constraint allows moving dirt from $P$ to $Q$ and not vice versa; the second limits the amount of dirt moved by each position in $P$ in order to not exceed the available quantity; the third sets a limit to the dirt moved to each position in $Q$ in order to not exceed the required quantity and the last one forces to move the maximum amount of supplies possible: either all the dirt present in $P$ has been moved or the $Q$ distribution has been obtained. The total moved amount is the total flow. If the two distributions have the same amount of dirt, hence all the dirt present in $P$ is necessarily moved to $Q$ and the flow equals the total amount of available dirt. Once the transportation problem is solved and the optimal flow is found, the EMD is defined as the work normalized by the total flow: $$ \text{EMD} (P, Q) = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^m \sum_{j = 1}^n f_{ij} d_{ij}} {\sum_{i = 1}^m \sum_{j=1}^n f_{ij}} $$ In this case, where the EMD is to be measured between two same-length histograms, the procedure simplifies a lot. By representing both histograms with two vectors $u$ and $v$, the equation above boils down to [@ramdas17]: $$ \text{EMD} (u, v) = \sum_i |U_i - V_i| $$ where the sum runs over the entries of the vectors $U$ and $V$, which are the cumulative vectors of the histograms. In the code, the following equivalent iterative routine was implemented. $$ \text{EMD} (u, v) = \sum_i |\text{EMD}_i| \with \begin{cases} \text{EMD}_i = v_i - u_i + \text{EMD}_{i-1} \\ \text{EMD}_0 = 0 \end{cases} $$ In fact: \begin{align*} \text{EMD} (u, v) &= \sum_i |\text{EMD}_i| = |\text{EMD}_0| + |\text{EMD}_1| + |\text{EMD}_2| + |\text{EMD}_3| + \dots \\ &= 0 + |v_1 - u_1 + \text{EMD}_0| + |v_2 - u_2 + \text{EMD}_1| + |v_3 - u_3 + \text{EMD}_2| + \dots \\ &= |v_1 - u_1| + |v_1 - u_1 + v_2 - u_2| + |v_1 - u_1 + v_2 - u_2 + v_3 - u_3| + \dots \\ &= |v_1 - u_i| + |v_1 + v_2 - (u_1 + u_2)| + |v_1 + v_2 + v_3 - (u_1 + u_2 + u_3))| + \dots \\ &= |V_1 - U_1| + |V_2 - U_2| + |V_3 - U_3| + \dots \\ &= \sum_i |U_i - V_i| \end{align*} This simple formula enabled comparisons to be made between a great number of results. In order to make the code more flexible, the data were normalized before computing the EMD: in doing so, it is possible to compare even samples with a different number of points. ## Results comparison {#sec:conv_results} ### Noiseless results {#sec:noiseless} Along with the analysis of the results obtained varying the convolved Gaussian width $\sigma$, the possibility to add a Gaussian noise to the convolved histogram was also implemented to check weather the deconvolution is affected or not by this kind of interference. This approach is described in the next subsection, while the noiseless results are given in this one. The two methods were compared for three different values of $\sigma$: $$ \sigma = 0.1 \, \Delta \theta \et \sigma = 0.5 \, \Delta \theta \et \sigma = \Delta \theta $$ Since the RL method depends on the number $r$ of performed rounds, in order to find out how many of them it was sufficient or necessary to compute, the earth mover's distance between the deconvolved signal and the original one was measured for different $r$s for each of the three tested values of $\sigma$. To achieve this goal, a number of 1000 experiments (default and customizable value) were simulated and, for each of them, the original signal was convolved with the kernel, the appropriate $\sigma$ value set, and then deconvolved with the RL algorithm with a given $r$ and the EMD was measured. Then, an average of the so-obtained EMDs was computed together with the standard deviation. This procedure was repeated for a few tens of different $r$s till a flattening or a minimum of the curve became evident. Results in @fig:rounds-noiseless. The plots in @fig:rless-0.1 show the average (red) and standard deviation (grey) of the measured EMD for $\sigma = 0.1 \, \Delta \theta$. The number of iterations does not affect the quality of the outcome (those fluctuations are merely a fact of floating-points precision) and the best result is obtained for $r = 2$, meaning that the convergence of the RL algorithm is really fast and this is due to the fact that the histogram was modified pretty poorly. In @fig:rless-0.5, the curve starts to flatten at about 10 rounds, whereas in @fig:rless-1 a minimum occurs around \num{5e3} rounds, meaning that, whit such a large kernel, the convergence is very slow, even if the best results are close to the one found for $\sigma = 0.5$. The following $r$s were chosen as the most fitted: \begin{align*} \sigma = 0.1 \, \Delta \theta &\thus n^{\text{best}} = 2 \\ \sigma = 0.5 \, \Delta \theta &\thus n^{\text{best}} = 10 \\ \sigma = 1 \, \Delta \theta &\thus n^{\text{best}} = \num{5e3} \end{align*} Note the difference between @fig:rless-0.1 and the plots resulting from $\sigma = 0.5 \, \Delta \theta$ and $\sigma = \, \Delta \theta$ as regards the order of magnitude: the RL deconvolution is heavily influenced by the variance magnitude: the greater $\sigma$, the worse the deconvolved result. On the other hand, the FFT deconvolution procedure is not affected by $\sigma$ amplitude changes: it always gives the same outcome, which would be exactly the original signal, if the floating point precision would not affect the result. In fact, the FFT is the analytical result of the deconvolution.