diff --git a/slides/sections/5.md b/slides/sections/5.md index cd20c8a..e12f369 100644 --- a/slides/sections/5.md +++ b/slides/sections/5.md @@ -27,23 +27,20 @@ Quantify distance between expected and observed CDF. KS statistic: \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[>=Stealth] % empiric - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] (-2.5,0) rectangle (-1.5,0.5); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] (-1.5,0) rectangle (-0.9,1); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] (-0.9,0) rectangle (-0.6,1.5); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] (-0.6,0) rectangle ( 0.5,2); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] ( 0.5,0) rectangle ( 0.7,2.5); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] ( 0.7,0) rectangle ( 1.2,3); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] ( 1.2,0) rectangle ( 1.6,3.5); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] ( 1.6,0) rectangle ( 2.3,4); - \draw [cyclamen, fill=cyclamen!20!white] ( 2.3,0) rectangle ( 2.5,4.5); + \draw [cyclamen, thick, fill=cyclamen!20!white] + (-2.5,0) -- (-2.5,0.5) -- (-1.5,0.5) -- (-1.5,1) -- (-0.9,1) -- + (-0.9,1.5) -- (-0.1,1.5) -- (-0.1,2) -- (1,2) -- (1,2.5) -- + (1.2,2.5) -- (1.2,3) -- (1.3,3) -- (1.3,3.5) -- (1.6,3.5) -- + (1.6,4) -- (2.3,4) -- (2.3,4.5) -- (2.5,4.5) -- (2.5,0) -- + cycle; % points \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (-2.6,-0.1) rectangle (-2.4,0.1); %-2.5 \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (-1.6,-0.1) rectangle (-1.4,0.1); %-1.5 \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (-1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.8,0.1); %-0.9 - \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (-0.7,-0.1) rectangle (-0.5,0.1); %-0.6 - \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (0.4,-0.1) rectangle (0.6,0.1); % 0.5 - \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (0.6,-0.1) rectangle (0.8,0.1); % 0.7 + \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (-0.2,-0.1) rectangle (0,0.1); %-0.1 + \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (0.9,-0.1) rectangle (1.1,0.1); % 1 \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (1.1,-0.1) rectangle (1.3,0.1); % 1.2 + \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (1.2,-0.1) rectangle (1.4,0.1); % 1.3 \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (1.5,-0.1) rectangle (1.7,0.1); % 1.6 \draw [yellow!50!black, fill=yellow] (2.2,-0.1) rectangle (2.4,0.1); % 2.3 % expected @@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ Quantify distance between expected and observed CDF. KS statistic: \draw[domain=-2.5:2.5, yscale=5, smooth, variable=\x, yellow, very thick] plot ({\x}, {((atan(\x)*pi/180) + pi/2)/pi}); \pause - \draw [very thick, cyclamen, <->] (0.5,2.5) -- (0.5,3.25); + \draw [very thick, cyclamen, <->] (1,2.5) -- (1,3.75); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \setbeamercovered{transparent}