
293 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-03-06 02:24:32 +01:00
#include "common.h"
#include "chisquared.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_multifit_nlinear.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
/* Minimisation function
* The χ² is defined as
* χ² = |f|²
* = Σi fi²
* where fi = (Oi - Ei)/Ei are the residuals.
* This function takes the parameters (α,β,γ) as
* a gsl_vector `par`, the sample `data` and a
* gsl_vector `f`, that will store the results
* `fi`.
int chisquared_f(const gsl_vector *par,
void *data_, gsl_vector *f) {
struct hist data = *((struct hist*) data_);
struct event event;
double max, min;
double delta_th, delta_ph;
double expected, observed;
/* Loop over the (i,j) bins of the 2D histogram.
* The index k of the k-th component of f is actually:
* k = i * φbins + j
* Note: this is called the C-order.
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.h->nx; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < data.h->ny; j++) {
/* Get the bin ranges and width for θ,φ.
* The event is supposed to happen in the
* midpoint of the range.
gsl_histogram2d_get_xrange(data.h, i, &max, &min); = (max + min)/2;
delta_th = (max - min);
gsl_histogram2d_get_yrange(data.h, j, &max, &min); = (max + min)/2;
delta_ph = (max - min);
/* O = observed number of events in the k-th bin
* E = expected number of events in k-th bin
* E is given by:
* /---> total number of events
* /
* E = N F(α,β,γ; θ,φ) Δθ Δφ sin(θ)
* \__________________________/
* |
* `-> probability
observed = gsl_histogram2d_get(data.h, i, j);
expected = data.n * distr(par, &event)
* delta_th * delta_ph * sin(;
/* Return an error (invalid domain) if
* the current bin is empty. That would
* be division by zero.
if (expected < 0) {
//fprintf(stderr, "[warning] bin %ld:%ld p<0 (%.2g, %.2g, %.2g)\n",
// i, j, gsl_vector_get(par, 0),
// gsl_vector_get(par, 1),
// gsl_vector_get(par, 2));
expected = 1e-6;
f, i * data.h->ny + j,
(observed - expected)/sqrt(expected));
/* Jacobian function
* The gradient of the χ² function is:
* χ² = |f|²
* = 2 J^Tf
* where J is the jacobian of the (vector)
* function f. Its entries are given by
* 2 Jij = 2 fi/xj
* = -(Oi + Ei)/Ei 1/Fi (Fi)j
int chisquared_df(const gsl_vector *par,
void *data_, gsl_matrix *jac) {
struct hist data = *((struct hist*) data_);
struct event event;
double max, min;
double delta_th, delta_ph, prob;
double expected, observed;
gsl_vector *grad = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.h->nx; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < data.h->ny; j++) {
/* Get the bin ranges for θ,φ.
* The event is supposed to happen in the
* midpoint of the range.
gsl_histogram2d_get_xrange(data.h, i, &max, &min); = (max + min)/2;
delta_th = (max - min);
gsl_histogram2d_get_yrange(data.h, j, &max, &min); = (max + min)/2;
delta_ph = (max - min);
prob = distr(par, &event);
observed = gsl_histogram2d_get(data.h, i, j);
expected = data.n * prob * delta_th * delta_ph * sin(;
if (expected < 0)
expected = 1e-6;
if (observed == 0)
observed = 1;
/* Compute the gradient of F(α,β,γ; θi,φi),
* then rescale it and set it to the i-th row
* of the jacobian.
grad_distr(par, &event, grad);
-0.5*(observed + expected)/sqrt(expected) * 1/prob);
gsl_matrix_set_row(jac, i * data.h->ny + j, grad);
// free memory
/* This is a callback function called during
* the minimisation to show the current progress.
* It prints:
* 1. the condition number cond(J) of the jacobian
* 2. the reduced χ² value
* 3. the current parameters
void callback(const size_t iter, void *params,
const gsl_multifit_nlinear_workspace *w) {
gsl_vector *f = gsl_multifit_nlinear_residual(w);
gsl_vector *x = gsl_multifit_nlinear_position(w);
//if (iter % 4 != 0)
// return;
/* Compute the condition number of the
* jacobian and the reduced χ² (χ²/d).
double rcond, chi2;
int d = w->fdf->n - w->fdf->p;
gsl_multifit_nlinear_rcond(&rcond, w);
gsl_blas_ddot(f, f, &chi2);
fprintf(stderr, "%2ld\t", iter);
vector_fprint(stderr, x);
stderr, "\tcond(J)=%.4g, χ²/d=%.4g\n\n",
/* Minimum χ² estimation of of the parameters
* α,β,γ.
min_result minChiSquared(struct hist data) {
/* Initialise the function to be minimised */
gsl_multifit_nlinear_fdf chisquared;
chisquared.f = chisquared_f; // function
chisquared.df = chisquared_df; // gradient
chisquared.fvv = NULL; // something for geodesic accel.
chisquared.n = data.h->nx * data.h->ny; // numeber of data points
chisquared.p = 3; // numeber of data points
chisquared.params = &data; // histogram data
/* Initialise the minimisation workspace */
gsl_multifit_nlinear_parameters options =
gsl_multifit_nlinear_workspace *w =
gsl_multifit_nlinear_trust, // minimisation method
&options, // minimisation options
data.h->nx * data.h->ny, // number of data points
3); // number of (unknown) params
/* Set the starting point of the
* minimisation.
gsl_vector *par = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
gsl_vector_set(par, 0, 0.50); // α
gsl_vector_set(par, 1, 0.01); // β
gsl_vector_set(par, 2, -0.10); // γ
gsl_multifit_nlinear_init(par, &chisquared, w);
/* Configure the solver and run the minimisation
* using the high-level driver.
fputs("\n# least χ²\n\n", stderr);
int status, info;
status = gsl_multifit_nlinear_driver(
100, // max number of iterations
1e-8, // tolerance for step test: |δ| ≤ xtol(|x| + xtol)
1e-8, // tolerance for gradient test: max |∇i⋅ xi| ≤ gtol⋅xi
1e-8, // tolerance for norm test
callback, // function called on each iteration
NULL, // callback parameters
&info, // stores convergence information
w); // minimisation workspace
fprintf(stderr, "status: %s\n", gsl_strerror(status));
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr, "info: %s\n", gsl_strerror(info));
fprintf(stderr, "iterations: %ld\n", gsl_multifit_nlinear_niter(w));
/* Store results in the min_result type.
* Note: We allocate a new vector/matrix for the
* parameters because `w->x` will be freed
* along with the workspace `w`.
min_result res;
res.par = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
res.err = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
res.cov = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3);
gsl_vector_memcpy(res.par, gsl_multifit_nlinear_position(w));
/* Compute the covariance of the fit parameters.
* The covariance Σ is estimated by
* Σ = H¹
* where H is the hessian of the χ², which is
* itself approximated by the jacobian as
* H = J^TJ
gsl_matrix *jac = gsl_multifit_nlinear_jac(w);
gsl_multifit_nlinear_covar(jac, 0.0, res.cov);
/* Compute the standard errors
* from the covariance matrix.
gsl_vector_const_view diagonal = gsl_matrix_const_diagonal(res.cov);
gsl_vector_memcpy(res.err, &diagonal.vector);
vector_map(&sqrt, res.err);
/* Compute the reduced χ² */
double chi2;
gsl_vector *f = gsl_multifit_nlinear_residual(w);
gsl_blas_ddot(f, f, &chi2);
chi2 /= chisquared.n - chisquared.p;
/* Print the results */
fputs("\n## results\n", stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "\n* χ²/d: %.3f\n", chi2);
fputs("\n* parameters:\n ", stderr);
vector_fprint(stderr, res.par);
fputs("\n* covariance:\n", stderr);
matrix_fprint(stderr, res.cov);
// free memory
return res;